-Caveat Lector-

Now Joshua2 - note this "you are playing into our hands".......

Gun matters are always a serious issue for the ADL was on the other
night represented by a Jon Cowan - this man was caught by Fox in many
lies.....and at last somebody is around to "call" their lies.

"You are playing into our hands".....what does that mean.

This is one of your many letters I pull up on the web when I tried to
find other information - you sure spread it around but than as a
political pawn for the ADL I presume this is customary.

Read this intelligent argument between an Eagle and an ADL
front......consider the Million Mom March for this idea came because of
Buford but wait before little Buford left his neo nazi crap around to be
found with little red arrows pointing the way before he ran home to
Mother Freeh - wasn't their a place called Littleton - ]

Now Littleton the grandson of Leon Yassenoff gunned down how many little
Christian playmates?   What - no Million Mom March here ......not the
biggest coverup since JFK began.

Yassenoff and Weisenthal of course have these big tax dodge fronts - the
kind that a guy like Marc Rich would use to launder money by
"charitable" means?   Charity - want to know what a charity is?   See

Why is the ADL so anxious to disarm America;  why do they persist in
putting the Militia and Christians on Hit Hate Lists for the
FBI......why aren't they a little more concerned with people like Richie


PS:  What do you mean Joshua when it says "you are playing right into
our hands"..........

<-- Chronological -->
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Re: [CTRL] "Why GUNS are here to stay.
From: Eagle 1
Subject: Re: [CTRL] "Why GUNS are here to stay.
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 09:59:08 -0700
 -Caveat Lector-
Is name calling really necessary?
The liars are those who do not believe that PEOPLE pull the trigger. The
gun does not operate by itself.
face the facts...
Unnecessary deaths?
Like I said,  this would be laughable if it weren't such a serious
issue. PEOPLE who are criminally minded are going to use a weapon
durogatorily, regardless of gun laws,  regardless of banning...  they
will find some way to commit murder,  because they have an obsession
with it.
Ask Cain.  He didn't have a gun.  Yet he managed to kill his own
brother. Murder was the the first sin committed against humanity and
it's not going to stop until PEOPLE accept the fact that there are
rules, laws and regulations to be followed.
Evidentally the forefathers gave Americans the benefit of the doubt that
they were
'mature' enough to handle firearms.  So much so that they wrote it into
the Constitution.  The Constitution was based on Biblical Law and should
remain. Landmarks should not be removed.

You are entitled to your opinion,  Joshua2,  but calling someone a
'liar' just because
you disagree is pretty immature in itself.

At this point,  I consider the source here.
You are right about one thing,  someone like you would be too immature
to handle
firearm.  Your own words speak for themselves. Loud and clear.
I remain,  no gun control,  no banning regarding firearms.
eagle 1

Original Message-----

From: nurev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[Like Revcoal, Nu-Rev has more list servers - never heard of Keative Net
but rings a silent bell]

[this was taken in search on web an dis not from CTRL archives......]


Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] "Why GUNS are here to stay.
> -Caveat Lector-
>Eagle 1 wrote:
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> What is it with guns?
>> Guns don't kill anyone.
>You are a liar!
>> The person who pulls the trigger is the responsible >> party here.
This is all about responsibility.
>No it's NOT about responsibility it's about >unnecessary deaths.
>Not about children getting their
>> hands on guns.  Parents, teachers, and other care >> givers are
responsible for passing on valid >> information to children.  Adults who
purchase guns >> are expected to act as responsible adults. >>
Unfortunately,  we have come into a time where >> adults do not believe
that they are liable.  How >> did this happen?
>That's not the point. I have been saying all along, >that Americans are
not mature enough to be trusted >with guns. That is why they should be
banned. The >sooner the better.
>> Here are some other thoughts:
>> Scenario #1:
>> I have a gas stove.  I may choose to leave the gas >> on and
asphyxiate someone I don't like.  What?  Do >> we now ban natural gas,
because it became a 'lethal >> weapon'?  The gas did the dirty deed?  So
ban it...  >> right?
[now Joshua gets so deep here - not sure into what........]

>> Scenario #2:
>> I see someone I decide I want to do away with...  >> the only way I
can find to do this is to run them >> over with my car. Ban the car,
therefore, because >> it has become a lethal weapon... right?
>> Scenario #3:
>> I may choose to pick up a large rock,
>> and bludgeon someone to death.
>> The rock then becomes a lethal weapon.
>> Which did the damage?  The rock?
>> The rock did the damage,  therefore we outlaw >> rocks? Right?
>> This is obviously getting to the ludicrous. But I >> think anyone can
see the point to be made here.  If >> guns are banned,  what will it be
next? Kitchen >> knives? Automobiles? Rocks? C'mon!
>Yeah, I see the point. You are a phony and a liar. >These examples are
idiotic in the extreme. Rocks and >cars were not designed to kill.
Anything can be used >to kill, but guns are for killing. A " Slippery
Slope >" argument does not really stand up to actual gun >deaths.
>> Banning guns is not going to resolve the problem. >> Locks on guns
are an absolute waste of money as >> well as time.  If someone is
breaking into my >> house,  with the intent and immediate threat to >>
kill a member of my household,  I don't want to >> have to fumble around
to find a key, to unlock my >> defense. I want my defense immediate.
And since >> I'm not in the habit of wearing a bullet proof vest >> day
in and day out,  the only way to fight back is >> to fight fire with
fire.  Fire power, that is.
>No gun locks? No guns. You guys are cutting your own >throats and your
playing right into our hands. You >are not in a position to argue about
restrictions any >more. Unless you clowns get smart, you will lose your
>guns. Total ban!
>> Safe use of guns will help,  but still will not >>resolve the problem
>> Leaving the Constitution alone,  and as it stands >> is what the
forefathers intended;  bearing arms for >> personal protection,  not for
>There will be amendments to the 2nd Amendment. It is >outdated.
>> Banning guns is definitely not the answer.
>> Education and RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR is.
>Yeah right that's the solution. And it's much easier >to change
>behavior than to ban guns. Right?
>> Laws,  if there are any to be improved upon,  >> should be sending a
very serious message to the >> general public that irresponsible use of
firearms >> is not acceptable and is not tolerated in a civil >>
society. Following through with appropriate penal >> codes should be the
>Guns will be banned because gun nuts live in the >past. You are my best
>Keep up the good work.
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