-Caveat Lector-

Aventis: Biotech traces inevitable in food supply

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (April 24, 2001 9:47 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com)
- According to the company that developed StarLink, the nation's food
supply is likely to contain trace levels of the unapproved biotech corn "for
the foreseeable future," but contamination is so low that it poses no
possible health concern.

Discovery of the corn in taco shells last fall led to nationwide recalls of corn
products, and more recalls may be necessary unless the government
agrees to allow a minimal amount of the corn in food, Aventis CropScience
said in a filing with the Environmental Protection Agency.

EPA officials said Tuesday that research submitted as a part of the filing
showed that potential exposure to StarLink in processed foods "is
significantly lower" than previously estimated.

StarLink corn was never approved for human consumption because of
unresolved questions about the potential of a unique protein it contains,
known as Cry9C, to cause allergic reactions in people.

Aventis asked EPA last fall to grant the corn temporary food-use approval
to eliminate the need for recalls and disruptions in grain trade. Now,
Aventis says it would be sufficient for EPA to set a maximum level, or
tolerance, for the biotech grain of 20 parts per billion.

"So long as the government views any level of Cry9C protein, detected by
any method of analysis, as rendering food legally adulterated, major
disruptions of the food supply will continue even though the theoretical risk
is vanishingly small," Aventis said in the filing.

"This outcome would not contribute to the protection of public health or
represent wise public policy."

Aventis submitted results of studies showing that processing greatly
diminished, but did not eliminate, Cry9C levels in foods made with StarLink

StarLink corn was supposed to be grown and handled separately from
other grain but farmers often failed to do so. StarLink was widely mixed
with other corn and also cross-pollinated with other varieties of corn. Nearly
80 small seed companies have reported finding Cry9C in non-StarLink


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