-Caveat Lector-

> Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Well flw I believe you have mistaken Herbert Spencer's concept of Social
> Darwinism with Darwin himself. Darwin never spoke of inferior and/or
> superior species but of those that are the most capable of adapting to
> changing environmental conditions. Spencer is the man who coined the
> phrase "survival of the fittest" and began to apply the theory of
> evolution to society. Also I'm not convinced that this "the white race is
> doomed" scenario is apt in the longterm what with the rampant spread of
> AIDS, TB, typhoid, cholera, inter alia, in the non-white population.
> Of course in keeping with your Spencerian views we could say that the
> reason is is that these people are simply too stupid to live.

You assume too much. I merely said I admire Darwin, not that Darwin ever
promulgated the theory of "survival of the fittest." Of course Darwin opines
that species disappear or thrive due to their ability or failure to adopt to
changing circumstances.... whether or not that equates with "inferiority" is
in the mind of the beholder. The concept of "race" is ignorant. There is no
different "races", merely local environmental adaptations. If people are capable
of breeding, they cannot be a different species.

However there is no doubt that different "races", i.e. different localized tribes may
hold different cultural / economic / political values based on their local experiences.
That said, I do find that the whole false notion of "diversity" is a red herring
promulgated by those who seek to glorify tribalism and separatism.

When " multi culturalism" includes collectivism; dependency; statism instead
of different types of cooking....that is where it becomes a stalking horse for
those with a hidden agenda.

It is a matter of values and ideas....not race.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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