by Sherman H. Skolnick 4/6/01

Federal Reserve Commissar Alan Greenspan and his newsfaker wife are
reportedly busy deceiving the stock and commodity suckers. Acting together
with the Chief of the New York District Federal Reserve Bank, Greenspan is
manipulating the markets at a time of suspected meltdown.

To fool those who fancy up their position by calling themselves "investors",
the Fed boss has been spending billions and billions of dollars from the
PRIVATE central bank masquerading as a "U.S. government" entity.

And how are markets massaged? One way, is to support, temporarily, the Dow
Jone 30 Industrials, a psychological barometer often with little meaning
except to know-nothings unaware of the tremendous leveraging of the Dow
figures. Acting like a Soviet-style dictator, Greenspan is referred to by
savvy folks as REDSPAN. If the 30 Industrials really go down hard, to some
that would be a sign of collapsing financials. So, Redspan not only doctors
up the 30 Industrials in that index, but has extended his hocus-pocus to
Nasdaq, which since April, 2000, has been the killing ground for the
phantasies of would-be get-rich-quick types.

One major stock that for a while declined has been General Electric. NBC
Network is owned by G.E. and Redspan's spouse, Andrea Mitchell, has been an
NBC Network correspondent. Do we understand that "Mrs. Redspan" knows more
about the rotten schemes of her husband and his conspiratorial bank gang than
mere "pillow talk"? Some NBC honchos have been speculating, unlawfully and
unfairly, using insider data reportedly made available to them through Andrea

Not just NBC types but other network and White House correspondents have for
years been spending part of their time on the phone to their stock and/or
commodity brokers, some in Chicago, Frankfort, Singapore, Geneva, and
elsewhere. The exchange regulators are willfully blind to these crimes
committed by top-level news whores, men and women both.

Of course, poorly informed sorts have entirely too much confidence in the
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, S.E.C., and the Commodity Futures
Trading Commission, CFTC. Both of the supposed regulatory agencies are highly
politicized and corrupt, afraid to dare finger network bigshots. [The S.E.C.
Enforcement Division boss in Chicago, in the past when I visited him, was so
afraid of talking to me, he would leave his office and talk to me only in the
hallway. I considered him a master crook after seeing how he dealt with my
complaints about matters like herein. He dared let slip once that he traveled
around on the private airplane of a key figure in Bank of Credit and Commerce
International, BCCI. The S.E.C. honcho saw nothing wrong with socializing
with a bigtime bank and espionage criminal.]

During the Clinton Administration, the White House with the apparent
connivance of White House Senior Advisor and reputed "bagman", Rahm Emanuel,
sought to blackmail White House and Network correspondents. To persuade the
press pundits to steer clear of Clinton's treason aiding the Red Chinese with
U.S. industrial, financial, and MILITARY secrets. Packages with no return
address shown, were received by various loudmouths. The apparently authentic
records in the packages tended to show reportedly that news big dealers and
their relatives got rich with insider stock and commodity market details. The
records included the federal tax returns of network correspondents and their
relatives, together with reports and little-known court records of nasty
divorces, child custody battles and related dirt, psychiatrists reports on
treatments of network biggies. Included were lists of married correspondents
and their mistresses and gigolos. [Rev. Jesse Jackson's wife, apparently to
blackmail reporters, likewise reportedly keeps track of such mistresses and

After all, White House correspondents were quite aware that Clinton, as
President, used to meet from time to time with Wang Jun, head of the Red
Chinese Secret Police. Supposed "independent" counsel Kenneth W. Starr was
perceived by naive folks as running after Bill and Hillary Clinton. Not so,
other than much less important matters, such as the sex goings on of Monica
Lewinsky. Starr spent the bulk of his time in PRIVATE law practice. His
PRIVATE law client was Wang Jun. Further, Starr reportedly was the
UNREGISTERED foreign lobbyist for the Red Chinese government. The Clinton
Justice Department could have nailed and jailed Starr any time they wanted
to. Starr's conflicts of interest and brazen criminality were not that
secret, certainly not to knowledgeaqble sorts.

Starr benefitted the espionage agencies, for whom he acted as their "stooge",
by covering up the murder of Clinton White House Deputy Counsel Vincent W.
Foster, Jr., an espionage operative before his short White House service,
with the super-secret National Security Agency, N.S.A. [For related details,
visit our website story "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush" Part 4.]

And why did Commissar and gulag boss Redspan use as his surrogate the Chief
of the New York District Federal Reserve Bank? For one thing, that District
Bank and the U.S. Treasury, Sub-Treasury Division in New York city, have
stored, many floors below ground level, the huge horde of gold bullion
belonging to foreign countries at whose orders the gold is shifted from one
gold cage to another.

It may come as a shock to some, but the U.S. has very little so-called "U.S.
government" gold bullion in Fort Knox. A brave outspoken journalist, Tom
Valentine, in the 1970s, exposed as a fraud that there was
world-trade-quality gold at Fort Knox. All they have left are poor quality,
orangish-looking, melted down coin metal from the seizure in 1934, of gold
coins from America's common people. [The American aristocracy, warned in
advance, shipped THEIR gold out of the U.S.] The U.S. governmentt gold is
gone. Why? Because it was shipped, under the supervision of a plyable U.S.
general, to the private central octopus called the Bank of England, in 1968,
to stem a run on that bank which had somehow lost all their own gold.]

What are some of the situations covered up by Commissar Redspan with his
slim-jim wife, a fast-running news bandit?

(1) The Federal Reserve, without actual lawful authority to do so, has been
reportedly seizing the below-ground depository of PRIVATE gold housed in the
sub-basements of the First National Bank of Chicago, traditionally one of the
Rockefeller banks, to confuse people now is called Bank One. Some who owned
such private gold are wondering where they can go to complain about it
reportedly not being there anymore in the sub-basements which have a separate
method of quietly trucking it out. Where did the gold go?

Japan and Saudi have a semi-secret arrangement with the U.S. Treasury and
Federal Reserve in that THEIR purchases of U.S. Treasury securities are
backed by gold on demand. This provision, of course, is not available to
ordinary Americans who purchase U.S. Treasury Bills, Notes, and Bonds.
Bigshot currency speculators have led attacks on certain foreign currencies,
to try to force such weak-willed nations to disgorge their gold hordes in
support of their paper money. This done, at a time when Redspan, the
Rockefellers, and what we call the BUNK OF ENGLAND have been violating
price-fixing criminal statutes by artificially forcing down the price of gold
to below the cost of production of the world's most efficient mines.

(2) Bank One has reportedly been involved in using their facilities to
manipulate the gold markets and that of foreign currencies and soybeans, for
among other reasons, to aid the Red Chinese who have obtained an armlock on
the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. This
domination of the markets has been done reportedly with the connivance of
Rahm Emanuel, who after leaving the Clinton White House, became a managing
director of Wasserstein Perella & Co., which reportedly specializes in
laundering the illicit proceeds of the Red China dope and gun smuggling
trade, and the buying and selling of clandestine nuclear weapons and their
detonators. [Visit our website series on the Red Chinese Secret Police IN THE
UNITED STATES, including about the Rockefeller Hospitals and their buying and
selling of human body parts harvested from Red Chinese dissidents condemned
to death as the human organs are needed in Chicago by wealthy sick people.]

Bank One, and their predecessor First National Bank of Chicago, Rockefeller
institutions, have been reportedly implicated as well in using their records
and facilities to enable certain corrupt commodity and currency swindlers to
ply their trade. The authorities, while knowing about the banks and their
apparent doctoring up of records, have taken no action as would seem to be
warranted. The Rockefeller bank in Chicago, First National Bank of Chicago,
as we have previously stated, loaned billions of dollars to the Red Chinese
on the promise of repayment in gold. Instead of gold, the Chinese were
allowed to flood the U.S. with high purity dope, called "China White" from
Southwest China, using suburban airports ringing Chicago as the intake point.

Cynics call the Rockefeller Bank in Chicago, Bank Zero.

(3) Redspan has been using large sums from the Fed to try to doctor up the
markets, to temporarily only, fool know-nothings not to retrieve their funds
from the thousands and thousands of Mutual Funds that have sprung up like so
many locusts devouring the money of the common people of America. Formerly
called in the 1920s and 1930s as "investment trusts", such pools of funds
went to hell quicker than the stock market in the 1930s. Why? Because like
the latter day money dumps, called mutual funds since after World War 2,
investment trusts had a provision whereby they became frozen up if there were
too many redemptions. How many of those "investing" in mutual funds read the
prospectus where the freeze-up provisions are mentioned? At least with direct
stock purchases you supposedly can sell it anytime. Not so with mutual funds,
like their earlier relative, investment trusts. Read about investment trusts
following the 1929 debacle, in "The Great Crash 1929" by Kenneth Galbraith.

(4) To divert attention from the growing number of apparent looming
bankruptcies, Redspan has been temporarily pumping up the markets. Among
those believed to be bankrupt or about to file for bankruptcy, is Lucent
Technolgies, Inc., a spin-off former unit of AT&T. A top financial record
official of Lucent has reportedly disappeared and may have been murdered,
amid unconfirmed reports that billions of dollars have disappeared if not
actually having been embezzled. And that Lucent reportedly has cooked books,
not accurately showing their true condition.

Another sizeable firm,, according to some financial records
experts, is actually bankrupt but is being presented by the Rockefeller banks
as alive when amazon is actually dead. Smiling idiot wiseguy, Jeffrey Bezos,
a publicity hypester and pretended buffoon con-man, is accused by some of
reportedly covering up, through falsified records, the massive siphoning off
of amazon's funds with the reputed connivance of the Rockefeller banks. If
you checked over the years auditors and accountants, you would find that
several major firms have quietly had to pay out huge damages when sued or
confronted for having whitewashed frauds of various firms.

An open secret among the glib pundits of the oil-soaked monopoly press, is
that Redspan's bedmate, Andrea Mitchell, is the one that conveys the marching
orders, like a Moscow witch, to the pressfakers, what they can say or not say
about money, banks, and financial matters. Others darkly refer to her as
Madame Redspan, or Field Marshall Mitchell, riding on the General Electric
horse, cracking the censorship whip on the news outlets of the venal and
corrupt Establishment Press. More coming.Stay tuned.

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