So Tenorlove - Castilian Spanish ????  It is said the Black Irish are of
Castilian Spanish descent.

In Mexico you have the Castilian Spanish many of whom were aristocrats,
etc., and in our famly tree there were those after Civil War who wanted
to join up with Maximillian to form empire - this was I think where our
line (women) married in to Aaron Burr family - forget tht stuff but
somehow some of these old documents I have sealed with royal crowns
figures in.

What is in a name - but did want to share this item with you for here
was a real Saint.......

Anyway you have Mexican peasants and the Castilian Spanish and the El
Camino Royale is no longer in existance.......VIVA Zapata....

Anyway with the 24 prisoners and your remarks re Mexico thought of
Maximillian the Saint over prisoners......could use more Saints like
this today.....The music of Mexico under Maximillian was a little
different than the peasant music played in the streets for the song My
Little Dove by Slim Whitman (Blanca Columbe - how terrible) can not
compare to the music played in the royal palaces -

Note today the trashy music put to the kids with the Rap Music on kill
whitey - different strokes for different folks?   Blacks should be

MIght add yesterday this MTV had a black singer - a woman - who kept
taking her finger and pointing and bang like guns......censorship begins
in home?   Hollywood and their garbage is going full force to destroy a
generationi of children - then who runs Hollywood?   So now someone
wants a war between Mexican's and Jews so the Mexicans will be disarmed
like the Palestinians and victimized?   Is this the plan?

So most of these Mexicans are presumably Catholic?  Someone wants a Holy
War looks like in California - it will be the sodomists vs. the
Hollywood garbage?



Also known as
Apostle of Consecration to Mary; Maximillian

Mary Kolbe; Massimiliano Maria Kolbe

14 August


Suffered from tuberculosis in youth, and frail in health all his life.
Joined the Conventual Franciscan Order at age 16. Ordained at age 24.
Doctor of Theology; his insights into Marian theology echo today through
their influence on Vatican II. Founded the Milita Immaculatae, and
published the magazine The Knight of the Immaculate in an effort to
fight religious apathy. Imprisoned in Auschwitz for his anti-Nazi
publications. Ministered to other prisoners, including conducting Mass
and delivering communion using smuggled bread and wine.

Died when he traded places with a young married man who was to be
slaughtered in retribution for an escaped prisoner.
"Kolbe is the patron saint of our difficult century." -Pope John Paul II


7 January 1894 @ Zdunska Wola, Poland


August 1941 by lethal carbonic acid injection after starvation @
Auschwitz; body burned in the ovens


17 October 1971 by Pope Paul VI

1982 by Pope John Paul II


drug addiction, drug addicts, families, imprisoned people,
journalists, political prisoners, prisoners, pro-life movement



Courage, my sons, Don't you see that we are leaving on a mission? They
pay our fare in the bargain. What a piece of good luck! The thing to do
now is to pray well in order to win as many souls as possible. Let us,
then, tell the Blessed Virgin that we are content, and that she can do
with us anything she wishes.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

The most deadly poison of our times is indifference.... And this
happens, although the praise of God should know no limits.... Let us
strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

For Jesus Christ I am prepared to suffer still more.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe
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A Rule of Life for Those Consecrated to the Immaculate Virgin


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