>I asked a bystander in Dallas where the grassy knoll was. He got really mad
>and said, "Dallas is a beautiful city. Why do you come here to focus on
>something that happened decades ago?!!"
>I think it has something to do with trying to learn the truth.
>BTW, I did not think Dallas was that pretty, and the air was so polluted that I
>could not wait to leave. Most people I met were very unfriendly as well.

I was only in Dallas once, on a business trip.  Stumbled across the Grassy Knoll by accident, on the way back to my hotel...

I didn't see much of the city, what I DID see, it looked pretty much like most other cities, no better, no worse.

I found the natives pretty friendly, though...but I didn't have time to mingle all that much...

If they don't want outsiders coming there to visit the site of the assassination, then they shouldn't have put up the JFK memorial in the middle of Dealy Plaza, replete with map pointing out the ex-Schoolbook Depository, the Grassy Knoll, etc.  That's the only way I actually knew I was smack in the middle of the site....none of the area maps provided by the hotel mentioned Dealy Plaza et al...I and my companion were just strolling back from Texas Alley, and thought that the memorial was just a memorial put up by the city to commemorate the event...if we hadn't have read the text and seen the map in the memorial, we would have gone on back to the hotel figuring it was just some memorial.  We would have never known we were at ground zero...


>BTW, the third 'tramp' looks very much like E. Howard Hunt, well-known CIA
>operative and Nixon croney. And where was Nixon on that fateful day. He
>could not remember!

Actually, he could and did.  He was in Dallas, along with Joan Crawford, for the Pepsi-Cola convention that was being held there at the same time.  Nixon was working for the law firm that represented Pepsi-Cola, and perhaps was on its BoD...

As supposedly so were LBJ and George Bush, Sr....

Joan Crawford afterwards always alluded to good friends that she knew more about the Kennedy assassination than was general knowledge...but apparently would say no more than that...


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