-Caveat Lector-

> 4.26.2001
> ---
> Cell Phones to Have Location-Tracking by 2005
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0%2C2933%2C14395%2C00.html
> Monday, April 23, 2001
> By 2005, the government will be able to track you down through your cell
> phone.
> Cell-phone manufacturers are under a federal mandate to equip mobiles with
> location-tracking technology beginning this October. By 2005, 95 percent
> all cell phones must be able to be traced with an accuracy of about 1,000
> feet or better.
> While such phones could be lifesavers in an emergency, the order from the
> Federal Communications Commission has raised serious questions about
> invasion of privacy.
> "For most people, it's a very scary proposition that the government can
> not only your mobile phone but your Palm Pilots ... and any other mobile
> device to track your every movement," said attorney Albert Gidari, of the
> Perkins and Coie law firm in Seattle.
> Making mobile phones capable of tracking users' locations will involve
> planting GPS chips in the handsets or installing new infrastructure in
> sites.
> Cellular providers plan commercial uses for the technology, such as
> directions if someone is lost, finding nearby restaurants or locating
> members and friends who have gotten separated in a crowd.
> "Wireless operators already know where consumers are by virtue of the fact
> that the phone is on," pointed out Ken Arneson, the chief strategy officer
> at Telecommunication Systems, a provider of the location-tracking
> technology. "What's different here is that now carriers are looking to
> commercialize that and need to do that to offset the cost of putting this
> technology in place."
> He estimated that it could cost billions of dollars to outfit the 110
> million cell phones in this country with the tracking mechanism.
> Some worry the technology will be used in other ways, with providers
> information to merchants or worse: stalkers or abusive relatives.
> "If the fundamental principles of privacy aren't in place, there will be a
> revolt against the widespread use of the technology," Gidari said.
> Arneson said the privacy issue is being taken seriously and is one of the
> chief considerations in going forward with installing the technology.
> "We as a company believe that there will be privacy solutions in place ...
> that essentially allow consumers to opt in and opt out of these various
> services," Arneson said. "Privacy is an enormous concern."
> - Fox News' Jonathan Serrie contributed to this report
> ©Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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