
It struck me that you might have some thoughts or folks in your network who could help me research this. We continue to get rumours to this effect but I am not clear as to how to run them down. All suggestions are welcome.


 ----Original Message-----
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 10:10 AM
To: Ken Ryan
Subject: Was Collusion on the Capital Side Possible?

The question has surfaced several times in the last few weeks as to whether or not it was possible that Goldman Sachs was colluding with the Clinton Administration on the loan sales without the knowledge of the HUD loan sales team. The fact that Dan Hawke, Ervin's attorney from 1995-1999, was the son of Jerry Hawke (#3 at Treasury, then Comptroller, former head partner of Arnold & Porter where he was partner with Jack Quinn, former Gore chief of staff and White House Counsel) as well as recent developments on Goldman's role in Russian flight capital from 1995-97 and on the BONY shareholder suit has given energy to looking at this question. 
 What was feasible  given the facts that we know ?
 Fact One: Goldman and its bidding partners (BlackRock and others) won at the loan sales because they paid the highest price, with the exception that our optimization error may have disadvantaged them on one sale and advantaged them on net they were the loser in principal amount for the averaging in the programming of the floor definition.
Fact Two: The HUD Loan Sales team with Hamilton's help ran the auctions clean. The design of the process had so many checks and balances that bid rigging or insider trading was not possible. The winning prices and profits confirm this.
Fact Three: My efforts to persuade HUD to bid the single family one mortgage at a time were stopped by Chris Peterson's pleas that they could not handle the closings if small bidders did pay more. I was moved by the desire to increase prices and Barrons interest in giving us major coverage if we did it. Helen remembers that our folks (Huebscher, Ladd) we supportive of the $1 MM pool limit. Was Chris sincere, or did he have other motives? We don't know.
Fact Four: Goldman Sachs, according to the Center for Public Integrity, was, as of 1996, Bill Clinton's #1 lifetime campaign donation supporter.
Fact Five: HUD and OMB took full advantage of loan sales results to assume the most favorable credit reform treatment and to increase new originations, even after loan sales were suspended.
Fact Six: Nic Retsinas reported that the White House had illegally ordered him to not allow us to win new contracts (ie, to fire us). A reliable source said that they had ordered the Assistant Secretary of Administration to do the same. The timing on this would have been end of 1995/early 1996.
In this fact pattern, what collusion was theoretically possible?
It was possible that Treasury with or without the White House and DOJ could have colluded to ensure that Goldman (and bid partners  or other bidders such as GE and/or Lehman ) could bid above market as a result of:
1. low cost capital to bid with--this could have been accessible before or after the bid. The capital could have been accessible to Goldman in different areas, not necessarily used on this transaction, but arranged as --in essence--a "swap"
2. guaranteed take outs of portions of the portfolios won
3. expedited support from HUD and DOJ or other federal agencies on a variety of refinancing or other issues
In return, the Administration could have gotten:
1. Above market bids that would translate into liberal assumptions for credit reform (see description below) in a way that made much more HUD credit and budget profits available to the Administration than otherwise
2. Special treatment of parts of the portfolio in which the government and its covert networks had an interest (fraud. money laundering, SEC violations, tax relief)
3. Special treatment of parts of the portfolio in which friends of the DNC and Clinton campaign had an interest (fraud. money laundering, SEC violations, tax relief)
4. Special treatment of parts of the portfolio in which members of the Administration had an interest (fraud. money laundering, SEC violations, tax relief)
5. Campaign donations to the Clinton campaign, to the DNC, or to related campaigns...Teamsters, Russia
Under such a scenario, the repeated leaks that kept assuring that there was collusion on the loan sales could be explained as either coming from the Hunger, Hawke, Cuomo, Glasser networks, but including the highest levels of Treasury and OMB or indeed were from folks aware of collusion on the capital side (financing and take outs) as opposed to the auction side (bid and disclosure).
Our consensus belief  (Fitts, Betts, Blake, Dunlap) appears to be that a driving force in what has happened was the Democrat's desperation to raise money, starting in 1995-96. Cisneros was from Texas and running HUD relatively by the book. There was no way that he could help them win Texas in a 2000 race against Bush. In the meantime, someone like Cuomo could help them use HUD to win California, New York and Florida. Cuomo had raised money for his dad from the time he was 23. He knew the ropes and the HUD money well.    The elegance of what was done to the Cisneros team and us was that it shut down the clean guys at the same time it blamed them for whatever pork/corruption the new team wanted to do. The question is whether or not it also protected the Administration from charges of collusion on the capital side.
I think the thing that needs to be looked at is on credit reform on the single family bids. If Goldman could have bid up the recovery rates high enough, could that translate into credit reform assumptions on FHA (as well as possible VA and FmHA) that would translate into the Administrations ability to issue substantial volume increases in mortgage insurance new originations in a manner that would generate budget profits. So $billion spent on bidding above market could "create" $150 MM of new credit plus $5 billion of "surplus". A detailed review of the credit reform history on the single family side will show more.
The history of the FHA single family fund during the Clinton Administration is important to review in light of what we have seen in the money laundering area---essentially no enforcement effort on money laundering in mortgage banking and homebuilding combined with an explosion of FHA and federal credit with little objection from the private mortgage industry. The explosion of money laundering in the US during the Clinton Administration (to $500 billion a year), combined with the explosion of FHA credit at questionable credit reform assumptions combined with the complete absence of any money laundering enforcement in this area is worth looking into. Again, I should note that the resolution process that FHA switched to in 1998 of foreclosures is one in which the mortgage file is never sold to the new buyers. Also that Goldman was very successful on the single family side.
I would also like to compile a definitive record of Goldman's bidding and the bidding of its bidding partners. As well, I would like to look at  GE and Lehman's bidding record --any other active bidders . It is quite possible that the Administration could use more than one firm and that might explain the tight bidding reported between Lehman and Goldman.
Comments and questions welcome. Again, I am not trying to imply that there was collusion, simply understand what was possible and whether or not the patterns support such a possibility.


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