-Caveat Lector-

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To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Fri, 20 Apr 2001 07:18:23 -0500
Subject:                Re: [PoliticalGroup] Chinese Raid Defiant Village, Killing 2, 
Amid Rural  Unrest

  April 20, 2001

  Chinese Raid Defiant Village, Killing 2, Amid
  Rural Unrest


  [Y]UNTANG, China, April 18 — Before dawn last
     Sunday, more than 600 police and paramilitary
  troops stormed this village in southern China and
  opened fire on a gathering crowd of unarmed
  farmers, killing 2 and wounding at least 18,
  witnesses and local officials say.

  The shootings, which have not been reported in
  the Chinese news media, were one of the most
  severe known incidents of civil strife in recent
  years, the latest act in a three- year struggle
  pitting the 1,400 residents of Yuntang against
  township and county officials. The villagers have
  refused to pay what they call illegal and
  impossibly high local taxes and fees, and the
  officials have labeled the villagers a "criminal

  As a tangible sign of their resistance, the
  villagers erected a strong iron gate across the
  only road into Yuntang last year, keeping it
  locked and guarded to prevent the entry of
  official vehicles.

  The bitter strife in this village and untold
  others reflects the anger and despair among the
  millions of farm families in China's traditional
  breadbasket region. Even as the national economy
  booms, in villages across central and southern
  China incomes have stagnated, most young people
  migrate to coastal cities to perform menial jobs,
  and local governments are so short of money that
  officials and teachers often go unpaid for months
  at a time.

  The use of gunfire against unarmed, protesting
  citizens has been rare in recent years and
  Sunday's hushed-up clash is a sharp reminder of
  the domestic pressures bearing down on the
  country's leaders and the Communist Party as they
  try to modernize China without losing control of

  The shooting in Yuntang — with its echoes of the
  unresolved national trauma of the 1989 shooting
  of hundreds of demonstrators around Tiananmen
  Square — stemmed in part from the economic
  strains that are bound to grow as China joins the
  World Trade Organization and opens up industries
  and agriculture.

  The people of Yuntang remain defiant but also
  fearful of further reprisals, and when a foreign
  reporter unexpectedly arrived, he was quickly
  told to leave. One older man apologized, saying,
  "If the Communist regime knows we are meeting the
  foreign press, they might level our village."

  The authorities of Jiangxi Province, where this
  rice-farming village of the lower Yangtze basin
  lies, have managed to largely suppress news of
  the killings. Still, villagers say the
  authorities apparently recognized the potentially
  explosive nature of the news because the evening
  of the incident a provincial deputy Communist
  Party secretary was dispatched to the village,
  and he promised an investigation.

  The deadly clash in Yuntang is the latest sign of
  instability in Jiangxi, a relatively poor
  province known as a cradle of Mao's Communist
  revolution. Another county not far from Yuntang
  was the site of another major, internationally
  publicized conflict last August, when more than
  10,000 farmers protesting high taxes rampaged
  through township offices and the homes of
  officials. There is no sign that farmers from the
  two restless counties have joined forces, forming
  the kind of rural movement that the authorities
  are especially anxious to prevent.

  And Jiangxi Province's top two officials were
  replaced after a deadly explosion in March at a
  primary school where, local residents said,
  students had been forced to make fireworks. In
  that case, which aroused popular suspicion and
  anger, local authorities apparently misled
  leaders in Beijing about activities at the
  school. While Prime Minister Zhu Rongji did not
  publicly rebut the official account that the
  explosion was the work of a madman, he did issue
  a highly unusual public apology for the accident.

  The Yuntang shootings fly in the face of a
  warning issued by the prime minister to local
  authorities in a 1999 speech. Discussing the wide
  concern over rural tax burdens, Mr. Zhu publicly
  admonished officials to respond with
  understanding rather than force.

  The provincial authorities apparently face a
  quandary: should they praise the officials of
  Yujiang County and Zhongtong township for
  safeguarding public order, or should they fire
  those who planned this attack, or even punish
  some for murder? Officials must also decide
  whether to press charges against Su Guosheng, a
  village leader who had dared to take complaints
  about local corruption and excess taxes all the
  way to Beijing and, villagers said, was detained
  the day before the raid.

  The villagers are still waiting for answers and
  have kept a pile of empty shell casings as well
  as the bodies of the two dead men, Yu Xinguang,
  38, and Yu Xinquan, 22, as potential evidence.
  They say they have not heard back from the
  detained Mr. Su, and fear he will be beaten to
  death in police custody.

  Resentment against rising taxes and official
  corruption had been building for years, but the
  ire of the once-glorified peasantry of Yuntang
  erupted in 1998. That year, despite vast flooding
  of the Yangtze River basin that wiped out their
  crops, local taxes and fees were actually raised
  by nearly one-third, to $36 per one-seventh acre
  of cropland.

  Even in normal years, that would be a high burden
  for families here, who each control little more
  than half an acre of rice paddy and at best reap
  a meager profit. They refused to pay.

  This week, putting their case to a visitor, they
  showed the line of those 1998 floodwaters, some
  eight feet up the walls of their homes. In 1999,
  farm taxes were increased yet again and the
  farmers were told they must pay their arrears
  from 1998 as well. They refused, again, to pay.

  "There are corrupt officials at every level —
  township, county and city — and they have been
  collaborating to get more for themselves," said
  one farmer this week.

  In February 1999, four truckloads of police
  officers and officials tried to enter the village
  but were repelled by an angry crowd, the
  villagers said. In October that year, three
  villagers who were working in the nearby city of
  Yingtan were arrested; villagers said they forced
  their release by blocking a highway and
  surrounding the car of the Yingtan mayor.

  Last July, they said, some 600 police officers
  tried to force their way into the village, but
  were repelled again by a defiant wall of people.

  This month, local officials apparently decided to
  use the new national "strike hard" campaign
  against crime and break the village's resistance
  once and for all.

  On Saturday they arrested Mr. Su, considered a
  ringleader. On Sunday at 4 a.m., at least 600
  officers of the local police and the People's
  Armed Police, an anti-riot force affiliated with
  the army, arrived at the village edge in trucks
  and vans. The officers had been told that all of
  Yuntang village was a "criminal gang," witnesses
  later said.

  Armed with rifles, pistols and electric prods,
  the officers ran around the roadblock and started
  breaking into homes, waking the rest of the
  village. In front of the primary school, the
  officers confronted a crowd of hundreds,
  according to witnesses, and at 4:20 a.m. they
  opened fire. By some accounts, they began by
  firing low, at the legs, but when farmers started
  fighting back with rocks and sticks, they shot to

  Two men died and a third was paralyzed, and a
  total of 18 wounded villagers are now recovering
  in two local hospitals.

  The deaths were confirmed by a township official,
  who added, shaking his head, "Those taxes in 1998
  were too high."

  The police occupied the village for the day,
  detaining three more people but releasing them

  Now the residents of Yuntang feel they are living
  in a virtual state of siege, with the police
  watching their roadway, two dead men in a back
  room and a respected comrade in jail. They await
  the decisions of the provincial government, and
  have sneaked out a written plea for attention
  from higher authorities in Beijing.

  This winter Prime Minister Zhu pledged to reduce
  the crushing tax burdens on farmers, proposing to
  expand on pilot projects in Anhui Province in
  which all extra fees were abolished and farmers
  pay a single tax, with total tax burdens
  considerably reduced.

  The idea is popular, but no one has yet answered
  the obvious problem it poses: how to make up the
  enormous shortfall in funds for local government,
  which, corrupt practices aside, must also build
  roads and schools and pay teachers and the
     Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company |

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Best Wishes

The man who produces while others dispose of his product is a slave.
- Alyssa Rosenbaum

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