-Caveat Lector-

>From WND

>>>Again, this may be old news to some who have been following the unfolding events
for some time now.  The important thing is someone other than the archetypal
"conspiracy theory" fan is raising the issue.  There might be some value in
contacting WND and asking them to contact someone whose business it has been to
demolitionise buildings to get their learned opinion as to what transpired.  I would
BUT I don't have the articles at hand that dealt with these folks' observations.
T'AER <<<

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.

To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?22684

Friday, May 4, 2001
McVeigh, Nichols
'did not act alone'

OKC investigating committee concludes
U.S. 'had prior knowledge of the bombing'

By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

A 500-page report written by an investigative committee on the April 19, 1995,
bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City, Okla., is set to
be released this month, the head of the project tells WorldNetDaily.

Charles Key, a former Oklahoma state representative and head of the Oklahoma Bombing
Investigation Committee, said the report contains volumes of evidence citing
inconsistencies and omissions in the government's official version of events.

Damage to Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995.
Key, who left the state legislature in 1998, said he hopes the report will help
Americans finally "get to the truth" about the bombing just weeks before one of the
prime suspects, Timothy McVeigh, is to be executed in Terre Haute, Ind., for his
role in the attack.

McVeigh was convicted in 1997, the same year as his accomplice, Terry Nichols.
Nichols received a life sentence from a federal court in Denver, but still faces
charges in Oklahoma, where he could receive the death penalty if convicted.

"The purpose of our report is to document the truth," Key told WorldNetDaily. "We, as 
so many others do, believe that facts regarding other perpetrators, prior knowledge, 
and the number of explosive devices used to damage
 the Murrah Building has been concealed."

Key said that when he began his investigation he hoped to accomplish three main tasks: 
empanel an Oklahoma grand jury to look into the bombing; lobby Congress to hold open 
hearings on the bombing and the government's hand
ling of the case afterwards; and finally, produce a comprehensive report about his 

"Most of that was accomplished," Key said, noting that several congressmen, on his six 
trips to Washington, D.C., had urged him to put his findings in a final report.

Prior government knowledge

Though the Justice Department has vehemently denied that federal law enforcement 
officials knew anything about the attack before it happened, Key's committee found 
what members believe is substantial evidence proving othe

First, the report documents that two of the government's own informants had warned 
federal officials of "possible terrorist attacks in the United States," but that 
neither of these witnesses were allowed to testify in the
 federal trials surrounding the case.

Also, two informants affiliated with organizations in foreign countries issued 
terrorist warnings to the U.S., the report says. And, the committee found evidence 
that officials from four government agencies "were notified
 to be on the alert for possible attacks against individuals, federal institutions, or 
the public at large. ..."

Of those four agencies, two of them -- the U.S. Marshals' office and the Bureau of 
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms -- were actually officed in the Murrah Building. In 
addition, the Oklahoma City Fire Department was warned b
y the FBI, says the report. And Federal Judge Wayne Alley admitted in an interview the 
day of the bombing (published in the Portland Oregonian, April 20, 1995) that he also 
had been told to be on the alert for a possible

Five witnesses who spoke to Key and his committee said they talked to federal 
officials who in turn claimed that no Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents 
were in the building at the time of the bombing.

And another five witnesses said they saw bomb-squad vehicles in downtown Oklahoma City 
shortly before the blast went off at just after 9 a.m.

McVeigh … and others?

Key said his committee found "over 70 witnesses" who said they saw McVeigh "and one or 
more 'John Does'" in the days before -- and on the day of -- the bombing.

After the blast, said the committee in its report, about 40 witnesses came forward in 
response to FBI composite drawings of "John Doe 1" and "John Doe 2," thought to be of 
Middle Eastern descent.

Many of these witnesses notified federal authorities "about seeing McVeigh with one or 
more John Does," the report said.

How many bombs?
The Key committee talked to a number of witnesses who were in the Murrah building at 
the time of the blast who said they felt it "shaking before the bombing and assumed it 
was an earthquake," suggesting that there was ano
ther blast before the truck bomb went off in front of the building that was ultimately 
blamed for all of the damage.

Some of those witnesses told the committee they owed their survival "to having had 
time to seek protection under their desks just before the [truck] bomb exploded," the 
report said.

Also, the committee obtained seismologic evidence from an expert source that "supports 
the fact that there were multiple explosions" that morning. But, as was the case with 
other witnesses, the expert "was not allowed to
testify at the federal trials," the report says.

The committee noted that estimates of the size of the ammonium nitrate-fuel oil 
("ANFO") truck bomb changed frequently, but officials eventually said the bomb was 
4,800 pounds. "This finding was calculated on incorrect me
asurements of the crater" left in front of the Murrah building, the report said, 
"rather than on forensic evidence."

The committee's report also documents "at least four sightings of [additional] bombs 
inside the building," which were reported by witnesses and local news agencies, as WND 
documented in an April 23 story.

The sightings, the report said, resulted "in rescue personnel being evacuated from the 
building, leaving behind the injured and dying" victims.

None of the five experts in munitions and explosives, whose reports all concluded that 
no ANFO bomb of any size could have caused the type and extent of damage at the Murrah 
building, were allowed to testify at the federa
l trials, Key's group documented in its report.

Feds knew of others besides McVeigh

Though only McVeigh and Nichols were arrested, tried and convicted for their roles in 
the bombing, the Key committee found that the federal government knew that others were 
involved, despite official denials.

The committee found that "in addition to McVeigh and Nichols," suspects listed as 
"others unknown" were also named "in indictments … in both federal trials."

The report said McVeigh was reported by witnesses to have been in the company of 
"several Middle-Eastern [persons] in the downtown area shortly before the bombing," 
and that Nichols "frequently visited the Philippines, wh
ere it is possible that he developed connections with Middle Eastern terrorists."

Corroborating this, Jayna Davis -- a former investigative reporter for Oklahoma City 
television station KFOR -- told Fox News' "The O'Reilly Factor" on March 20 that 
Nichols may have been in contact with associates of Sau
di billionaire terrorist Osama bin Laden in the Philippines.

"Davis also points to court records offered in the Nichols defense that suggest he had 
contacts with a member of bin Laden's terrorist organization in the Philippines prior 
to the bombing," WND reported, based on excerpts
 of Davis' interview with the show's host and WND columnist Bill O'Reilly.

McVeigh, she said, was also in the company of Mideastern men shortly before the 
bombing, one of whom was a former member of Iraq's elite Republican Guard army corps.

As Davis noted, the Key committee also said that shortly after the bombing, an 
"all-points-bulletin" was issued by authorities for a man of Mideastern descent who 
had been spotted with McVeigh in the Ryder rental truck co
ntaining the bomb.

But both Davis and Key's committee said the APB was rescinded later in the day 
"without explanation," and, the Key report noted, "federal law enforcement officials 
subsequently denied that there was involvement by anyone
other than McVeigh and Nichols."

Federal court, law enforcement failures

The committee's report also detailed failures by federal law and court officials -- 
before, during and after the bombing.

"There is sufficient evidence to confirm that law enforcement agencies in Oklahoma 
City, as well as Washington, D.C., had sufficient prior knowledge of the impending 
disaster, yet took minimum measures to avert the bombin
g," the report said. "Documents and witnesses support this conclusion."

Also, the report said the "FBI quashed reports of explosive devices found in the … 
building and reports showing that the ATF [was] unlawfully storing explosives inside."

The committee said the FBI also refused to allow Federal Emergency Management Agency 
officials access to the building to conduct their portion of the investigation, and 
that the FBI failed to run checks "on over one thous
and fingerprints that were obtained in this case."

In the aftermath of the bombing, when federal and state grand juries were convened to 
examine evidence, Key and his committee said "blatant bias against anyone asking 
questions or probing into facts was evident. ..."

"Virtually all of the rules governing grand juries were broken," the report says.


The report concludes that the Clinton administration's law enforcement agencies and 
officials "had prior knowledge of the bombing," and that "McVeigh and Nichols did not 
act alone."

Also, Key's committee said government informants were not allowed to present testimony 
at the federal trials, and "critical scientific evidence" was never presented in 
either McVeigh's or Nichols' trials.

"The final report represents years of extensive investigation and countless 
interviews," Keys said. "It contains information never reported before in any forum."

Related stories:

OKC blast linked to bin Laden

OKC: 'We knew this was going to happen'

Oklahoma City's lost information

Jon E. Dougherty is a staff reporter and columnist for WorldNetDaily, and author of
the special report, "Election 2000: How the Military Vote Was Suppressed."


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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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