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Get Ready to Fork Over Your Money to U.N.

Wes Vernon
Saturday, May 5, 2001

WASHINGTON - You are expected to pony up money to finance United Nations
corruption, along with the America-haters in the organization hacking away
at U.S. sovereignty.

The House next week is set to vote on a proposal to pay $582 million for
what the House leadership says are "reductions in America's share of U.N.
dues and peacekeeping costs."

Further, we are told that this "lower assessment rate will provide more
than $2 billion in savings to American taxpayers over the next 10 years."

Nonsense, says Cliff Kincaid, whose America's Survival Inc. argues that we
do not owe any money to the U.N. in the first place.

"So paying the money in reductions in future 'assessments' from the U.N. is
not defensible."

Further, he says, House Majority Leader Dick Armey once sponsored the "U.N.
Erroneous Debt Act," so he knows better. Kincaid calls the "assessment" a
U.N. tax on the American people.

"We are now paying about one-third of all U.N. costs to subsidize an
organization of countries that mostly despise us. China, by contrast, pays
only about 1 percent, and seems to dominate the U.N."

That being the case, Kincaid suggests perhaps China can pay one-third and
we can pay the 1 percent. At least that would reflect which nation most
often gets its way at the world body.

Ted Turner's Pet Project

This bailout, already passed by the Senate, was approved Wednesday by the
House International Relations Committee just a few days after CNN boss Ted
Turner, referred to by Kincaid as a "billionaire bigot," urged release of
the "dues" money in a letter to House Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill.

Although Turner and other one-worlders try convince Americans that this
money enables the U.N. to sit around and make peace by feeding the hungry,
etc., American taxpayers are being asked to fork over their hard-earned
cash at the same time that U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has announced
plans to erect a $90 million visitors center as monument to this globalism.

It appears some of the dollars will pay for condoms for U.N. "peacekeepers"
because, America's Survival notes and U.S. officials have confirmed, U.N.
soldiers have been spreading AIDS around the world.

The Senate deal for passing the "dues" bill was brokered by Sen. Jesse
Helms, R-N.C., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The U.N.
is supposed to get the money in exchange for cutting the U.S. share of the
operating budget from 25 to 22 percent, and the "peacekeeping" budget from
31 to 25 percent. However, the U.N. allowed the U.S. share of the
"peacekeeping" budget to go down to only 26.5 percent.

Honesty Punished

For years, the United States refused to pay this money until the United
Nations made some badly needed reforms. The U.N.'s top budget analyst,
Linda Shenwick, was fired by the Clinton-Gore administration for an
all-too-typical reason: She told the truth. She testified before Congress
about the corruption in the world body. Without Shenwick on the job, there
is no way to monitor the shenanigans that have been going on there.

And the corruption and high-living, courtesy of the American taxpayer,
continue unabated.

M.D.B. Carlisle, assistant defense secretary in the Reagan administration,
and Daniel Oliver, onetime chairman of the FTC, co-wrote a piece in
Thursday's Washington Times detailing how the Clintonistas are still
running things at the American delegation to the United Nations. Bush's
ambassador to the U.N. has not been confirmed yet. These are not career
bureaucrats in the saddle there. These are hardened Bush-hating
left-wingers who will go out of their way to obstruct anything this
administration does to protect American interests if that is seen as
getting in the way of a determined globalism.

For example, they plotted to prevent the appointment of the "center-right"
John Bolton as U.S. ambassador, and letting it be known that he would even
be considered persona non grata. Why? Because, according to Carlisle and
Oliver, they knew he was acquainted with the inside workings and "could not
be manipulated."

When the bill to pick American taxpayers' pockets is voted on in the House
of Representatives by midweek, someone might want to demand that Bush first
fire his enemies there, just as Bill Clinton fired U.N. appointees of the
first President Bush almost immediately after arriving at the White House.

Then after that is taken care of, some lawmaker may want to introduce an
amendment to withhold the money until such time as the corruption and
in-your-face anti-Americanism comes to a screeching halt.

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