-Caveat Lector-

full text at http://world.std.com/~awolpert/

A Meditation on Mystical Union Using System Dynamics

The system dynamics analysis of a religious experience, presented here,
establishes a scientific basis for the core of religion. That is, seen from
the outside all religions are diverse, but at the very essence or core of
each religion resides the sacred structure and essence of religion. The
analysis presented here of this structure and essence forms a general theory
of religion: e pluribus unum. The theory is a formalized conceptual system
built upon the following set of ideas:
The essence of religion, called variously God, Allah, Brahman, The One, No
Thing, Ground of one's Being, etc., is experienced during the peak or
unitive experience, known in the West, for example, as mystical union. Each
culture has a name for this holy experience: born again, virgin birth,
enlightenment, satori, wu-wei, nirvakalpa samadhi, fana, devekut, ecstasy,
etc. During the peak or unitive experience one sounds the fundamental note
of one's existence. It is an ecstatic experience of That which is timeless
and unconditioned.
The essence of science is its use of a testable formalized conceptual system
to analyze and comprehend phenomena. For at least the past two-hundred years
these testable formalized conceptual systems have usually employed
differential equations.
The key tool of the analysis is the new phenomenological method, Feedback
Phenomenology, which incorporates Forrester-style system dynamics. Feedback
Phenomenology is used to analyze subjective consciousness. For the purpose
of generating a general theory of religion, Feedback Phenomenology is used
to disaggregate and then closely analyze the various aspects of my
subjective consciousness during the 10-hour purgative period immediately
preceding the roughly 4 to 7 second experience of mystical union. Purgation
also has various names in the mystical literature of various cultures: Dark
night of the soul, refiner's fire, katharsis, overcoming either knots in the
heart or samskaras or nafs or samsara or original sin, etc.
The key result of the analysis is the flow diagram shown in Figure 2. It is
a representation of the structure of my consciousness during purgation in
the form of a multiloop nonlinear feedback system. This flow diagram,
together with its mathematical model, can be used to accurately simulate,
moment by moment, the resulting disaggregated aspects of my consciousness
during the purgative period. At present the model contains 38 aspects of
consciousness or 38 variables. These are all operating simultaneously.
Once Feedback Phenomenology has been used to accurately simulate the 38
simultaneously operating aspects of consciousness during purgation, then
deep scientific insights and conjectures are obtained about the dynamics and
the biological nature of consciousness during purgation and mystical union
by working along the following lines of attack:
Because the body and its nervous system is a multiloop nonlinear feedback
system, find the neuroscientific and physiological correlates for the flow
diagram for purgation shown in Figure 2.
Determine the dynamics of the various aspects of consciousness during
purgation as those 38 aspects simultaneously approach the moment of
transition from purgation into mystical union.
Establish the nonlinear dynamics phase portrait for the set of seven
differential equations of the model of purgation. These equations contain
purgation's 38 aspects of consciousness.
Consciousness during mystical union cannot be modeled or simulated, because
it transcends the phenomenal: the change in inner sense ceases in that state
and hence the sense of inner time ceases also. This timeless characteristic
is why mystical union is called an experience of the Eternal.
The approach to a general theory of religion is by induction. First, the
Feedback Phenomenological analysis of purgation produces the 38 simulations
to describe the various aspects of my consciousness, moment by moment, over
their 10-hour duration. In this way the experience of purgation leading to
mystical union is laid out as a function of time in greater detail than has
ever been done before. Then analysis of the model structure - together with
the study of numerous quotes from the mystical literature of the major world
religions as they apply at key points in the 10-hour simulations - tends to
indicate that the experience is the same peak experience of those religions.
As the work proceeded, the above clarification of consciousness during
purgation led to a theory of consciousness, a mathematical modeling and
simulation of a somatosensory-driven mental imagery which is the intentional
object of subjective consciousness during purgation, a solution to Chalmers'
hard problem, and from there to a link with neurobiology and cardiovascular
physiology. Here was the beginning of a solid link between biology and
religion. Then, it occurred to me that Feedback Phenomenology was performing
a phenomenological reduction but was doing it in a simpler and a more
formalized way than the methods of the German Phenomenological Movement. In
addition Feedback Phenomenology appears to be able to bridge or synthesize
the split that had opened up in that movement between the transcendental
school (Husserl thesis) and what might be called the realist or empirical or
physical or existential school (antithesis). As the study has developed in
this way, there has emerged a growing conceptual coherence and confidence,
what E.O. Wilson calls consilience, in the Feedback Phenomenological Method
and its resulting general theory of religion and integration of science and
religion. In addition, sections VII.c and VII.i suggest one of the first
tests of the theory.
The present results of the existential and transcendental reductions
emerging from the phenomenological analysis of my religious experience are
as follows:
The existential or physical reduction: This is the solution to Chalmers'
'hard problem' which gives the neural and biological correlates of
consciousness during purgation. See Section VII.c,d, and e for the present
results of the existential or physical reduction.
The transcendental or eidetic reduction: These transcendental elements or
eidetic intuitions or critical insights or electrifying wisdom were obtained
after long and careful meditations on the entire religious experience, but
particularly meditations on the following two modes of consciousness:
consciousness during purgation, as the various aspects of my consciousness
approach the moment of transition from purgation into mystical union; and my
timeless consciousness during the state of mystical union. The present
results of this eidetic reduction are shown at Section VIII.b, c, and d.
This set of ideas and their results are isolating and clarifying the blessed
core of religion and providing the framework for future investigations in
neurobiology, philosophy, phenomenology, consciousness studies, psychology,
anthropology, and comparative religion. It is also providing the scientific
and philosophical underpinnings for theologies and faith-identity patterns
throughout the world. I believe these kind of results will gradually lead to
the tearing down of the firewall that now artificially separates the
scientific culture and the religious culture. In parallel with this is the
main aim of my work: to hold course in my life and avoid shipwreck.

foot tapping mentalism for all ages


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