-Caveat Lector-

                                                     by Sherman H. Skolnick 04/11/01


The Red Chinese are to get massive funds and terms in the secret deals
brokered by Federal Reserve Commissar Alan Greenspan. The
agreements, European intelligence sources contend, would never, if soon
fully revealed, get the approval of top honchos of both political parties in the
U.S. Congress.

The protocols, forms of clandestine U.S. Treaties, are highly favorable to
mainland China and extremely adverse to the American White House
occupied by what European and non-European sources aver is a highly
tainted, and conflict-of-interest presidency. The secret deals, ending the
ordeal of China holding 24 U.S. spy-plane airpeople hostages on an island
offshore the China mainland, were hammered out with the help, among
others of the following, many of whom have large business interests in Red

(1)The deals were orchestrated (maybe the "accident" also "created"?) by
George Herbert Walker Bush, in supervising his son, George W. Bush. The
Elder Bush has a long history in strange events. With the American CIA
since at least 1959, he was part of the cover up of the plot to assassinate
President John F. Kennedy in 1963, as implicit in an FBI document that has
surfaced. In 1976, for less than a year, he was Director of Central
Intelligence, heading up the American spy community. In the late 1970s,
before the U.S. began official diplomatic relations with Red China, the
Elder Bush was U.S. envoy to Beijing, traveling and living, not with his wife
but his mistress. The Elder Bush's brother, uncle of George W., Prescott
Bush, Jr., has been a behind-the-scenes expert as a reputed money
laundry expert, aiding criminally-inclined members of the Red Chinese
Military and the Te-Wu, the Red Chinese Secret Police, in penetrating
foreign currency and commodity markets, such as on the Chicago Board of
Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. [Visit our website stories
about the Red Chinese Secret Police operating on U.S. soil, arranging, for
example, the shipments of human body parts harvested from Chinese
dissidents condemned to death, as the body organs are ordered by the
Rockefeller hospitals at the University of Chicago, major center of

In October, 1980, the Elder Bush, briefly visiting a Paris suburb, arranged a
treasonous deal to supply weapons to Iran via Israel. In exchange, Iran
agreed to keep holding 52 U.S. hostages to aid the Reagan/Bush ticket to
win the 1980 Presidential election by showing Jimmy Carter, running for re-
election, as a wimp not able to get the hostage release. The affair was
called "The October Surprise". The hostages were released just at the
moment in January, 1981, when Reagan/Bush were successfully
inaugurated, as President and Vice President.

(2) Another participant of the U.S.-China hostage pacts, has been U.S.
Secretary of State, General Colin Powell along with his sidekick, Richard
Armitage, Deputy Secretary of State. The foreign press, unlike the captive
U.S. mass media, have not hesitated in the past to point out that a
Burmese General, in an apparently authentic videoed interview. contended
from first-hand knowledge that three top-level Americans have been his
worldwide dope trafficking partners in shipments from the "Golden
Triangle", Southeast Asia including Southwest China. In fact, they built him
a highway through the jungle to facilitate the shipments, he asserts.
Identified by this Asian dope kingpin as his long-time business partners
reportedly have been George Herbert Walker Bush, General Colin Powell
[who during the Viet Nam War covered up the Mai Li mass civilian murder
incident], and Powell's ever-present crony Richard Armitage.

(3) Reportedly aiding in the hostage deals translations and terms has been
the Younger Bush Administration's Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, wife
of Senator Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) a husband and wife team that
reportedly fronts for the Beijing government in Washington. Chao has
numerous business links with the Red Chinese Secret Police. For
example, she has held a seat on the board of Protective Life Corp., which
owns 50 per cent of CRC Protective Life Insurance, as shown on Senate
financial-disclosure documents. [Lippo Group, tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton
as well as George W. Bush, owned First National Bank of Mena, Arkansas,
arranging to launder hundreds of millions of dollars, proceeds of the
American CIA dope shipments through the nearby airport at Mena.] The
other half of the Hong Kong-located unit is owned by Lippo jointly with
China Resources Holdings Co., a unit of the Red Chinese Secret Police
and China's Military.

Elaine L. Chao's father, born in China, James S.C. Chao, is closely tied in
business to the top officials of the Beijing government and owns a shipping
company with business with the Beijing government.

Long part of highly secretive dirty deals has been the New York District
Federal Reserve Bank, long tied to Maurice Greenberg, chairman of
American International Group Inc. AIG purchased 5 per cent of Lippo Life
and 70 per cent of one of its units, Asuransi Jiwa Lippo Utama, paying
upwards of 200 million dollars. With gross sales of 40 Billion dollars, AIG
was one of the first foreign firms permitted to sell insurance in Red China.
Chao's husband, the U.S. Senator, has long received campaign pay-offs
from Greenberg's firm.

European and American intelligence sources assert that Elaine L. Chao's
reputed links to the Red Chinese Secret Police, together with that of her
husband the U.S. Senator, could easily fill a good-sized book or magazine
article. Despite her connections, she has strangely been given as a Bush
Cabinet member access and clearance to top national security secrets of
the FBI Counter-Intelligence Division, the American CIA, and highly
sensitive classified records relating to U.S. and foreign trade.

(4) Participating reportedly if not actually fully facilitating the hostage deals
has been former Clinton White House Senior Advisor, Rahm Emanuel.
After leaving the White House, Rahm became a managing director of
Wasserstein Perella & Co., supposed "investment bankers", who
reportedly specialize in secret Asian asset swaps, barter deals, and
laundering funds of the Red Chinese Secret Police disguised as foreign
currency and soybeans deals on the Chicago markets. He has reportedly
been quite involved in joint enterprises with Israel, where he is a dual
citizen, jointly with the Red Chinese in enterprises reportedly including
nuclear bomb detonators. Rahm Emanuel has been the reputed Deputy
Chief for North America of Israel intelligence, The Mossad. His deals,
some contend, if fully publicly revealed, would anger some American Jews,
particularly those who are not part of the aristocracy, as well as more
common people in Israel.

European and non-European intelligence officials who penetrated the
secret hostage release arrangements conveyed the specifics of the U.S.-
Sino so-called "peace" covenant, to certain outspoken, more independent-
minded free lance journalists and investigators. This done, to assure some
of the onerous terms somehow, somewhere, come to public attention
without being screened by the monopoly press. Some of the specifics

===For use by the Beijing government, the Federal Reserve agreed to
transfer to a neutral designated country, as a neutral depository or escrow
agent, 40 Billion dollars in U.S. credits, assets, gold bullion, and currencies,
both U.S. and foreign. Title of this is to be conveyed to mainland China
sovereignty upon the safe release of the U.S. hostages.

[To facilitate this, certain foreign currencies have been artificially supported
by the Federal Reserve at the same time, jointly with the Bank of England,
Goldman Sachs & Co.(which moved to London to get away from U.S.
jurisdiction), J.P. Morgan & Co., Bank One, with the aid of Wasserstein
Perella & Co., and others, forcing down the price of gold below the cost of
production of the world's most efficient mines.

===In the agreements between Red China and the U.S., the American CIA,
by the Director of Central Intelligence, as head of the intelligence
community, and as a signatory, certifies that the American mass media
outlets will be ordered, or upon failure of such orders, technically and
through satellites obstructed, from such major U.S. news outlets circulating
or distributing, or causing or participating in the same, the details of the
U.S.-Sino deals to gain release of the hostages. Guarantors of this, along
with the American CIA and the Director of Central Intelligence, DCI, are
signatories binding the National Security Agency, NSA, in charge of signal
intelligence, and the National Reconnaissance Office, NRO, in charge of
satellites, including those relied upon by the major media outlets.

[In federal documents long-since released but little mentioned, a similar
deal for mass media censorship in 1964, was agreed to by the Associated
Press and United Press International, guaranteeing for an indefinite period
of time that the wire services will carry no adverse criticism of the then-
issued Warren Commission Report proclaiming that there was no
conspiracy in the murder of President John F. Kennedy and the deed was
done by a lone assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.]

===A top official of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, as a
signatory and guarantor binding as well on successors in office, assures
that that Agency will use their best efforts and most merited personnel to
prevent any publicity in the mass media news outlets, of any problem, of
any problems to be publicly discussed, as to "China White", the high-purity
dope from Southwest China funneling into the U.S.principally through
Chicago and the monetary proceeds of which are to be credited to pay
back the loans from First National Bank of Chicago now called Bank One.
That this embargo on data and press releases and public statements is to
continue at least until one year after the expected Red China hosting of the
International Olympics. The DEA official agrees that his agency will restrict
their public comments on dope traffic interdictions to Mexico, Colombia,
Nigeria, and related locations and not mention Southwest China, or the
term "China White". A top official of FBI Counter-Intelligence Division, in
supervision of overseas offices, likewise is a guarantor and signatory to
these embargo provisions.

As part of these restrictions on public statements, press statements, and
press releases, the DEA and FBI signatories and guarantors agree not to
use the term, in any of its forms, of Te-Wu, Red Chinese Secret Police, or
any words relating to or meaning the same. The signatories and
guarantors, upon the agreement with the Chinese signatories, confirm that
the purported activities of the Red Chinese Secret Police, by any term
referring to them, and their acts and doings while within U.S. sovereignty,
since 1956, or before, were at all times "peaceable, law-abiding, and that
no criminal or other offenses were committed within U.S. sovereignty"and
that all statements to the contrary are known to the DEA and its
predecessors as well as the FBI, "to be false and not supported by fact".

[This declaration is in direct opposition to the numerous reports from an
elite unit of retired intelligence operatives who documented the murder and
mayhem, on U.S. soil, by the Red Chinese Secret Police since at least
1956. Visit our website series.]

===As a signatory to the hostage agreements, the North American Chief of
British Counter-Intelligence, with offices in Chicago, agrees to invoke the
United Kingdom's Official Secrets Act, to restrain and punish any British
news outlets, including those with U.S. offices as well, from distributing and
circulating the withheld details of the hostage pacts. For that purpose, the
MI-6 chieftain agrees to recommend the seizure in the United Kingdom,
and wherever else there is British sovereignty, of media machinery,
facilities, transmitters, trucks, portable audio and video equipment, and
other media items, from any British major media violating the terms. And
further, agrees to recommend the prosecution and jailing of British mass
media personnel violating the Official Secrets Act by circulating or causing
to be circulated and distributed the withheld details of the hostage
covenants and terms.

While releasing the specifics of the foregoing to certain independent-
minded journalists and investigators, the European and non-European
intelligence operatives, that penetrated the U.S.-Sino concordat, assert
they are holding back still other details of the hostage release financial and
other agreements, so as to, on a time-sensitive basis, safeguard some of
their units still compiling inside data.

The principal financial terms of the hostage release are not to be publicized
for at least until after Red China successfully arranges hosting the
International Olympics. Top officials of the sports superfest participated in
the hostage dealings, in a restriced portion only, of the bargaining
negotiations, according to European and non-European intelligence

The penetration of the super-secret hostage settlements was aided by
intelligence operatives with a background from France, Portugal, and
Spain. The Portuguese operatives in particular had a score to settle with
the dirty conniving in the deals by the Bush Family to cover up their secret
business partnerships with the Red Chinese. As published in the foreign
press, former high-level officials in Lisbon have accused George Herbert
Walker Bush of arranging the political assassination, by way of a
sabotaged plane crash, of the former Finance Minister of Portugal who had
documents proving the Elder Bush used Portugal as a trans-shipment point
for Bush's treasonous arrangement with Iran in 1980, to give them weapons
via Israel, in exchange for holding back the release of the 52 U.S. hostages
in Teheran. In other words, documents that proved the Elder Bush
committed treason, to offset an "October Surprise" by Jimmy Carter trying
to get the hostage release in the month prior to the 1980 election,to help
Carter's re-election bid.

More coming. Stay tuned.


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