For some reason I have never had difficulty
understanding the venality around me.  This
attorney representing Governor Fife Symington is
from the firm of AKIN GUMP.

I suggest readers make an exception and read all
the blue lines for once.

Brian Quig

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Last October one of the 2 C-130's that the Chandler Arizona company T&G AVIATION sold to AERO POSTAL DE MEXICO was found at the Mexico City Ariport stuffed to the gills with cocaine. This is one of the planes that T&G previouly leased to TRANS LATIN AIR that was used for massive cocaine shipments into the United States. Check out this indictment for the most massive U.S. cocaine trial ever. This story hit the Tucson papers over the weekend. Phoenix newspapers have not printed anything.

What makes this especially rich is the fact that this plane that was carrying cocaine for Arellano Filix --- Mexico's King of Cocaine now that Fuentes is supposedly dead --- was financed by a Mexican bank that was assured of repayment by the U.S. IMPORT/EXPORT BANK, a U.S. government agency. In the war on drugs it is sometimes difficult to tell which side our government is on.

bdq 4-20-98

Barry Seal testified that he flew enough cocaine into the United States via the Mena airport to fill 8 box cars!! Roy Reagan obtained those planes for Seal as well as the plane that went down with Hausenfus aboard. One does not have to look beyond these two C-130 cases in Tucson for the proof that narcotics trafficking tons at a time is the national policy of the United States. Here we find every official agency is locked hard in the defense of this nation's very largest narcotics trafficking organizations!!

These C130s are built in the congressional district of Newt Gingrich by LOCKHEED. Does anyone think Gingrich is unaware of the SIGNIFICANCE of these trials? How about Senator John McCain, the Department of Defense candidate for president? Is he unaware? I think an unbiased scholar must concede that CIA/DOD drug trafficking occurs with the acclaimation of congress. Knowledgable citizens know that George Bush was the agent master of Barry Seal. There has been alot of cocaine activity going on right under the nose of our president. No. This disgrace is a national policy.

bdq 4-17-98

Is a newspaper that knowingly turns its back to CIA TONS AT A TIME narcotics trafficking while consistantly supporting the toughest marijuana laws in the nation (where unecessary enforcement creates a vast confusion in which the dangerous narcotics trade hides) serving the needs of the illicit drug trade a little too well? My letter to John Oppedahl the publisher of the ARIZONA PREPUBLIC NEWSPAPER should explain a great deal to those seeking penetrating answers to these questions.

Brian Downing Quig

This site is mirrored at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY insuring the security of this system. (If ever there was difficulity reaching our URL this university site should be bookmarked now.) CSUN has recently inserted a new C-130 page dedicated to the two law suits in Tucson involving the C-130's. The rest of this site involves the best media analysis of the Gary Web DARK ALLIANCE SERIES on the web.

Brian Downing Quig 4-15-98

In order to be able to impose mild jail terms on Roy Reagan and Fred Fuchs, U.S. District Judge William Browning picked the arbitrary figure of $400,000 total for the taxpayer's loss in the misappropriation of 23 Department of Defence C-130's. It seems to mean nothing to the judge that T&G was able to sell 2 of the 3 C-130's that they got for free (with the intercession of Senator John McCain) for $6 million each to the country of Mexico!!

This even upstages the moral turpitude of Arizona U.S. Attorney Janet Napolitano who allowed one of the "private" companies involved in the case to keep 11 C-130's for $200,000 total! There is no such thing as an obsolete C-130. The new ones go for $60 million. Each of the 4 props are worth $200,000!! Judge, this is an outrage!! Everyone knows that those planes are being used to supply CIA weapons for dirty secret illegal wars and if they fly cocaine or heroin back --- well the CIA/DOD policy is DON'T ASK DON'T TELL. Time to resign, judge. You do not want to be in office when the stink of what you have done reaches to public.

Roy Reagan gets to keep the $3 million he made in the deals and serve only 2 and 1/2 years in prison. He and Fuchs have been assigned to the minimum security prison at Nellis Air Force Base along with Fife Symington. I guess this stands as a stern lesson for those in the future who may consider stealing another 105 A-10 aircraft from DOD or supplying drug traffickers with 42 air transports.

There is even a more sinister reason for the absurd low figure for the total value of the planes. This criminal suit came about only because of the whistle blowing of former CIA Colonel Gary Eitel who is entitled to 30% of the monies the government recovers. If Eitel recovered 30% of the full value of this thieft he would be paid hundreds of millions of dollars!! Such an event could threaten the entire spectrum of existing massive government crimes --- the $500 billion S&L looting and narcotics trafficking being just two of many fertile areas for whistle blowers.

Anyone wishing to look into the face of CIA Drug Trafficking needs only to look into the face of former Arizona U.S. Attorney Melvin McDonald who is defending Roy Reagan, or LEWIS AND ROCA senior partner John P. Frank who is representing T&G or Judge Browning or Janet Napolitano, the Arizona U.S. Attorney who gave back the 11 C-130's. These are the most powerful lawyers in the state of Arizona --- all linked up to defend those in the CIA and DOD who are flying drugs into their own country --- tons at a time!

A federal judge has ordered that former Arizona Governor Fife Symington and his staff and Symington's attorney Thomas Dowd and his staff submit finger print samples for comparison with prints left behind by the person who made 2 threatening phone calls to jurors and then a third call to the home of Symington's private secretary from a pay phone.

The jurors told the judge that the voice was that of Thomas Dowd. The pay phone was one block south of the RITZ CARLTON hotel where Dowd was staying and in the neighborhood of the private secretary's residence. Dowd said that he was at the secretary's home when the call came in so the judge told the juror "The court has investigated and determined that it could not have been Dowd making the call." Apparently the FBI needs a little bit more than Dowd's word.

I like to help the FBI whenever I can. I told FBI Special Agent Bob Bumpers, who has been assigned the jury tampering case, that if the call to the secretary was any more than 20 seconds then she lied about the call. While the FBI has this call record and will not release it now, they will eventually have to release it to Freedom Of Information requests which I know several reporters are pursuing. Dowd who put on a multi-million dollar defence of the governor faces certain disbarment if it is determined that he made these calls. In the absence of this latest development Symington was clearly on his way to buying his way out of jail just as Dick Morris predicted.

bdq 4-11-98

Charlie Keating is being released from jail after a Federal judge ordered an arrest warrant after Keating lied in the process of obtaining his revoked passport (for a country with no extradition) --- in violation of his parole. During his incarceration Keating was placed on a suicide alert after he said he drank cleaning fluid in his cell. Keating is facing a new trial after which he will probably spend the rest of his life behind bars --- the only S&L looter to ever be tried.

Let us put some facts together that the major media is loathe to present to the public. Major media likes to refer to the $500 billion of S&L looting as money that was lost --- as if it just evaporated or something like that. Lost!! Gone!! Actually this money just went from one set of pockets to another set of pockets. Keating's LINCOLN SAVINGS "lost" $3.4 billion and Fife Symington's SOUTHWEST SAVINGS "lost" $1.0 Billion. That money if parceled out in $4.4 million parcels would create a thousand multi-millionaires right here in Phoenix!!

This amounts to a massive amount of counter-justice force. This group can afford to have clout. When looked at this way it is clear why there was never an effort to get this money back. Now take a rare look at what just one of these flagrant looters is doing today. Keating may well spill his guts about intelligence community involvement in the massive S&L looting.

Former CIA Colonel Gary Eitel has prevailed in removing Judge Browning from the up comming C-130 civil case in a new filing which charges the Justice Department with drug smuggling. U.S. District Judge Bilby will take the case. For the first time these allegations are supported by internal CIA reports. bdq 1-2-98

About 11 months after the Gander Crash SOUTHERN AIR TRANSPORT had two fatal crashes within hours of each other. One of these involved the C-123 that Roy Reagan decommissioned from the DOD for Barry Seal. Astute readers will see the markings of a good old fashioned CIA disposal operation.

For those who are not up to speed on EVERGREEN and the significance of Roger Moore's employment there --- this article about covers it. Now take the time to read more about Moore. All this recalls how George DeMohrenshild mentored Lee Harvey Oswald. DeMohrenshild was one of thre men who were personally acquainted with both Lee Harvey Oswald and Nelson Rockefeller. (The other two were David Atlee Phillips and Wiliam Gaudet.) And like DeMohrenshild, Moore failed to attact any media attention even though he also testified in a resulting trial. Ace Hayes, perhaps the writer who wrote the most hard hitting exposes on these CIA spin off air freight companies in the drug business died recently. His work is featured in this journal.

bdq 3-20-1998

Readers should know that the current events enumerated in this journal are carefully selected for their relevancy to a specific example of narcotics corruption referred to on this site as the TEMPLE MURDERS SCANDAL. If any reader thinks that the abortions of justice relating to the trials of Jonathan Andrew Doody are "worst case examples but could not be ongoing as a routine" --- please give some consideration to the ongoing BOUNTY HUNTER MURDERS SCANDAL. Readers who do not wish to go back in the journal several months can read these accounts of murder and mayhem. Now read the account of all this as presented in e-mail from the father of Timothy Ring. Here is his far more probable reconstruction of the million dollar robbery of the WELLS FARGO van where the driver was murdered.

Now the two most promenent players in the Temple Murders Trials, Rick Romley and Judge Gregory Martin are together again doing to Tim Ring what they did to Jonathan Doody, Alex Garcia and Michelle Hoover.

A third person, never mentioned publicly regarding the Temple Murders but someone certainly working behind the scenes, was Weldon Kennedy. He was the FBI Special Agent In Charge in Arizona who conducted the FBI's cover-up investigation of the Oklahoma City Bombing. This armored van robbery took place just 6 months before the OKC Bombing. Review how the ARIZONA REPUBLIC presented the robbery to the public and then how Rick Romley prosecuted his case against Ring.

In Ambrose Evans Pritchard's book THE SECRET LIFE OF BILL CLINTON Ambrose clearly fixes the very top persons in the white hate group relevant to the bombing as BATF and FBI undercover agents. Ring and Sanders were being used by the FBI for such penetration of these groups in Arizona. Ring was often privy to discussions in the FBI Operations Room. Now that Ring is on death row there is no reason for him not to tell all he knows. And remember, there is more than $500,000 bucks still missing from the van robbery.

Note that the CIA front EVERGREEN was to be used to infiltrate and exfiltrate Ring on Mexican excursions. It so truns out that Roger Moore, the person most clearly identified to be McViegh's "handler", has worked at EVERGREEN in Tucson, Arizona!! Moore testified extensively in the Nichols trial but was blacked out of the McViegh trial.

Moore is the multi-millionaire from Hot Springs Ark. who took McViegh in to live at his home and traveled with him to gun shows. "See Timmy, this good life can all be yours some day." --- a typical CIA pitch. The DAILY OKLAHOMAN did 8 detailed articles on Roger Moore. And do not forget where Oliver North arranged meetings with Terry Reed --- Oklahoma City!! More news coverage of Tim Ring can be found Ring95 and Ring96.Remember when you read these accounts that the arrest of Ring was at Phoenix FBI Headquarters. And a few recent peices on Mike Sanders.

bdq 3-10-98

As the WORLD COURT at the Hague was making its decision to take over the PAN AM 103 case, I was assisting New River resident Chuck Byers prepare his exhibits for the intelligence committees in the House and Senate. These exhibits included photos of the timer used to blow up this plane. You may remember the article I posted in October about the BATF occupation of a munitions manufacturing facility in New River, Arizona. For 15 years Byers quietly made the James Bond specialty devices for the military, special forces, law enforcement and yes --- the CIA.

 There is little reason to doubt Byers' ties to "the community". Several times raids of these facilities uncovered tons of C-4 plastic explosives. It is Byers' contention that behind attempts to frame him for an assassination conspiracy and to otherwise eliminate him is the motive to suppress what he knows about devices used to commit terrorist acts of air sabotage. He lists the Gander, New Foundland crash as well as the PAN AM 103 as resulting from devices that were sold exclusively to the CIA!! Byers' letter to the committee chairmen is presented here together with the major exhibits. What Byers' may have uncovered are crimes of the Oliver North era more serious by far than the massive cocaine trafficking. bdq 3-3-98

New York Mob at Mena
by Ace R. Hayes
Portland Free Press
January/February 1997
Just two more hard hitting articles. If anyone thinks the Thai government is full of angels, take a look at the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR calling the current Thai Prime Minister "Mr. White Powder". And check out this C-130 civil suit related article from the NEW YORK TIMES.. With this information fresh in your mind, read the indictment of this "air cargo company in Chicago in 1994 which trafficked the greatest volume of cocaine for both the Medelin and Cali cartels --- more than 20 tons!! Now the U.S. Attorney was polite enough to leave Aleman out of the indictment, and all the American companies like T&G, a professional courtesy for Hall of Fame drug traffickers. It did not escape the public back in Panama that Aleman was the principal of this Air Cargo company and the drug bank. Readers will find these drug traffickers inspecting T&G's air strip in Chandler Arizona. Pretty nice when you can get help from senators and U.S. attorneys when you are hauling tons of white powder.

   Go Now to the first entries of the journal



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