LaRouche in 2004
P.O. Box 730
Leesburg, VA 20178

Find out why Lyndon LaRouche writes, "Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's April 3 'state of the union' address to Russia's parliament, the Federal Assembly, is, by far, the most significant public statement, in importance and in respect of real substance of its content, by any of the world's heads of state or government, since the 1991 break-up of the Soviet Union." Read the full press release by LaRouche on the role of Russia in reforming the collapsing financial system and in Eurasian economic recovery. A printer-friendly version is also accessible from that page.

LaRouche has issued a second press release on the Hanssen spy case. He writes, "On this account, pseudo-Christian sects of that nominally Catholic pedigree represent a parallel to certain wildly gnostic, low-church varieties of Protestant persuasions, such as those so-called 'Temple Mount' fanatics, working to bring on the 'Battle of Armageddon' in  the Middle East today. They share a fanatical devotion to a global agenda beyond accountability to any government, and are thus inclined to abuse their positions within high and other government office in intended service of their gnostic varieties of global agendas." Read the full press release to find out how the Hanssen case reveals the penetration of the Cathar cult into the Catholic Church and agencies of our government. A printer-friendly version is also accessible from that page.

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