Title: RE: [CTRL] "No Whites Need Apply" (fwd)

 If it was the other way around, he most definitely would be referred to as a racist.  And Jesse Jackson would hop off of his latest mistress, get dressed and make his way to the location of racial lawfirm using blackmail to get what he wants just as he's done in the past.    


-----Original Message-----
From: Yardbird [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 9:56 AM
Subject: [CTRL] "No Whites Need Apply" (fwd)

-Caveat Lector-

Civil Wrongs
By Mark Trapp
FrontpageMagazine.com | March 30, 2001

JUDGE THERESA CISNEROS of Colorado's Fourth District has
a nifty new way to increase "diversity" among her summer clerks:
only African-American law students are allowed to apply.

Judge Cisneros, in conjunction with the El Paso County (CO) Bar
Association Diversity Committee and the Sachs Foundation, has
approved two summer judicial clerkships limited solely to black
law students. Indeed, the advertisement for the positions states
that "you must be African American." Only if you meet this
"requirement" may you contact Judge Cisneros for an application
to "study and learn with experienced judges in the 4th Judicial
District in Colorado Springs, Co."

Apparently, the Sachs Foundation is supplying the $18,486 to
pay for these two clerkships. According to its website, the Sachs
Foundation "was incorporated as a Colorado, non-profit
corporation in 1931 and since that time has helped over 6,670
black Colorado residents obtain a college education." The group
provides grants to about 250 black students per year.

Interestingly the Sachs Foundation has various ways of
determining whether an applicant is truly an African American.
Their website states that the group considers "a person to be an
African-American if they are a member of the African-American
race. Applicants with mixed racial and ethnic backgrounds must
demonstrate their racial identity to be predominantly
African-American and the Trustees will interview and make a
determination as to qualification in those cases which are
uncertain. Information as to philosophy, commitment to the
African-American race and self-identity may also be considered
in such cases."

Wow. Commitment to the African-American race? Philosophy?
Apparently, for this group, one's race can be determined by their
ideology. Just how does one demonstrate their "commitment to
the African American race?" By dating a black person? By voting
a certain way? By wearing a Malcolm X t-shirt?

Who would have thought that a sitting judge could be so ignorant
as to entangle herself, her court and her county in such a
blatantly racist and illegal scheme? To illustrate how outrageous
this is, imagine the following:

A sitting judge, in, say, Birmingham, Alabama advertises for two
summer clerkships in his court, and states in the ad that the
applicant "must be white." Imagine further that the clerkships are
to be sponsored and paid for by an Alabama non-profit
corporation which provides money solely to "white" students.
Next, imagine that in "uncertain cases", this non-profit group
determines who is "white" by reference to their "philosophy" and
their "commitment to the white race." Sounds like something
straight out of a KKK recruitment brochure, doesn't it?

Can you imagine the pandemonium such a state of affairs would
cause? Jesse Jackson and his mistress - oops - I mean
minions would descend on this judge so fast his head would
spin. Al Sharpton would be comparing this judge to David Duke,
and the NAACP, the ACLU and Johnnie Cochran would be filing
a lawsuit faster than you could say "Orenthal James Simpson."
And they would be right in doing so. But don't expect the same
reaction when the shoe is on the other foot. After all, America's
new commandment, "Thou shalt be diverse" is at stake.

The strangest part of all of this is the blatant lack of knowledge
shown by Judge Cisneros. Apparently, she has never heard of
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits
employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin. It doesn't take much of an education to figure out
that limiting the applicants for these government jobs solely to
African Americans blatantly violates this law. You would expect a
judge to know this.

You would also expect that at least one of the lawyers in the El
Paso County Bar Association would have realized the legal and
political problems with these race-based clerkships, and not
allowed their group to sponsor them. However, according to the
group's website, the chairperson of the Association's "diversity
committee" is - you guessed it - Judge Cisneros. Surprise,

The very idea that a judge and indeed, an entire county's bar
association would allow this ad to pass unnoticed demonstrates
how screwed-up our society has become in matters dealing with
race. Can there be any doubt that if the ad limited applications
solely to whites that someone would have objected? Certainly,
Judge Cisneros would never become involved in anything so
obviously racist. Surely the bar association would have objected.
And yet, an ad stating that to apply for the job "you must be
African American" apparently met with both the judge's and the
bar association's approval.

Martin Luther King, Jr. once stated "I have a dream that my four
little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be
judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their
character." Dr. King obviously felt that everyone, of whatever race,
should have an equal opportunity.

The El Paso County website pays lip service to Dr. King's
position, stating that it is "an Equal Opportunity Employer."
However, it doesn't sound very "equal" to me. In El Paso County,
it seems that some races are more equal than others. Hooray
for "diversity."

Mark Trapp is an attorney in private practice and has written
previous articles for The Declaration Foundation and Enter Stage

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