-Caveat Lector-

(No conservation from the two oilmen leading our country? I am shocked!
The oil industry. Can't live with them, can't live without 'em. The perfect
business for the NWO. --SW)

Cheney says energy plan must aim for 'efficiency, not austerity'

By SANDRA SOBIERAJ, Associated Press

TORONTO (April 30, 2001 4:57 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) -
Vice President Dick Cheney warned on Monday that the rest of the country
could face California-style blackouts as he outlined a national energy
strategy relying heavily on oil, natural gas and nuclear power development -
but not conservation.

"The aim here is efficiency, not austerity," Cheney told editors and
publishers at The Associated Press annual meeting. The nation cannot
"simply conserve or ration our way out of the situation we're in."

It was his first trip outside Washington for official vice presidential
business, made possible, he joked, when President Bush invited the
Senate to lunch - "the best way to ensure no tie votes while I was out of
town." Bush invited all members of Congress to the White House to mark
the first 100 days of his administration.

Cheney addressed concerns about his history of four heart attacks by
jokingly offering to do jumping jacks. More seriously, he said, "If I ever get
to the point where my doctors believe that it's not wise or prudent for me to
continue in this capacity, obviously I'd step aside."

In his first extensive remarks about the energy recommendations his
Cabinet-level task force will make to Bush by the end of May, Cheney
blamed current shortages on shortsighted decisions in the past. He said
that conservation, while perhaps "a sign of personal virtue," does not make
for sound or comprehensive policy.

Saving the specifics - and the price tags - for his boss to review and then
announce, Cheney promised "a mix of new legislation, some executive
action as well as private initiatives" to cope with rising energy prices and
growing demand.

He said anew that the administration intends to push for drilling in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge despite strong congressional opposition.

He definitively rejected turning to price controls, tapping the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve or creating new bureaucracies.

Over the next two decades, it will take between 1,300 and 1,900 new
power plants - or one every week for 20 years - just to meet projected
increases in nationwide demand, Cheney said.

Energy shortages in California already have forced rolling blackouts. And
he said, "Without a clear, coherent energy strategy for the nation, all
Americans could one day go through what Californians are experiencing
now, or even worse."

The vice president, who made millions of dollars as an oil services'
company executive, made no bones about placing oil, coal and other fossil
fuels at the center his recommendations.

Alternative fuels are still "years down the road," he said.

The Bush administration wants to open the Arctic refuge in Alaska to oil
drilling, a controversial plan that could be executed, Cheney said, with very
little disruption to the refuge's 19 million acres of natural habitat: "The
amount of land affected by oil production would be 2,000 acres, less than
one-fifth the size of (the Washington area's) Dulles Airport."

Along with additional exploration must come new refineries, Cheney said,
noting that it has been 20 years since a large oil refinery was built in the
United States.

He also suggested federal initiatives to boost the use of hydroelectric
dams and the construction of new nuclear power plants. He called nuclear
power "a safe, clean, very plentiful energy source."

Although one-fifth of the nation's electricity is nuclear-generated, the
industry has not sought a government permit to build a new plant in more
than 20 years, since before the accident at Pennsylvania's Three Mile

In developing hydroelectric power, Cheney said the Bush administration,
whose environmental record has been sharply questioned by activists,
would be "mindful of the fish and wildlife affected by manmade dams."

He put in a good word for coal, which he said remains the most available,
most affordable way to generate electric power. The Bush administration
has budgeted an additional $150 million for next year to support
development of cleaner coal technologies.

On natural gas, Cheney called for some 38,000 miles of additional pipeline
and thousands of miles of added distribution lines to bring natural gas into
homes and businesses. He did not mention expanded exploration off the
eastern Gulf of Mexico.

Acting on a campaign proposal, the president is committed to extending
offshore oil and gas drilling to the eastern Gulf of Mexico in a tract that, in
some areas, comes within 30 miles of the western tip of the Florida

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who is seeking re-election amid widespread local
opposition to the drilling, has petitioned the administration to cancel an
auction of new drilling leases.


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