-Caveat Lector-

For even more by Tom Bearden go to http://www.cheniere.org/toc.html

The following is an excerpt from GODS OF AQUARIUS: UFOs and The
Transformation of Man by Brad Steiger (1976).

>From pp. 256-267:

"Tom Bearden is a most fascinating man. A retired lieutenant colonel as of
December 31, 1975, he was most recently Chief of the Evaluation Branch,
Military Studies Division, SAM-D Missile Project, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
He has published papers such as "Quiton / Perception Physics: A Theory of
Existence, Perception, and Physical Phenomena"; several articles in Air
Defense Trends; a book on martial arts principles; and twelve
country-western songs. The six-foot, five-inch, 250-pounder is a military
strategist, a holder of a black belt in Aikido, a guitarist, a professional
songwriter, and a student of the UFO mystery.

Because of the synchronicity of our thought processes, I am permitting Tom
Bearden to have the last word in this book. It is my conviction that the
"gods" of Aquarius, the Olympians of the New Age, will be transformed
humankind. Such a plan as the one Tom presents herewith could bring my
vision and the insights of thousands of Starseeded men and women into

(following written by Tom Bearden)

The evolution of a life-bearing planet may be divided into stages, the first
five of which are: (1) The formation of the planet itself and some billions
of years of cooling, so that a primordial atmosphere and ocean are gradually
evolved; (2) the fomenting of amino acid structures in the violent
convulsions of the primeval sea and planet; (3) the formation of the
self-replicating supermolecules, DNA and RNA; (4) the formation of
one-celled organisms; (5) the formation of multicellular organisms. At the
upper end of the fifth stage of evolution, the intelligent mobiles emerge,
as do eventually tool-using intelligent mobiles. This is the level on which
man finds himself on the planet Earth.

What are actually evolving are competing control systems, and their natural
competition for control surgically excises the less competitive.

An organism uses two basic mechanisms to control its behavior; one type is
genetically programmed and the other is genetically unprogrammed. Thus one
control mode is nonadaptive and one is adaptive or learned. That fraction
that is unprogrammed is available for experiential or learned programming.
Now intelligence may be viewed as the ability to adapt behavior; e.g., to
use tools. Thus an increase in intelligence represents a decrease in the
portion of behavior control that is genetically programmed, and a
corresponding increase in the unprogrammed portion available for adaptive

Each organism must possess a mixture of both types of control. If it were
completely programmed, it could not make any change at all in its responses
to external stimuli; and random environmental changes would quickly present
it with death-dealing stimuli not in its genetic catalogue. On the other
hand, if the organism were completely deprogrammed, it also would be quickly
destroyed. Adaptive behavior must be learned by trial and error, and fatal
errors (e.g., forgetting to beat the heart) would occur frequently unless
there were many preprogrammed responses.

Variations, mutations, and natural selection result in the different species
having differing ratios of programmed versus deprogrammed behavior control.
A "more intelligent" species is simply one which possesses more deprogrammed
control and less programmed control. For example, on Earth, Man is the
species of land mammal possessing the least programmed control and the most
unprogrammed control.

Eventually, one or more species will deprogam significantly and become
extremely adaptive, i.e., highly intelligent. But if this species does not
possess a highly manipulative body member, its use of external physical
tools will be limited or nonexistent, and it will remain nontechnological.
Examples of such Earth species are the bottlenosed dolphin and the killer
whale. However, if the species has a highly manipulative body part, it can
readily adapt external tools. It is then inherently technological, and its
tool-using abilities will continue to develop due to its "intelligence" or
adaptive ability. The use of tools intervenes in the statistics of
survivability, and itself becomes an evolutionary determinant. That is,
tool-using skill becomes a survival trait and a selection mechanism for the
species. Man is such a technological species on planet Earth.

With the development of clothing, fire, and fabricated shelter, the
technological species will become less environmentally limited. Further, it
will become dominant over all other species because of the increasing power
of its tools. Its "tool-teeth" will eventually be sharper than any other
animal's teeth; its "tool-muscles" will be stronger; its "tool-feet" faster.
The technological species will dominate its biosphere; and as its natural
enemies are overcome, its numbers will dramatically increase. But
ironically, its developing technology causes it to accelerate toward its own

When programmed animals fight for territory, females, or food, the "fight"
is usually conducted in a rigidly stylized manner. The victor rarely kills
or seriously wounds the vanquished, because the victor is programmed to stop
fighting when the loser retreats or yields. This is not benevolent, but

But the deprogrammed animal is not rigidly hardwired to relent when it
defeats another member of its own species, and it will very often kill the
loser. Being highly adaptive, it can, and does, adapt a much greater variety
of reasons for killing its competition. To its own species, the
deprogrammed, intelligent, technological species is a self-competitor and a
self-killer. Since its ability to compete is a function of its developing
technology, its internal competition thus is increasing. Technology feeds
back to increase its own rate of development, and thus the species conflict
has positive feedback.

Viewed as a servomechanistic complex, the technological species is actually
out of control, highly unstable, and it is headed pell-mell exponentially
toward resonance and biospheric explosion. Unless its servoamplifier gain
and competitive positive feedback can be dampened, the technological species
will catastrophically expire.

But the significant reduction of adaptive, deprogrammed behavior would
constitute the loss of intelligence per se and would be a giant leap
backward in evolution. Genetically, there is no return for the deprogrammed
technological species, which has crossed a one-way threshold in evolution.
The species will go into destructive resonance and explode within perhaps
tens of years, while evolutionary changes to genetically reintroduce
behavior control would require hundreds of thousands or even millions of

The natural evolution of Man is finished now, within the lifetime of the
average reader. The fifth stage of planetary evolution of life is the final
stage of evolution by natural selection.

Thus, any "next step" in evolution must be taken technologically by the
species itself if it is to be taken at all. Any such step to a sixth stage
of evolution must paradoxically involve the reimposition of positive
internal control somehow without giving up genetic deprogramming.

The fact that rigid and foolproof control must be established to eliminate
destructive competition, while at the same time genetic control must remain
relinquished if intelligence is to be retained, is the precise,
contradictory, solitary human problem. It is this hard nut that all systems,
organizations, governments, societies, sciences, theorists, religious
leaders, megalomaniacs, dictators, pontificators, and well-meaning, but
ignorant, visionaries and humanitarians have failed to chew and swallow
since time immemorial.

The usual solution advanced is this: "If everyone would just be a perfect
citizen, behave ideally, and love and help everyone else always, then the
problem would be solved."

Any fool will agree with that; the proposition is incredibly naïve and a
tautology. The question is, "How, pray tell, can one get all persons to be
perfect?" Law, logic, philosophy, creed, religion, practice, love,
sacrifice, money, the ballot, and the bullet--all of these have empirically
proven that they cannot solve the human problem for all humanity. Since none
of the solutions advanced to date can solve the problem, we must discard
them all and search for a new approach.

And a Teilhardian solution emerges if one ponders diligently. The solution
can be synthesized into two parts: Each individual human must possess an
internal mechanism for generating appropriate limits to personal behavior,
and there must exist a totally reliable external process to implant or
induce the internal mechanism. (And one would also hope for the "maximum
individual freedom within the constraints of minimum essential
inter-individual control.")

The only viable solution is to link the brains of all men into one giant
superbrain. It is the entire species which has been developing, and it is
the entire species which now must be linked into one superbeing.

Jung's collective unconscious must acquire a single integrated
consciousness, instead of the fragmented billions it now possesses. Each
mancell must function individually within its own sphere, but in
inter-mancell harmony under the control of a single linked-species nervous

This linkage must be accomplished technologically by creating and installing
a system of direct communication links between all men's individual brains.
A most curious phenomenon occurs whenever two nervous-system brains are
directly linked together so that each can perceive no temporal delay between
the two: the beings, egos, and personalities of the two brains integrate and
merge into one being, one ego, and one personality. Thus linkage admirably
ends the destructive competition between the formerly separated brains.

For example, suppose you and I have linked our brains. If I am you and you
are me, then "we" shall find it impossible to disadvantage "each other"
since "we" and "each other" no longer exist. That is only one "I" remains in
the two linked brains, integrated in both of them. So the "one" cannot kill
the "other" because no "other" any longer separately exists.

In fact, absolute proof of the "singe-being" identity of two linked brains
unequivocally exists. The human brain (cerebrum) is composed of left and
right hemispheres, completely separated except for a thick connecting cable
of nerve fibers called the corpus callosum. Essentially the left cerebral
hemisphere controls the right side of the body, and the right cerebral
hemisphere controls the left side of the body. With two brains in charge,
one half (usually the left) almost always dominates, and each of the two
halves specializes. However, signals from one half are immediately
transmitted to the second half, preventing the second half from detecting
any difference or time delay between itself and the primary half. That is,
the second half gets an immediate "wiggle" and perceives that it, the second
half, originated the wiggle.

When consciousness can perceive no difference, identity results, just as
separate movie frames appear continuous (each two appear one) when flashed
at 22 frames per second. Thus, in one's own body, two brains are integrated
into one functional brain and one perceptual personality. There is no
conscious separation of the two-brain hemispherical perceptions, and one
consciously is aware of only one being or continuity--himself. In humans
whose corpus callosums have been severed, the two brains exhibit separate
consciousness and separate "personalities."

If one holds up both hands and observes them, one is perfectly aware that
there are two separate hands, but is only aware of one being to whom the two
hands belong, even though each hand is being controlled by a different
cerebral hemisphere. Two complete human brains linked together would
experience something analagous. There would be complete awareness of two
separate bodies, but awareness of only one being to whom the bodies
belonged. The linked being in two bodies would be aware of a "right body"
and a "left body" just as one human now has a sense of a right hand and a
left hand.

Linkage is a straightforward technical problem. It is a problem of great
magnitude, but it is within the reach of technology to solve it. For
example, work on biological radio communication has been underway in the
Soviet Union some fifty years or more, and direct mind-to-mind linkage has
probably been achieved, as reported by Kazhinskiy, Lisitsyn, and others.

As early as 1939-40, the Soviets were experimenting with telepathic
induction through, or modulated upon, an electromagnetic signal, directly
from mind to mind, or from nervous system to nervous system. Their
experiments found the concomitant interception, by the nervous system of one
animal, of bioradiation waves emitted by the organism of another animal or
man, and the conscious or unconscious analysis and synthesis in the
receiver's brain of the stimulating signals. The Russian work revealed the
transfer and intercept of bioelectromagnetic and bioradiation waves
accompanying every thought process. Animal and human experiments clearly
demonstrated that biofield interception from two or more minds may be
cyborged, even in the mind and body of one person or one animal, just as the
two hemispheres of the human cerebrum are presently cyborged in one human

The biofield wavelengths emitted by the human nervous system were determined
to be within 1.8-2.1 mm. An electromagnetic theory of brain activity that
incorporated direct unconscious brain connection was developed. The use of
hysteresis concepts was invoked. Hysteresis is a lag effect; that is, an
action followed by a time delay, followed by a reaction. This is precisely
the type reaction one would need for subliminal brain communication. Memory
was theorized in this manner, to pursue interrogation of it directly and
unconsciously. After all, that is what a normal brain does anyway, when it
recalls something from memory.

Not only was it possible to induct images and sensations from one brain to
another at a distance, but it was also possible to artificially postpone the
emergence of mental images and sensations, received by the percipient, to a
predetermined moment. The received information first formed subconsciously.
A process of subliminal probing was working out, and how this can be done
brain-to-brain was theoretically explained.

In sophisticated EEG signals, the purely informational part was isolated and
the brain was viewed as communicating with itself holographically.
Twenty-three EEG rhythms were worked out, and experimentally fitted formulas
developed. Frequency ranges were tabulated, along with the complete EEG
frequency scheme. The frequencies extend up to 8.1 X 10(20) hertz, an
incredibly high frequency. This wavelength is in the neighborhood of 4 X
10(-13) meters, which is less than three orders of magnitude from the Fermi
length, 10(-15) meters.

Thus the brain exhibits frequencies that can slightly interact with the
strange, noncausal world of quantum physics. This directly suggests the
operational connection of thought and consciousness with quantum events
(i.e., it suggests inception and psychokinesis). In fact, if quantum
geometrodynamics and the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics are
correct, a direct mechanism for psychtronics is indicated. Eleven EEG
rhythms had nonmultiple frequencies and appeared as independent oscillating
processes. The biological code of the EEG signals was of prime interest, and
the number of digits of the code was found not to exceed 44.

In evolution, perhaps the human population had its own genetic language
phonemes, and each distinctly separated population developed its own
language superimposed upon them. If this premise is true, then the often
striking use of a word or its close derivative to mean the same thing in
widely separated cultures has an underlying genetic explanation. The
demonstrated ability of two minds to telepathically communicate, even though
the two humans speak sharply different languages, could also then be

>From the viewpoint of this genetic language code hypothesis, the Soviet work
on 44 EEG code digits or less is of fundamental importance. It may only
require 11-23 channels and a 44-digit code to directly link human brains.
And this could be determined in animal experiments in communicating through
a severed corpus callosum to its connected brain half.

It also appears that the Soviets either have broken the 44-digit code or are
very close to it. Thus one can surmise that either direct brain-to-brain
linkage can already be accomplished, or that capability is imminent. It is
exciting to visualize the rapid, short-term development of a brain linkage
system using, say, scanning skullcaps mounted on the head, centrally
connected by a biowave-modulated, electromagnetic datalink system.
Sixth-stage brain-to-brain linkage may already be emerging as these words
are written.

Once the species is linked, the problems that man causes man simply vanish.
All of these problems depend upon the conscious differentiation of being
between two individuals, and this differentiation no longer exists. A
single, integrated being does not rob, cheat, hurt, kill, or abuse himself
or any of his body cells.

The needs of each individual mancell in the linked species are constantly
attended to. This is indeed absolute and perfect democracy; not only is each
mancell participating in his government, he is his government! Selfishness,
greed, hate, prejudice, discrimination, murder--all have simply disappeared.
One does not hate himself; one cannot be selfish except with respect to
another, and no separate "other" now exists. One does not discriminate
against himself or part of himself; one is not prejudiced against himself,
etc. The standard of living is automatically far higher; there is no loss to
crime, waste, and duplication. Poverty, war, crime, hunger, fear,
intolerance, and misery are gone. All the problems that man causes man
disappear because mancell no longer causes them to mancell.

Another immediate advantage of linkage is personal immortality. The
personality is totally operational, and it can be totally recorded on
physical media. Indeed, it is exactly so recorded on, and in, the physical
nervous system "medium" of the body itself. And in the linked species, it is
recorded numerous times, holographically, throughout the entire species
nervous system. Death of a particular physical body is of no more
consequence than the death of an individual body cell or brain cell is to a
present human being.

No personality, experience, memory, or feeling is ever lost! If desired, a
new body of exactly the same type (e.g., a clone) can be "reoccupied" by
reactivating the "personality recording" and installing it. This already
happens each time one reawakens from unconsciousness or coma. Giant banks of
brains for the superorganism would be practical. Specialized mancells and
nonmancells for every conceivable task and purpose would be genetically
engineered. Nature organizes; that is the master plan, and the linked
technological species represents master organization.

The gigantic expansion of consciousness and intelligence is indescribable.
Any mancell can recall anything from total linked memory and think it
directly, complete with all its shadings and ramifications. The
consciousness, intelligence, knowledge and memory of the entire species are
in each mancell and directly available to it. For example, by linking only
two monocular retina patterns in the brain, binocular vision and the third
dimension are attained.

Can the fantastic dimensionality of linkage of even 1,000 perceptions of the
same concept or idea be imagined? With linkage, insight is immediate and
unbelievably multidimensional. The entire capability and dimensionality of
the species is brought to bear, and such insight is incomprehensible to our
present understanding.

Now the entire theory behind psychotherapy is for the patient to gain
insight into his personal "hang-ups," repressions, etc. With total insight,
all psychological problems are resolved. Rapidly the linked species becomes
totally sane, something which has never before existed for mankind. Insanity
and severe neurosis no longer develop because the insight is always
available in the first place.

The thousands of harmful games humans play on, against, and to each other no
longer exist. The species-wide insight and identity result in the loss of
all ideological and dogmatic absurdities, which are immediately revealed for
what they are. The eyes of each person are literally opened in the strictest
sense of the word.

With integration of all humanity into a single coherent consciousness, the
inceptive (psychokinetic) actions and capabilities of all the mancells are
also coherently integrated. Thus, given enough cells linked together, the
superbeing begins to acquire a direct power and dominance over time, space,
and matter. That is, it begins to exhibit "godlike" powers. The linked,
sixth-stage being thus develops into multiple dimensions, overcomes
limitations of time and space, and becomes independent of matter and
matter-changes. These characteristics indeed constitute the seventh stage of
evolution, the penetration above and beyond all stages.

The struggle to comprehend stages six and seven accounts for all
metaphysics, philosophy, religion; and the total lack of direct experience
with, or on, those stages accounts for the forbidding difficulties involved
in their comprehension. These stages are noncausal, and causal experimental
methods cannot be applied, so the gaps in our ability to comprehend them are
formidable indeed.

The seventh stage is the "return to allness" or to pure being, or simply to
"nothingness" or "no-thing-ness" in its absolute meaning. This is the void
that is devoid of void. This is the nature of the Ultimate God, pure being.
Omega is alpha, the end is the beginning, and the beginning is zero (the
absence of all differentiation). Thus all is indeed holographically "closed
upon its tail" and identical, including being itself.

Being is undifferentiated, that is its total definition. Since it is totally
undifferentiated, in being there is not even any differentiation between
"being" and "not-being." Being is a total identity operator, and can even
identify with its own opposite. All-being, the Ultimate Godness, is simply
totally undifferentiated. Since it is undefined, it encompasses all things
and nonthings. Without definition, there can be no defined (perceived)
difference. That is why all things are, and why any particular thing is. It
is why a thing can also not-be, that is, cease to exist. To be perceivable
or not perceivable is totally operational; such terms have no meaning except
relative to an operation, perception. Removing the limitations of the
perceptive, comparative operation removes all distinction between "being"
and "non-being" -- and this is the solution to the age-old ontological
problem, and also to the problem of change, that the philosophers have
sought in vain to solve.

The final evolution of the living process is godness itself, pure being.
Unlimited godness can both be and not be; such is the nature of
unlimitedness. With the seventh stage, transcendence of all stages and all
limitations, thus ends the life model of Earth and Man.

Thus for the unlinked, fifth-stage technological species, there are only two

First, and more likely, its intraspecies conflict will simply reach critical
mass and the species will convulsively destroy itself and its biosphere.
Humanity may be within 25 years or less of this asymptote now (1976).

Second, and less likely, the species may link into a sixth-stage superbeing
and eliminate its internal competition, friction, and suicidal bent. Linkage
appears extremely unlikely unless outside assistance and intervention are

But there may, after all, be evidence of such intervention. The phenomenon
loosely classed as "unidentified flying objects" appears to fit the strange
characteristics to be expected of a linked sixth-stage superbeing engaged in
giving prenatal assistance to the embryonic human species and preparing for
linkage "birth" of the species into a new superbeing.

If, for example, we assume from the latest archeological findings that man
in essentially his present form has existed about five million years on
planet Earth, and if we roughly assume that modern science represents a
window of less than 0.3 X 10(-4) times the width of the total human
experience. The search in the cosmos for intelligent life exhibiting our
particular technical characteristics would appear to have little chance for
success. Any other species at man's present technical level is progressing
so rapidly toward destruction (or linkage) that man's detection of its
"narrow window" will very likely not occur--or occur only after it has
already vanished as a fifth-stage species. Either alternative for a
fifth-stage species eliminates it as a fifth-stage species. It is no
accident that man's universe appears devoid of other fifth-stage species!

On the other hand, contact with sixth-stage beings (that is, with the
fifth-stage species who linked, survived, and transitioned) is much more
probable. Perhaps half of the inhabitable planets involve species more
advanced than our own; if so, then the window of sixth-stage beings is
indeed vast. For example, if we assume that the universe is at least 20
billion years old, then that is about three times as old as Earth itself,
about 4,000 times as old as man, and about 2 X 10(8) times as old as the
narrow window of man's modern science. In a window of such relative
magnitude, the probability of sixth-stage being(s) appears to be quite
certain. Granted even the tiniest probability of linkage, so many trials on
so many planets have occurred that the probability of at least one success
approaches closer to certainty by far than the discriminatory accuracy of
the data assumptions used to set up the estimation. From the window
viewpoint alone, one can essentially assign a probability of unity to the
assumption that the UFO phenomenon represents the contact of the human
species with a sixth-stage being.

Thus the UFO phenomenon can be fitted to the hypothesis that they represent
the prenatal care of the Earthman by a linked superbeing, in preparation for
the forthcoming linkage of the human species and the birth of another linked

One thing, however, is clear: from our viewpoint, the final crisis is here.
For Man, it is now or never. Of course, nature is patient--another billion
years or two is all right, because in the end, time itself is a part of her
creation, and is of little or no consequence to her. But for man, a single
technological species on a secondary planet of a medium-sized star in the
remote rim of the galaxy, time has almost run out.

Man is merely one more of nature's experiments, a species which happened to
opt for a little more genetic deprogramming of behavior, and now is his
moment of truth. If he can successfully link before he destroys himself and
his biosphere, then the ultimate solution is his; if not, then nature merely
scraps this biosphere called Earth and begins again somewhere else.

The next three or thirty years will most assuredly tell.

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