-Caveat Lector-

Chinese jets intercept U.S. Navy plane

The U.S. Navy says the EP-3 aircraft was involved in a routine surveillance

April 1, 2001
Web posted at: 7:12 AM EDT (1112 GMT)

HONOLULU, Hawaii - A U.S. Navy patrol aircraft has been forced to make an
emergency landing in China after what officials describe as a "minor"
mid-air collision with a Chinese fighter jet.

The incident occurred at approximately 0915 local time Sunday over the South
China Sea when Chinese fighters intercepted the EP-3 surveillance plane
during what the U.S. Navy says was a routine patrol flight.

"There was contact between one of the Chinese aircraft and the EP-3, causing
sufficient damage for the U.S. plane to issue a 'mayday' signal and divert
to an airfield on Hainan Island, in the People's Republic of China," said
Cmdr. Rex Totty of the U.S. Pacific Command at Camp Smith, Hawaii.

The plane was able to land safely at the Chinese airfield and the 24
American crew members aboard the aircraft were not injured.

The U.S. plane was in international airspace when the collision occurred,
Totty said.

It was on a mission from Kadena Airbase in Okinawa, Japan.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry did not have any immediate comment and the
People's Liberation Army command has also made no comment.

Another spokesman for Pacific Command, Col. John Bratton said it was not
clear if the contact was an accident or if the Chinese jet tried to bump the
American plane.

The Chinese airplane did not appear to crash, he said.

Sensitive time

The U.S. Embassy in Beijing "communicated our concern about the incident" to
the Chinese government, Bratton said.

U.S. defense officials in Washington are believed to have contacted the
Chinese Embassy there as well with their concerns over the incident.

The United States asked that the crew be well treated and that the aircraft
be repaired and allowed to return.

The collision comes at a sensitive time in Sino-U.S. relations with
President George W Bush due to decide later this month whether to approve a
Taiwanese request for the U.S. to supply it with advanced weapons and
defense systems.

Beijing has warned the U.S. that the sale of such weapons could dramatically
alter the strategic balance between Taiwan and the mainland and could
trigger a cross-Straits war.

We are trying to subvert the system. We would like to see the
system collapse. When I say the system, I mean the modern
industrial system as we know it. And one reason we see the
modern industrial system so destructive, is because it's
based on the premise that human beings are superior & it
teaches that for human beings the world exists.

The Technological Revolution=Genocide of Human Species

Earth First!

Shannon 'bLiTz666' Magnani
ICQ# 23795954   AOL IM:  blitz6x6x6x
bLiTz GrafX Lab
the Invasion    515.830.1893 -or- www.invasioncrew.com
Invasion's On-line e-Flyers Digital Archive:
Next event:  All Night II part 1 04/07/2001
Wednesday nights Invasion presents Arrival @ Club Ibiza
all ages, downtown Des Moines 101 4th Street
Arrival VI, Wednesday 03/28/01 featuring: Slobodan, Sweden
& Invasion Residents: Kernel Scurry & digitalkiller

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