-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/02/2001 9:55:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< It looks like Bill Clinton's Chinagate chickens are coming home
 to roost. >>

Odd, I've been thinking that since the Republican congress made every effort
to brand China as an enemy, and since our FBI tried to blame
Chinese-Americans for China having gotten some information that wasn't even
secret any longer and made such a fuss about how awful Chinese-Americans were
and how it was certainly pardonable for others to take all the classified
home to their home computers, but that the Chinese were all against us,
they've finally convinced China that we really are enemies.  Now that we've
added the 2001 version of the U-2, I guess there's something coming to roost
all right, but I don't think it can be attributed to Clinton.  As for an
immediate "demand," well, I guess we'll probably have the usual Republican
war.  I'll admit that China might be more of a handful than the Gulf, Panama,
and Grenada, but think of the profits our arms manufacturers will reap.
It'll completely revitalize our economy.  Prudy

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