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Admiral Prueher helped to successfully gain the release of our 24 hostages. Why is 
President Bush replacing him? He appears to be a REAL American Hero!!

What is NOT told in the article about Admiral Prueher (which is inserted at the end) 
is the REASON Bush REALLY replaced Prueher!!

Prueher is a traitor!  He's one of Bill's Boys and he follows the dictates of the NWO! 
I will let you draw your own conclusions... but I have often said that a MOB BOSS will 
NOT willingly bow to another MOB BOSS. In other words, the Bush Family Crime 
Synidicate does NOT want to take orders from the NWO CRIME SYNDICATE! You can draw 
your own conclusions after you read the article about Admiral Prueher coming up with 
the idea to have Green Berets teach the Red Chinese Special Ops!

You will see the evidence regarding Admiral Prueher when you read this article which 
was written in 1998. I have inserted an excerpt here:



 Posted by Bill Fuller:

Take a look at this excerpt from an article that was published in September of 1998!

..."this kind of thing" was already in
the planning stages through Admiral Joseph Prueher, the commander in chief
for the Pacific Command, and Brigadier General Norton Schwartz, commander in
chief of Special Operations Command for the Pacific Command.

Admiral Prueher gets his direction from chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, General Hugh Shelton. General Shelton, it will be recalled, is the
enthusiastic "Hero of Haiti," whose XVIII Airborne Corps spearheaded the
ouster of anti-communist Raul Cedras in September 1994, and reinstalled, at
U.S. Army bayonet point, Parti Unification Communiste leader (and darling of
our own Congressional Black Caucus) Bertrand Aristide on October 15, 1994
but only after Haitian anti-communist opposition had been crushed by the
U.S. Army.

Admiral Prueher is now Ambassador to China, he was given this position by Bill Clinton 
over other far more qualified candidates. Now Prueher has recently 'negotiated' the 
release of our hostages.

If Prueher was in on the training of eleite Red Chinese "Green Berets", then it is NO 
WONDER that Navy SEALS or other special operations teams couldn't be sent in to rescue 
the "American 24"... because the Chinese already had all the Green Berets, Navy SEALS 
game plans!

If Prueher and Shelton gave the Red Chinese the secrets of our elite fightng forces, 
then this is TREASON and needs to be dealt with in the harshest possible terms.

It is time to bring back the TREASON TRIALS!

McCarthy was right!

G.W. needs to recall Prueher right now and retire Shelton!

They are both Bill's Boys!


The above was posted by Bill Fuller -- It looks like Bill got it right AGAIN!!  George 
Bush has JUST recalled Prueher... think of the timing of this recall and then wonder!!

Thanks Bill for keeping us so educated!





Tuesday April 17 12:49 PM ET
Bush Picks U.S. Ambassador to China

By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush (news - web sites) is expected to name Clark Randt 
Jr., a lawyer and businessman based in Hong Kong, as the next U.S. ambassador to China.

Randt was a classmate of Bush at Yale. He would succeed Joseph W. Prueher, a retired 
Navy admiral, who was named to the post by former President Bill Clinton in 1999 after 
a long search.

Prueher played a leading role in negotiations that led to the release of the American 
crew of the U.S. surveillance plane that collided with a Chinese fighter jet and 
landed in southern China April 1 and is the focus of negotiations due to open 
Wednesday in Beijing.

Prueher, who was praised by the White House for his diplomatic efforts, reportedly was 
interested in remaining in the post. He was not named to the Pentagon (news - web 
sites)-led U.S. delegation to the Beijing talks, and a well-placed U.S. official said 
Tuesday Bush intended to name Randt as the next ambassador.

Prueher succeeded former Sen. James Sasser, D-Tenn., in Beijing after Clinton 
approached several potential nominees who turned him down. They were said to include 
Anthony Lake, the president's former national security assistant; former Rep. Lee 
Hamilton, D-Ind.; and former Sens. Dale Bumpers and David Pryor of Arkansas.

Then, as now, U.S. relations with China were at a low ebb over allegations of Chinese 
espionage, a widening trade gap and human rights problems. Conservatives in the Senate 
were primed to turn the nomination hearing into a heated debate on Clinton's 
diplomatic overtures to Beijing.

As it turned out, Prueher was enthusiastically supported by most Republicans, 
including Sen. Jesse Helms (news - bio - voting record), R-N.C., the chairman of the 
Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

He retired from the Navy in May 1999, after a 39-year career, including serving as 
commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific. He held that post in early 1996 when Clinton 
sent U.S. warships into the Taiwan Strait after provocative Chinese missile firings 
during Taiwan's election campaigns.

That portion of his resume provoked some initial reservations among Chinese leaders 
still angry over the U.S. bombing of their embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, on May 7, 
1999. But it may have helped him with Senate hard-liners like Helms.

Bush, in his presidential campaign, accused Clinton of coddling China, and since 
taking office has spoken of China as a strategic rival.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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