-Caveat Lector-

Red skies usally mean fair, good weather......only way I tell the
weather if by the skies and my pine trees, for the weathermen no longer
can accurtely predict the weather.

Now, toilets flushing by themselves is spooky......my old friend was a
Ghost Buster with Hans Holzer - read of their activities some time, for
they are at Amityville......

We had a ghost and I say this - this lady in white did not scare me, but
scared the hell out of my mother who believed in all that crap.

So toilets flushing by themselves in my house,  if I would be home
alone, would be spooky.

I think what it is, you have need of new mechanics in the back.....check
your water bill

Wonder if HIlliary prays in the water closet too?

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