-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Flushing out the moles



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

Well, the Bush-Cheney Administration has got a mole infestation, all right, 
but not of Chinese moles that allegedly burrowed into our nuke labs several 
decades ago. No, siree. These are Clinton-Gore moles that went to ground only 
last November, and they need to be flushed out as soon as possible before 
they can do too much damage. 

How to find them? Well, one approach would be to carefully analyze for clues 
the cries of despair -- or shouts of hurrah -- of the media elite. If, for 
example, the brand-new EPA administrator says she is going to regulate carbon 
dioxide as a pollutant -- and the media elite cheer "Hooray!" -- then you 
know there’s a mole-hole somewhere near her office. And if the media elite 
take one look -- as they just did -- at the first Bush-Cheney budget and 
charge them with making drastic cuts in the wonderful Clinton-Gore 
"non-proliferation" programs -- particularly the Nunn-Lugar-Domenici "loose 
nuke" programs -- then you know there are Clinton-Gore moles infesting quite 
a few other agencies. 

In the first place, the Clinton-Gore "non-proliferation" programs were not 
wonderful. And, they did not focus on preventing Russian nukes from getting 
loose, which is what Nunn-Lugar-Domenici mandated that they do. 

If the Russians had been able to obtain and maintain -- without our 
assistance -- safe and secure control over a.) every Soviet nuke and b.) all 
the Soviet weapons-useable fissile materials -- and then safely and securely 
dispose of any excess -- there would have been no need for the 
Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Acts in the first place. But the Russians couldn’t do all 
that by themselves, so they came to us and asked for our assistance. And 
Congress immediately authorized President Bush to give it to them. 

However, it quickly became apparent to Congress that Clinton-Gore did not 
have the same understanding of "non-proliferation" as Bush-Quayle did. For 
Clinton-Gore, "non-proliferation" was synonymous with "disarmament." 
Clinton-Gore were not so much interested in assisting the Russians to secure 
their nuke stockpile as they were in getting rid of all of our nukes -- right 
away -- as an example for the rest of the world to follow. 

(Nixon had already gotten rid of all our biological weapons, Reagan got rid 
of our chemical weapons, Bush began getting rid of all the nukes we no longer 
needed, but candidate George W. Bush correctly promised to keep all the nukes 
we do need.) 

You’ve probably heard about the billions of dollars that Congress authorized 
Clinton -- they never authorized the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission to do any 
of the things they did, but they went ahead and did them, anyway -- to give 
the Russians to prevent nuke proliferation. These are the wonderful programs 
that the media elite are now accusing Bush-Cheney of cutting, drastically. 

Well, hardly any of that money was actually given to the Russians. Most of 
the billions -- initially authorized by the Freedom Support Act of 1992 for 
the purpose of bringing the emerging states of the former Soviet Union into 
the Western-style, market-oriented community of nations -- were funneled 
through federal agencies (State Department, Department of Defense, Agency for 
International Development -- AID, Ex-Im Bank, Overseas Private Investment 
Corporation, Department of Commerce, etc.) to U.S. contractors and their 
partners in the former Soviet Union. 

Title V of the multi-billion dollar Freedom Support Act is what is usually 
called the Nunn-Lugar Act, and it authorized the Departments of Defense (DOD) 
and Energy (DOE) to spend up to $400 million per year to prevent the 
proliferation of "weapons of mass destruction." However, it is very clear 
from the legislative history that the Nunn-Lugar Act was almost entirely 
focused on preventing Russian nukes from getting loose, but very little was 
actually spent by either DOD or DOE for that purpose. 

In fact, by 1997, DOD was spending virtually all Title V funds on something 
called "Defense Conversion." And almost all the rest of the multi-billion 
dollar Freedom Support Act funds were being spent by AID and other agencies 
on something called "Partnerships for Freedom." The point-people for these 
two grand Clinton-Gore Freedom Support Act programs -- to irreversibly disarm 
Russia under cover of the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission -- were Secretary of 
Commerce Ron Brown, Secretary of Defense Perry and Secretary of Energy 

Title V, the 1992 Nunn-Lugar Act, provided for DOD and DOE to help the 
Russians (1.) secure positive control over all Soviet nukes and 
weapons-useable materials from dismantled excess "weapons of mass 
destruction;" (2.) transport and store Soviet weapons that were to be 
dismantled; and (3.) prevent weapon proliferation. There was nothing in 
Nunn-Lugar about disarming Russia or anyone else. Nunn-Lugar was, first and 
foremost, about preventing loose nukes. 

But, the Cooperative Threat Reduction Act of 1993 authorized the Clinton-Gore 
DOD to establish a program to help demilitarize former Soviet Union defense 
industries and convert military technologies and capabilities to commercial 
activities. The Soviet Union had an enormous defense-industrial complex that 
consisted of at least 2,000 production facilities, design bureaus, and 
research and development institutes -- altogether employing about 10 million 

Undaunted by the magnitude of the challenge, Clinton-Gore set out to disarm 
the former Soviet Union by converting those thousands of defense industries 
and facilities -- that could in any way be linked to their definition of 
"weapons of mass destruction" -- into peaceful things like soda-pop bottling 
plants. (No kidding. Clinton-Gore converted a ballistic missile guidance 
factory into a plant which made equipment for soda-pop bottling plants.) 

For their purposes, DOD defined "weapons of mass destruction" to include 
nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons; any guided missiles or aircraft 
capable of delivering nukes and chem-bio weapons; and any weapon platform, 
such as aircraft carriers, land-based missile launchers, surface ships and 
submarines capable of carrying or delivering nukes or chem-bio weapons. Also 
included were firms associated with the production of command, control, and 
communications equipment for military forces linked to nukes or chem-bio 
weaponry, as well as with the production of systems that provide strategic 
defense against nukes and chem-bio weapons. 

Can you think of anything they left out? 

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