-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

This Is Madness  
John L. Perry 
April 10, 2001 

"One half of the nation is mad – and the other not very sound." –Tobias 
Smollett, 1721-1771
"Whom the gods would destroy they first drive mad." –Euripides, c480-406 B.C.

Jesse Jackson to Beijing? Relax on the psychiatrist's couch. Is it you or the 
rest of the world that's gone bonkers ... bug-swattin' nuts ... barking mad? 

This individual steps forth during the nation's anxiety over 24 servicemen 
and women incarcerated on an Asian island and volunteers his priceless 
services to travel to China to negotiate their release from their communist 

Yes, this is the same spiritual adviser and comforter to former president 
Bill Clinton, the same one who pronounced George W. Bush an illegitimate 
president. Jackson has, indeed, established himself a national authority, if 
not an ideal role model, on the subject of illegitimacy.

The current president of the United States, busily engaged in unscrambling 
this Chinese puzzle, politely says thanks, but no thanks.

The reverend, taking precious time away from his woes with the Internal 
Revenue Service, large corporations that suspect they just may have been 
extorted and his extended family, legit and otherwise, says that's all right: 
He might just go to Beijing anyway.

And he makes it perfectly clear the first words to leave his mouth upon 
arrival would be an abject apology – the very thing, for right reasons, 
President Bush has been avoiding like the plague, which is what that would 
turn into.

A Jacksonian apology for exactly what is not clear, but then Jesse, never at 
a loss for words, could be counted upon to think of something. He does have a 
way of saying whatever comes to his mouth, with little or no regard for truth 
or consequences.

If a definition of sanity is a clear grasp on reality, is Jesse Jackson the 
very finest private emissary this nation could think of to send on such a 
delicate errand?

Not to mention whether the Founding Fathers had Jesse in mind when they threw 
together the Constitution, giving the chief executive of the United States, 
not of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the sole powers to conduct the nation's 
foreign affairs.

Consider now the following examples of whether the Founders, if around today, 
would be asking, "Have you people lost your cotton-picking minds?"

• OK, then if not Jesse, how about Bill Clinton, on or off his latest 
elephant? He's had plans to pick up a buck or two making speeches in China. 
Surely he could work a hostage rescue into his busy schedule.

• Or Marc Rich? He's able to move around the world a little more freely now, 
thanks to the expensive autograph he obtained from then-President Clinton.

• Or pick any one of a number of those who were in that parade of 
money-launderers Bill Clinton and Al Gore used in financing their re-election 
campaign. They couldn't have lost their Chinese connections this soon.

• Then there's, always, Barbra Streisand, whose considerable showbiz talents 
obviously qualify her for her latest hobby – advising the White House and 
Capitol Hill on matters of state, foreign and domestic.

• Ross Perot, it has come as no surprise, is already all ears to discover how 
he may intervene personally to effect a release of the captives.

• And, finally, there's that other Jesse – Ventura. He's been ginning up his 
own business-development trip to China in behalf of once-ruggedly 
enterprising Minnesota, which seems now to think of itself as one of those 
underdeveloped republics whose downtrodden citizenry is in need of entitled 
federal charity.

• The White House persists in calling America's captured military fliers 
"detainees." You can bet your shirt those 24 know they're being held hostage.

• Speaking of shirts, Ari Fleischer, the White House press flack, actually 
had the temerity to announce with a straight face at one of his no-news 
briefings that all was well with the "detainees." They had just that very day 
been given fresh T-shirts by the Army officer the Chinese were so gracious as 
to allow to visit them briefly, when and under whatever conditions those 
captors set for their captives.

• The general who has been running the negotiations for the Chinese is also 
the one who threatened to drop a nuclear bomb on Los Angeles. Not many in the 
United States, including L.A., still a part of the United States, seemed to 
care particularly.

• Vice President Dick Cheney, once a secretary of defense, told a Fox News 
Channel interviewer that he hadn't known of that bomb threat to Southern 
California. Granted California went for Al Gore last year, but isn't a 
possible mushroom cloud above all that smog worth more than a shrug?

• This is the same gang that President Bush has told getting the Hainan 24 
home safely and soon was the overriding objective of the United States 
throughout all this haggling. Never mind nuclear bombs and such. Couldn't 
have been a Texan who taught this president to play poker.

• This is not to denigrate the valor of those 24 young Americans wearing the 
uniform of their country. But the reality is that all who don that uniform 
know full well it can mean their lives before the lives and security of their 
fellow Americans. Harm's way is what they have to expect, what America's 
enemies must learn to respect.

• It boils down to American national security, and what are the on-air 
air-heads obsessed with? Punishing China with no Olympic Games, a hollow 
threat because Washington doesn't control the controlling committee.

• Well, then, the Chinese had better watch out or Congress will cut off their 
trade. Yeah, sure, with American corporations and their pet politicians 
salivating like dogs in heat to turn all those 1 billion-plus Chinese into 
credit-card-carrying consumers.

• Already this country's fourth-largest trading partner, China buys only $16 
billion a year from the United States, which buys $100 billion from China. 
Mustn't let a couple dozen troops stand in the way of reversing that 
equation. Business is business.

If Uncle Sam were stretched out on a psychiatrist's couch, here's what he 
might be asked:

If the United States cannot guarantee an immediate return of 24 members of 
its own armed services, how can it possibly assure American civilians of 
their safety while visiting in China or their ability to return home at will?

Will an American passport become around the world just a cheap souvenir?

President Bush has since Day One in this hostage negotiation stood in danger 
of being reduced to a petulant foot-stamper. What would it come to: "Give us 
back our boys and girls or I'll hold my breath and turn blue"?

It used to be "Don't mess with Texas." Will it end up being "Have your way 
with all 50"?

But enough of this negative talk. Here's the ideal solution, a recipe for 
return to national sanity:

Send Jesse Jackson to Communist China. He stays there in their place, and the 
24 patriotic Americans come home to America, where they belong and are 

John L. Perry, a prize-winning newspaper editor and writer who served on 
White House staffs of two presidents, is senior editor and a regular 
columnist for NewsMax.com.

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