Quick,  somebody save the flatware -

In a message dated 03/31/2001 10:17:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< For what is Hillary Praying?
 By Chuck Baldwin
 March 30, 2001

 A recent New York Post article entitled, "Holy Hill! Now she's praying with
 GOP," states, "[Hillary] Clinton has joined an informal, once-a-week Senate
 prayer breakfast, an event dominated by deeply religious Republican
 senators - the same type who in 1998 were disgusted by the Sexgate scandal,
 The Post has learned. >>

She's probably praying that the conservative hypocrites who make up the
attendees at the Senate prayer breakfasts will actually begin to act and
think like the Christ they profess to emulate.  After all, if there's a
breakthrough there, it might be possible for the rest of the country's
conservative hypocrites to act and think in the same way.  The thought of
this country wrapped in the true spirit of forgiveness, caring for the
afflicted and less fortunate, and practicing the golden rule (the one from
the New Testament, not the Hurwitz version of "he who has the gold, rules")
is so inspiring that even those of us who cannot attend such breakfasts,
would do well to join Hillary in prayer.   Prudy

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