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Gun-wielding agents
raid tax activist's home

Officers on 'fishing expedition' also take items from business location


By Ed Oliver
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Armed revenue agents from the California Franchise Tax Board, with
support from local police, raided the home and business of a
high-profile tax-resistance activist Wednesday morning.

"They are here on a fishing expedition," business owner George "Nick"
Jesson told WorldNetDaily on his cell phone from outside his offices at
N.T.D. Electronics in Huntington Beach, Calif. Inside, agents were
breaking into file cabinets, removing hard drives and boxing up the
company's books and records.

Jesson is one of several employers who have directly challenged the IRS
and state revenue departments by publicly declaring that they will no
longer withhold taxes from their employees and will no longer pay taxes
because they say the law does not require them to do so.

The employer tax revolt gained national attention this year with the
help of several full-page ads in USA Today -- including one in March
featuring an open letter from Jesson to IRS Commissioner Charles
Rossotti. The letter referred to a February New York Times article in
which reporter David Cay Johnston pointed to Jesson and other employers
by name in the context of reporting that the IRS was planning to
prosecute "some business owners" for "tax evasion and other crimes."

Also in the letter, Jesson requested a face-to-face meeting with
Rossotti or a delegate in order to clear up any misunderstandings about
the tax law and regulations that the employers say they are acting on.

Jesson told WorldNetDaily that the raid occurred while he was driving
his two boys to school about 8:45 a.m. Wednesday morning. His wife Trina
was already at the office. At that time, approximately 10 state tax
agents went to his home in nearby Fountain Valley and demanded the nanny
let them in.

The nanny did not open the door for the agents, but asked them for a
warrant. She said the tax agents then kicked the door in, terrifying her
and her 3-year-old boy. Agents then proceeded to search the house
without showing her a warrant, said Jesson.

Meanwhile, a second team of armed tax agents stormed the offices and
warehouse of N.T.D. Electronics. Trina Jesson said she was sitting at
her desk when three agents burst in and held guns to her head. She said
they told her to get away from the desk, cooperate and she wouldn't get
hurt. Revenue agents also rounded up warehouse employees at gunpoint,
according to Jesson. Everybody was escorted out of the building.

After Nick Jesson arrived, he said he was informed verbally that agents
were there because he did not pay his taxes. They presented him with a
search warrant. A partial copy of the search warrant faxed by Jessson to
WND refers on the front page to a possible felony. Two pages were
missing from the warrant, said Jesson, who claimed that is how he
received it, and he assumes those pages describe probable cause.

Jesson said he asked Senior Special Agent Edward Wilson what the felony
charge was, but that Wilson couldn't tell him.

"I called the district attorney handling the case. I asked him, 'What is
the felony charge?' He couldn't tell me," said Jesson.

Jesson said he asked the agents to leave after he noticed the warrant
was incorrectly dated with the year 2000. The agents refused to leave,
he said, but later told him that they called the judge who said he made
a mistake and would correct the date. According to Jesson, a corrected
warrant was never delivered.

Describing the armed raid, Deputy District Attorney William Overtoom
told WND: "There are no charges. Nobody was arrested. Basically, this is
an investigation into possible violations of California criminal law.
The search warrant was to get hold of records and other evidence as part
of that investigation."

Overtoom said he could not discuss what prompted the investigation. When
asked what was on the two missing pages of the search warrant faxed by
Jesson, Overtoom said there were actually four search warrants served
Wednesday at different California locations of properties belonging to

"Those pages he's not talking about are descriptions of items and
property to be seized at other locations," said Overtoom. "I don't know
what he's talking about."

Overtoom added that he could not fax copies of the warrants for another
two weeks by law because the searches are still ongoing.

"The search warrant is saying that the judge made a finding that, based
upon the affidavit that is not available for public viewing yet, there
is probable cause to believe that there are at specific locations
certain items which tend to show that a felony has been committed.
Basically, a finding of probable cause has been made by the judge," said

The prosecutor said Jesson would learn about the probable cause in due
course. Asked about complaints that agents pulled guns and aimed them at
the employees, Overtoom said he couldn't comment on that. He also did
not comment on complaints about items seized that are not listed on the

Asked about the incorrect year 2000 date on the warrant, Overtoom said
that does not void the search warrant. He then laughed and said he does
not think the warrant was issued a year ago. He agreed it is a legal
document but said it didn't matter that it was misdated.

Overtoom said they will conduct their investigation, and if they decide
there has been a violation, they will go forward with charges and at
that time, will be able to comment further.

Jesson denied that there were four locations searched or four search
warrants. He said only the house and business were searched. He also
reiterated that two pages are missing from the search warrant given to

The search warrant seeks financial records pertaining to 1997 through
1999, as well as business records and computer storage devices. Jesson
said the IRS refunded him $217,000 in taxes he paid during those years.
He said he was seeking a tax refund from the California Franchise Tax
Board for those years also. The state wrote him back saying they are
investigating whether they could give him the refund, he said.

"We've had no warning ahead of time. We've had no communication from the
Franchise Tax Board indicating that we owe them any money," said Jesson.

Jesson speculated that the raid might have been prompted by charges from
a disgruntled former employee who he said he caught embezzling from him.
He has filed criminal charges against her, he said, and she is under
investigation. He also has a civil lawsuit against her, he added.

Jesson was able to enter his office again late Wednesday night. He said
tax agents seized a weapon and $20,000 in cash from his business, as
well as a coin collection from his home, even though the warrant does
not authorize taking those items.

A spokesman for the California Franchise Tax Board refused to comment on
the raid. Special Agent Wilson did not return calls.

Previous story on this case:


Edward G. Oliver is a contributing editor to WorldNetDaily.

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