-Caveat Lector-


Stop Africa's slave trade, now!

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

by: John Doggett

[ Folks who recall the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings may recall
Doggett's debunking of Anita Hill's claimed innocence. ]

Africa's dirty little secret isn't secret anymore. You see, although they
abolished slavery in the Western Hemisphere more than a century ago, it
still flourishes in Africa. The recent publicity over the Benin-based child
slave boat is just the tip of the iceberg.

For five years, a decrepit little ship called the MV Etireno has sailed the
West African coast with its hold filled with child slaves. Their poor
parents sold the children into slavery for as little as $14. The parents
claimed that the slavers promised that they would educate the children and
find them jobs. I can think of few words that are more painful than the
words "sold by their parents."

Fortunately, Benin finally allowed the ship to dock and before its human
cargo suffered permanent injury. However, the only reason Benin took action
was because of the growing embarrassment this 21st century slave ship was
creating for its government.

My friends, a few weeks ago, I told you why I felt it was crucial that we
Americans never forget the horrors of African slavery. Nevertheless, my
argument about America's past pale in comparison to what is going on in
Africa today. Sadly, those who have argued most vociferously for black
reparations are strangely silent about this modern day slave ship. And that
offends me deeply.

The United States banned the importation of African slaves in 1808. The
Brazilians banned the slave trade in 1888. Nevertheless, more than a century
later, slavery still lives in Africa. If it wasn't for a handful of
Christians and other people of conscience, no one would even care.

Occasionally a story surfaces in WND or the Washington Times about
Christians or American school children raising money to buy African children
out of bondage. It moves my heart that these good people put their money on
the table to save some from slavery. Usually, they can save a life for just
$50. Nevertheless, it tears at my soul that these acts of mercy are even
necessary in the 21st century.

It is time, my friends, for the world to stop coddling Africa. I will no
longer accept that the status quo is simply that African governments are
corrupt, African nations are poor and African people will commit acts of
savagery against each other.

I have worked in most parts of Africa. The overwhelming majority of Africa's
people are wonderful, bright and decent people. Unfortunately, men who are
more concerned about their personal political power control most African

The facts are clear. Africa has more natural resources than any other
continent in the world, yet its people are the poorest in the world. Africa
has produced some of the most brilliant minds in the history of the world.
Yet today, Africa invents nothing that the rest of the world uses. That
doesn't have to be.

It is time to hold Africa up to the same standards as the rest of the world.
And the first thing we need to do is to end the African slave trade. And we
need to do it now.

For eight years, the left told us that Bill Clinton was their "human rights"
president. He did nothing to stop African slavery. Bill used his power to
pardon a man who traded with South Africa while sanctions were in place
against South Africa. He didn't use his power to fight African slavery.

Bill Clinton bombed a Sudanese pharmaceutical plant when they impeached him
for having sex with Monica. He didn't pressure the Sudanese government to
end rampant slavery.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have emerged as leaders of the black
community. For eight years they had unrestricted access to the highest
levels of power. Yet neither of them made the elimination of African slavery
their priority.

Jesse Jackson rushed to Illinois to defend teenaged hoodlums from school
expulsion. But he was silent as the Benin slave ship sailed back and forth
off the coast of West Africa.

Jesse Jackson offered to go to China to mediate in the spy plane crisis. But
this ministerial adulterer never led a mission to stamp out slavery in
Africa. And sadly, the African-American community seems not to even care.

We must never forget the role that slavery played in America's history and
the racial discrimination that it begat. However, what is happening in
Africa is an entirely different matter. Africa's sins are in the here and
now. If we work hard, we can end the African slave trade once and for all.

So I ask President Bush and Secretary of State Powell to do something that
the "human rights" liberals never tried to do.

The liberals worked hard to protect the whales. I want you to work harder to
protect humans.

The liberals worked hard to protect plants. I want you to work even harder
to protect babies.

The liberals declared war on business people who invest in Third World
countries to improve their standard of living. I want you to declare
economic war on those countries that allow their people to be sold into

We just celebrated Easter. I can think of no better way to practice our
faith than to lead the fight to end Africa's slave trade.

John Doggett is a business school professor, management consultant and
lawyer who lives in Austin, Texas. In 1998, Talkers Magazine selected John
as one of the 100 Most Influential Radio Talk Show Hosts in America . In
1997, Headway Magazine selected John as one of the 20 Most Influential Black
Conservatives in America.

                                Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                               *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

               The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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