Here is a copy of the Turner Diaries I found on the web for anyone wanting to read same, for this is the book by a Dr. Pierce whom some claim to be a Nazi, wrote and the FBI called it McVeigh's bible? Now the data I sent earlier on the web re the connection to McVeigh and this Gideon placed bible - showing the marked pages - prove only one thing - McVeigh had connections to HIGH intelligence sources - for I believe this Gideon Bible has been used as a code a communicatin system for some time now and this is the book, that the Condor no doubt masked in the movie 3 Days of the Condor - I was interested in this movie because several years before was when I discovered the one book that went into nearly every country in the world, in nearly every language in the world (major languages - wonder about Armenia???) So some might find this material offensive but I have not read it yet; but, to get to the truth when I had the Secret Service at the door the last question they asked me was - hey want books you reading these days, to which I replied just the bible and books on the Mafia which sufficed. So if this book the Turner Diaries influenced so many people - what influenced the kids at Littleton and I believe the movie Heathers which will not go into Stage II and the FBI Movie, remember the tape was made before the facts - if this Turner Diary is so dangerous, then why do we permit our kids to be fed drugs like M&M's legally, hypnotic control and will power lost where kids become so suggestible they see something and they act it out - this is elementary psychology.... So from the day you are born you are programmed - you may be programmed for good or for evil, for you are not only what you eat and are fed, but you are what you read? Pull up these diaries - the cover leter had a big swatstika which I did not reproduce in order not to shock the hell out of list this is for information purposes only. Was this McVeigh's Bible; I do not believe so for all these people are in disguise and I along with a lot of others have been led and mislead many times. As diligent seekers of truth you have to get inside the brains of others to know what they are really like. Somebody wants to be a fascist pig or a bleeding heart liberal I do not care, so long as it does not affect me or mine. Further, this Gay Pride has brought attention to an element who would rather live quietly and discreetly - putting up their flag is like putting up a red flag in front of a bull??? Is to me....especially when they take down the Confederate Flag for which many Americans died - most of whom had ancestors who fought and traced their lineage to the Revolutionary War - as it is I could go into the DAR or the Daughters of the Confederacy.... Saba (Hibernian at Heart) So pull this up - did the same people who arranged for Littleton arrange for Oklahoma? Were the two kids at Oklahoma used and Patsies and if so, by whom...oh so for McVeigh? Why did the BATF and FBI and one Judge stay home that day and leave the babies in the nursery?