-Caveat Lector-

Could the CIA Be Bringing Drugs Into the USA?
John LeBoutillier
Thursday, April 26, 2001
Yesterday's column asking why the CIA is so involved with drug
interdiction - in light of the terrible tragedy down in Peru - hit a massive
chord with readers. E-mailed responses indicate widespread cynicism about
"The Agency."
I have been organizing my thoughts about the CIA - and remembering several
stories that raise troubling questions:

1) Is the CIA's involvement in the drug interdiction program merely to
augment or supplement our own DEA and military? Or is there a more nefarious

2) Is the CIA merely trying to protect its budgetary situation by sticking
its nose into others' turf? Or is there another motive?

3) Is the CIA an innocent victim of its own secrecy? Why are there so many
stories of CIA involvement in running drugs into this country?

You may recall that just a few years ago charges were leveled at the CIA out
in Los Angeles. It was alleged that far from trying to keep drugs out of the
country, the CIA was actually running drugs into our country!

The black community in Los Angeles was up in arms over these charges. Seeing
the gang wars, the drug killings and the disintegration of their community -
all caused by drugs - these citizens believed the CIA was an active
participant in the importation and distribution of drugs!

So convinced were the LA residents that the then-CIA director, John Deutch,
I believe, flew out to LA and held an unprecedented town meeting in which he
repeatedly denied CIA involvement.

Cynics would merely laugh at his denial. Either he did not personally know
of CIA's drug involvement (dirty underlings would not tell a 'temporary
political appointee' and disrupt their gravy train) or lying is a
prerequisite for the job.

Those who served in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War swear that indeed
the CIA actively participated in drug running as an "off-the-books" way to
finance the secret war in Laos.

And, two decades later, similar charges flew that the CIA used the same
playbook in Central America to finance our support for the Contras in
Nicaragua during a time when Congress refused to fund that effort.

Six weeks ago here I quoted various newspapers from the mid-1980s that
carried the charge by Burmese Drug War Lord Kun Sa against longtime CIA
employee Richard Armitage - by name - that Armitage was directly involved in
the drug trade and in importing the drugs into the U.S.

Armitage has always denied these reports.

Still, he is the only U.S. government employee I have ever heard of who was
specifically fingered by name in a drug charge.

Despite these serious charges - and with no investigation whatsoever - the
US Senate last month confirmed Armitage as deputy secretary of state.

Makes you wonder how serious Washington really is about the War on Drugs,
doesn't it?

Which brings me to a story I heard several years ago from a good friend of
mine. His father was a doctor in Delaware and one of his patients was the
base commander at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, Delaware.

One night - around 3:00 a.m. - the commander was awakened by a phone call
from the control tower at the base: "Sir, you told me to call you the next
time this happened. Well, they just called and we flipped the runway lights
on. They're landing in a minute or so."

The "they" was allegedly the CIA, which had ordered the 'closed at night'
runway to be illuminated while an unmarked CIA transport plane quickly
landed in the middle of the night, then taxied to the far end of the runway
and was secretly unloaded by a convoy of trucks.

The base commander - an Air Force general - to this day is certain that
this - and other previous landings - was a CIA "drug flight" to illegally
bring massive amounts of illegal narcotics into the country.

Could such a diabolical plot be true?

Could our own government - which rails against drugs at every turn -
actually be involved in the drug business?

Well, one thing we do know is that despite all the talk by Washington, there
seems to be no stopping the drugs from coming into our country.

You have to wonder what the CIA, the DEA and the U.S. military are doing if
they cannot stop or even make an appreciable dent in this tidal wave of

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