-Caveat Lector-

Clinton dodged the draft while others died; then so eager to send troops
in to murder children at Waco?

What will we do next, take away Audi Murphy's Congressional Medal
because he killed in a war?

Knights kill......but they also have family at home whom they are told
they are really defending.

Welcome to Vietnam in the 60 period; Viet King lined streets wit heads
on stakes - to ward off evil demons like Kerry's Raiders; they put
$50,000 price on heads of pilots but boy when they discovered that had
McKain - the only reason a lot of them were not killed is because McCain

Asians are notorious for mutilating the enemy and I will never forget as
a small child seeing a US Navy Nurse, in full dress attire with the Cape
- only her arms had been cut off, her tongue cut out, and she was
pregnant by Japanese soldiers - was left to die.  In Vietnam children
were sent to US soldiers smiling and then when they put their little
hands out they held grenades.

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and killed how many people?   Their
atrocities are too numerous to mention.   Then remember Ruby Ridge how a
Japanese Sharpshooter who professed to be catholic, shot a dog to draw
out a little kid an 8th grader and when the kid went to his dog he shot
the kid, and then his mother?   I still detest Japanese from what I saw
- innocent or not - are we to beg forgiveness for this war?   The H Bomb
- Harry gave them hell and stopped the war.....one big bomb did it.

Nice story about Kerry - it would seem now Gore and his tribe are
working overtime to pave the way to glory for him and/or Lieberman to
the Oval Office.

Got news for them - it won't work.   Never liked Kerry much, looks like
he was a better soldier....Kerry went to war and did his job - Clinton
went to war on the USA and did a job on US Citizens - oh how he hated
war - then he went to the Balkans and loosed bombs....big man hiding
behind skirts of a woman if you all Janet Reno and Albright "women".

So Bob Dole - maybe they will end up taking away his Congressional Medal
of Honor.....seems to me Bob Dole represents a lot of guys who went to
war and did not return wearing that medal ...better make sure he earned

We are here in USA day because we fought a war - business end of gun is
always more convincing ..... we send out police now to the streets like
D Platoons trained by a Guestapo - guns now turned against
Americans....as Clinton said "let them get the first shot......well
somebody got the first shot at Waco, and McVeigh got the second shot, at

Nice playing war games only thing - this is for real.


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       Thursday April 26 , 2001

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Published on Friday, April 20, 2001 by FAIR's Media Beat
Bias and Fear Tilting Coverage of Israel
by Norman Solomon
 When the New York Times finally printed the name of a 12-year-old
organization called Rabbis for Human Rights, the mention had to be
bought -- in a full-page ad expressing support for actions by the group,
which is "the only Israeli rabbinic association that includes Orthodox,
Reform, Reconstructionist and Conservative rabbis."
Days before the advertisement appeared on April 8, the executive
director of Rabbis for Human Rights had been arrested while
participating in nonviolent civil disobedience against Israeli
demolition of houses. "Palestinian homes are being systematically
bulldozed all over the West Bank," said a bulletin from Rabbi Arthur
Waskow, director of the Shalom Center in Philadelphia. "In this case,
there isn't any pretense of 'security interests' or 'military targets.'
The houses destroyed yesterday and today belong to ordinary Palestinian
citizens whose only crime is the wish to have a roof over their heads."
Groups like Rabbis for Human Rights, and Jewish American activists like
Rabbi Waskow who vocally oppose Israeli policies, get short shrift in
U.S. news outlets. Meanwhile, the reporting on the Israeli-Palestinian
cycle of violence is badly skewed by an endless cycle of media bias.
Searching the Nexis database of U.S. media coverage during the first 100
days of this year, I found several dozen stories using the phrases
"Israeli retaliation" or "Israel retaliated." During the same period,
how many stories used the phrases "Palestinian retaliation" or
"Palestinians retaliated"? One.
Both sides of the conflict, of course, describe their violence as
retaliatory. But only one side routinely benefits from having its
violent moves depicted that way by major American media. The huge
disparity in the media frame is a measure of the overall slant of news
To help maintain pressure for a favorable media tilt, supporters of
Israel have a not-so-secret weapon, brandished most effectively as a
preemptive threat -- the charge of anti-Semitism. Any Americans who
speak out against Israel's extreme disregard for human rights are liable
to be in the line of fire.
Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor and Nobel Prize winner, is a reminder
that victims of tyranny are capable of later aligning themselves with
perpetrators of enormous cruelty. In March, he delivered a speech to a
national conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, one
of Washington's most powerful lobbying groups. Wiesel declared that
anyone "who uses their Jewishness as a context to attack or condemn
Israel -- that's something I'm against." And he denounced criticisms of
Israel as "anti-Semitism in Jewish leftist circles."
Such salvos are warning shots that Joseph McCarthy would have
understood. To quash debate, just smear, smear, smear.
Instead of trying to refute critiques of Israeli policies, it's much
easier to equate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism -- a timeworn
way of preventing or short-circuiting real debate on the merits of the
issues. It is absurd and dangerous to claim that bigotry is at the root
of calls for adherence to basic standards of human rights. But the
ongoing threat of the "anti-Semitic" label helps to prevent U.S. media
coverage from getting out of hand.
Last year, I had an interesting experience with one of Florida's daily
papers, the Palm Beach Post. A reader's letter, published in early June,
charged that a column I'd written "had an anti-Semitic undertone"
because it criticized media spin for Israel. Eleven weeks later, on Aug.
25, the newspaper printed a second letter from the same reader,
objecting to a column I wrote about Sen. Joseph Lieberman. This time the
letter was more emphatic and sweeping, though less specific: "I have
noticed in some of his previous columns, he is apt to express
anti-Semitic views."
The Palm Beach Post printed my weekly syndicated column 30 times during
2000 -- for the last time on Aug. 19, six days before publication of the
second letter accusing me of being "anti-Semitic." After that letter
came off the press, my column never again appeared in the Palm Beach
Post. When I inquired, the newspaper's opinion-page editor told me:
"There was no connection."
Whatever the case may be, there's no doubt that journalists generally
understand critical words about Israel to be hazardous to careers.
"Rarely since the Second World War has a people been so vilified as the
Palestinians," comments Robert Fisk, a longtime foreign correspondent
for the London-based daily Independent. "And rarely has a people been so
frequently excused and placated as the Israelis."
Fisk is asking his colleagues to search their consciences: "Our
gutlessness, our refusal to tell the truth, our fear of being slandered
as 'anti-Semites' -- the most loathsome of libels against any journalist
-- means that we are aiding and abetting terrible deeds in the Middle
Anti-Semitism is a reality in the world. Like all forms of religious and
racial bigotry, it should be unequivocally opposed. The effectiveness of
such opposition is undermined by those who cry wolf, using charges of
anti-Semitism as a weapon in a propaganda arsenal to defend Israel's
indefensible crimes against Palestinian people.
Norman Solomon's latest book is "The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media."
His syndicated column focuses on media and politics.
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