-Caveat Lector-

>--- Original Message ---
>From: Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Lacny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 4/11/01 1:50:46 PM

>Dear Comrades!
>This is full picture of that what happened at April 1st. Reading
>you'll find out who is who.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael Pugliese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: John Lacny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Partija rada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 11 April, 2001 10:51 AM
>Subject: Fw: The Arrest of Slobodan Milosevic
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "AIM Maillist Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 4:21 PM
>>Subject: AIM: The Arrest of Slobodan Milosevic
>>> Copyright: All those wishing to use or publish the following
text are
>>> to do so, provided that they indicate the source and inform
the AIM
>>> Paris which is interested to receive comments and reactions
on the
>>> it provides.
>>> AIM, 17 rue Rebeval, F-75019 Paris, France, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> ** The End of a Story
>>> *** The Arrest of Slobodan Milosevic
>>> A drama with singing, shooting, rumours, beating and negotiations
>>> more than the developments of October 5 marked the definite
end of
>>> everything Milosevic had represented. He alone has remained
the same:
>>> after maximum doggedness, when he was faced with extreme
>>> he agreed to everything
>>> AIM Belgrade, April 2, 2001
>>> In a transversal narrow street in Dedinje (elite part of
>>> around midnight on March 30, an elderly gentleman asked whether
>>> "People's Guard" of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) were
>>> guarding Slobodan Milosevic. Reporters which were in a hurry
to the
>>> Justice Palace because rumour circulated that former president
of FR
>>> Yugoslavia had just been taken there, replied with a counter-question:
>>> "Haven't you heard that he has just been arrested?", and
in the
>>> following couple of moments they witnessed tumbling down
of an entire
>>> world in the eyes of the old man.
>>> However, at that moment, Milosevic still was not locked up.
Only after
>>> 36 hours of drama with singing, shooting, rumours, beating,
>>> swearing and negotiating it finally happened around 4.30
on April 1.
>>> Nevertheless, this whole spectacle, much more than the developments
>>> October 5, 2000, marked the definite end of everything Milosevic
>>> represented.
>>> The month of March, indeed, does not seem to have been marked
>>> anything else but great expectations of the "arrest of all
>>> Several days before March 31 - the date President of the
USA George Bush
>>> Junior and the Congress had set as the deadline by which
>>> Belgrade was supposed to begin cooperation with the Hague
Tribunal if it
>>> counted on getting American aid and a significant sum of
money from the
>>> donors' conference - impatience had reached its climax. The
>>> administration was caught in a very delicate situation: on
the one hand
>>> there was the demand for the arrest and extradition of Slobodan
>>> Milosevic (the essence of American conditions), and on the
other denials
>>> and acceptance of the Hague Tribunal and the division within
the ruling
>>> coalition, the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS) because
of it.
>>> Momentary and unquestioning meeting of the demands of Washington
>>> assessed by the authorities as the best way to acquire the
image of
>>> "NATO yes-men" what the former regime had constantly accused
them of,
>>> and nothing to say about the continuation of never-ending
and unlimited
>>> pressure; should they refuse, the country would be left without
>>> aid and in fact Milosevic's policy of "absolute sovereignty",
>>> and opposition would continue.
>>> A solution was found at five minutes to twelve. An indictment
>>> prepared for the former president of FR Yugoslavia for major
abuse of
>>> power and financial embezzlement. He would be arrested not
because of
>>> the American threat, but for violation of domestic laws at
the request
>>> of the judiciary which is not at all bad, if for no other
reason because
>>> majority of the public is in favour of that, anyway. However,
>>> pretending that they were uninformed in connection with the
>>> "coincidence", certain ministers and politicians were simply
>>> for the common sense.
>>> That Milosevic is "this time certainly" "packing" was whispered
on March
>>> 28; just a day later - everybody knew; on March 30, around
20.00 h - at
>>> least for media - everything began.
>>> The starting signal was sounded by Branislav Ivkovic, head
of the SPS
>>> group of deputies in the Assembly of Serbia. About 19.00
h on March 30,
>>> the Socialists left the session of the parliament because,
as Ivkovic
>>> had informed them, jeeps with members of special police units
>>> appeared in front of number 11 Uziska street where Milosevics
are living
>>> at the moment. There were two intentions: first, that Milosevic
>>> summonsed to appear in front of an investigative judge; and
second - in
>>> order to do that, it was necessary to replace his bodyguards.
As Serbian
>>> Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic explained, that was  enough
for the
>>> beginning. Later, once this was done, a real arrest would
>>> However, nothing went as planned. Milosevic was neither summonsed,
>>> were the guards replaced. Only police general Senta Milenkovic,
who had
>>> accompanied Milosevic for years as head of his security,
left his former
>>> employer when he was told that the Administration for personal
>>> he was the head of had been dissolved. Another 16 workers
of the former
>>> administration accepted new jobs in the State Security Department.
>>> According to the words of the Republican Minister of internal
>>> Dusan Mihajlovic, only one of them had stayed with Milosevic.
But former
>>> president of FR Yugoslavia was not at all naive - he employed
>>> bodyguards. This brings us to the most significant dispute
over whether
>>> some persons from the Army of Yugoslavia had tried to prevent
the arrest
>>> or not. Djindjic and Mihajlovic claim that they did: "For
12 hours, from
>>> the morning of March 30, MUP (Ministry of Internal Affairs)
was trying
>>> to carry out inspection, but members of the Guards of the
Army of
>>> Yugoslavia would not let them enter" (Djindjic); "An agreement
>>> reached at the meeting in MUP with generals of the Army of
>>> Djakovic, Bojovic (commander of the Guards' brigade which
guards the
>>> estate) and colonel Kovacevic. They prevented the workers
of the State
>>> Security Department to enter the estate and take over the
job of
>>> securing it and practically took orders from unauthorised
persons in the
>>> service of Milosevic. Colonel of the Army Cosic has prevented
us from
>>> carrying out this duty from Friday afternoon until a few
hours after
>>> midnight... And then one of the soldiers handed the keys
of the gate to
>>> the persons in Milosevic's security service" (Mihajlovic).
>>> Head of the General Staff, general Nebojsa Pavkovic, claims
that the
>>> Army did not "in any way prevent the work of the persons
in charge", but
>>> just "guarded the complex of several facilities in the jurisdiction
>>> the federal state, but guarding of the former president of
FR Yugoslavia
>>> is not in its jurisdiction". If what Pavkovic says is true,
the generals
>>> should explain how the arms and the explosives got into the
estate they
>>> were guarding. It seems rather that persons with high ranks
in the Army
>>> were waiting to see how firm the authorities would be, weighed
>>> relation of forces and only after they had realised that
they had nobody
>>> to rely on, they withdrew.
>>> On March 31 there were about 200 Milosevic's fans  and least
that many
>>> journalists on the spot. The police was arriving in large
numbers. The
>>> fans were singing, quarreling with the journalists, warming
up around
>>> the fire made on the pavement and actually nothing was happening,
>>> the exception of the rumour that Milosevic was arrested and
through some
>>> secret passage taken to the Justice Palace. Were the authorities
>>> to cause disorientation of both the media and the "People's
guards" in
>>> order to carry out some swift action? The rumour was denied
by Milosevic
>>> himself who appeared in front of the gate of the residence,
and nothing
>>> could stop an avalanche of speculations: that there was a
serious split
>>> between the Republican Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic and
President of FR
>>> Yugoslavia Vojislav Kostunica, that everything was done clumsily
and in
>>> a disorganised way, that the authorities simply had neither
the power
>>> nor the courage for such an arrest...
>>> Around three o'clock, on March 31, a short action film took
place. First
>>> the police in uniforms pushed away Milosevic's supporters.
Then a white
>>> van swiftly approached the gate followed by jeeps. In a flash,
from the
>>> vehicle jumped men in jeans, leather jackets and black masks
>>> description corresponds to perpetrators of professional murders
>>> Belgrade) armed with long automatic weapons, and through
the broken
>>> window of the doorman's booth, entered the yard of the compound...
>>> the same time, shots were heard from the inside - individual
and in
>>> bursts. The epilogue: one injured newspaper photographer,
two wounded
>>> members of the special police unit and their withdrawal.
>>> At the head of the already mentioned Milosevic's bodyguards
was Sinisa
>>> Vucinic. This very fact illustrates best how low the once
most powerful
>>> man in Serbia has sunk. Sinisa Vucinic is a marginal politician,
>>> self-proclaimed "duke" who bragged in 1992 that he killed
prisoners of
>>> war and then went from one newspaper to another begging them
to publish
>>> his denial; the man who advocated kidnapping rich Jews in
order to pay
>>> the citizens back the foreign exchange savings accounts they
had been
>>> robbed of; the founder of the phantom "Golden Hand", terrorist
>>> organisation aimed at liquidation of Western politicians...
A day after
>>> becoming a member of the police party called the "Nikola
Pasic" Radical
>>> Party he became its president and then, practically simultaneously
>>> became a member of the Yugoslav Left (JUL) of Mirjana Markovic,
>>> defending all the time the personality and actions of the
President of
>>> its Board (Mrs. Markovic) by means fair and foul. Should
anybody be
>>> surprised that, as claimed, when he was taken into custody
Vucinic had
>>> with him plans for an armed rebellion in April?
>>> Mihajlovic described Milosevic's bodyguards as a company
of drunkards
>>> and mercenaries with four times higher income than members
of MUP.
>>> Regardless of what they are like it is a fact that they were
well armed
>>> and opened fire at the police. Mihajlovic said that when
he met
>>> Milosevic after the shooting, the special police commander
saw Vucinic
>>> who was drunk and also a certain number of people armed with
AK-47, two
>>> light machine-guns, two mortars and a number of bombs. It
must not be
>>> forgotten that the house in number 11 Uzicka street was built
for Josip
>>> Broz Tito as a building which can be successfully protected
and which
>>> has air-raid shelters, underground exits, etc. The information
from the
>>> investigation carried out after Milosevic's arrest speak
of an arsenal
>>> found inside the compound: apart from heavy machine-guns
there were two
>>> armoured vehicles (it was not said where they were located).
>>> The second day of the arrest of the former president of FR
>>> passed in the quarrel of a hundred odd of his fans with the
>>> and all those who wished to see him finally behind bars (there
were also
>>> some kicks and blows) and negotiations. The SPS cracked:
despite the
>>> ritual support, to anyone with a little brains in that party
it was
>>> clear that their president could not defy the law any more.
It was
>>> simply impossible to get the support of the citizens for
any radical
>>> moves. There was noone of any significance abroad either
who would back
>>> the "symbol of resistance of freedom-loving nations to the
new world
>>> order""
>>> What was it like in number 11 Uzicka street? Surrounded,
with no
>>> electric power supply, no water, with cut telephone lines,
>>> his wife Mirjana Markovic and daughter Marija, practically
abandoned by
>>> all friends and associates, must have experienced difficult
>>> Certainly the most difficult in their lives. Having been
left with only
>>> armed dubious characters, like Vucinic who SPS had denounced
>>> twenty days ago  when he threatened with "fifty thousand
long guns",
>>> Milosevic must have gradually lost hope. The authorities
state that the
>>> key role in his peaceful surrender was that of the facts
that he was
>>> informed that he was not arrested by order of the Hague Tribunal
>>> pursuant its indictment, and that the police was resolute
to arrest him
>>> by force --if it could not be done in any other way. The
fact that the
>>> very same policemen did not beat Milosevic's supporters with
>>> rubber batons like in previous years they had beaten much
more numerous
>>> and peaceful opponents of his, should not be interpreted
as their
>>> weakness. And there is another thing: the hope that the Democratic
>>> Opposition of Serbia  would split concerning this issue,
that Kostunica
>>> and Djindjic would definitely come into conflict and split,
>>> after the session of the top Federal and Republican officials.
In his
>>> statement, the President of FR Yugoslavia demonstrated in
the best
>>> possible way that strict legalism which many reproach him
for is the
>>> best choice in all such and similar situations: "Whoever
shoots at the
>>> police must face justice. The person who is summonsed by
>>> investigative judge must respond to the summons. Who obstructs
>>> authorities in implementing the law must answer for it..."
Djindjic and
>>> Kostunica even embraced for the public.
>>> At 4.30 h on April 1, Milosevic was taken out of the house
and the
>>> column of cars set out towards the Central Prison. Marija
Milosevic made
>>> sure to cause a scandal after all by shooting a few bullets
in the
>>> direction of the car of Cedomir Jovanovic, head of the group
of DOS
>>> deputies in Serbia's parliament and negotiator on peaceful
surrender of
>>> her father. Soon after that Milosevic was questioned, it
was decided
>>> that he be detained, and lawyer Toma Fila who simply could
not hide
>>> pride for having been entrusted with this "case of his career",
>>> announced that he would lodge an appeal, but he also said
that he was
>>> not an optimist that the decision would be favourable. Republican
>>> Minister of justice Vladan Batic says that former president
of FR
>>> Yugoslavia would be treated humanely and justly, that his
family would
>>> be enabled to visit him and everything in that sense.
>>> This is where one story ends and another begins: indictments
and their
>>> extension, search for evidence, questioning, trial, possible
>>> to the Hague. There are opinions that Milosevic will not
be tried in
>>> this country but that he will be held in custody for six
months, until
>>> the law on cooperation with the Hague Tribunal is passed
and until the
>>> situation "ripens", and then off to the airport he will go
and to the
>>> prison in Scheveningen. However, one should wait and see.
Over here
>>> things are rarely what they appear to be.
>>> Not a single event in Serbia has been covered by the media
>>> Milosevic's arrest. For the first time, on all TV and radio
>>> live, hour after hour, the citizens followed what was going
on, and did
>>> not have to, like before, watch foreign programmes via satellite
>>> listen to Radio Free Europe or BBC in Serbian. In such an
>>> everyone has one's own view of how Milosevic should have
been arrested
>>> and what he should primarily be indicted for.
>>> Of, course, Milosevic is not the only responsible person
for everything
>>> that has befallen the territory of former Yugoslavia and
Serbia while he
>>> was in power and he certainly lacked no support for all that;
these are
>>> the cases which must be uncompromisingly and honestly opened,
and that
>>> is what lies ahead for Serbia. Some of those who owe Milosevic
for their
>>> careers and property and the media which just six months
ago glorified
>>> and praised him are nowadays doing their best to make sure
he will be
>>> indicted according to the principle "Let Pedro hang".
>>> # Philip Schwarm
>>> (AIM)
>>> -
>>> -- aim-trae-beo: Regular Articles, Selection in English,
Beograd ---
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