-Caveat Lector-

So Soy is being investigated for a possiblel health hazard?  Little
late, isn't it.

Archer Daniel - once in a little town in Ohio, a huge soy beal oil tank
owned by Archer Daniel it was reported a picture of Christ had appeared
on this tank....story went all over the world - the local newspaper
representative told me it look liked a picture of Christ to her - cars
streamed down the highway, and Archer Daniel for some reason, had the
tank repainted?

One thing I remembered when a very young girl - on this site was once a
German (not Nazi but German) POW camp.   Young boys some of whom looked
only 15 or 16 years of age would wave to us - we were taught not to look
for this was the enemy . situated right across from the Country Club, we
used to ride by this site quiet often.   It was not unusual to see young
men on errands with POW jackets for they were no threat and it seemed
most were in a war, of which they wanted no part.

This happened during the Gulf War where someone said they saw the
picture of Christ on a Soy Bean Oil Tank - my imagination saw just a few
rusty spots and if you looked long and hard enough, as a cloud - you
could see maybe an outline of a head.

So why would Archer Daniels paint over this near shrine waving away
tourists - as if they did not want to draw attention to themselves.

Here is item re Soy and Archer Daniels - are these people, Archer
Daniels - in some type conspiracy to sell more slop to the public - soy
in China is for the poverty stricken - so who will eat the slop with the
pigs and the hogs and who will be eating the big steaks and real ice
cream and - well ever see that movie Soyulent Green something like that?

Strawberries are free - Rasberries too if you grown your own.    Have
you seen what a little box of rasberries costs these days - $3.00.....

What is Archer Daniel up to - who are they really - and I keep thinking
of the old POW camp upon which once prisoners of war roamed in green
fields with only a barbed wire fence, no guards, no guns - going on
errands to and from town - yet they bothered nobody - only to wave to a
few young girls who bicycled or rode by the site.


This web page presents some of the negative facts about soy products
that are not generally heard by vegetarians due to control of the mass
media and biased research funded or conducted by industrial concerns and
reproduce at health food shops, or in nutritional texts.

Also, due to extensive lobbying of regulatory bodies and nutritional
authorities by industrial concerns, soy products have been officially
accepted as wholesome nutritional products. When official sanction is
given to a product, it is not usually long before health magazines
funded by industrial advertising money start to promote the goods and
then dietary faddists start to promote industrial products as healthy in

You need to be aware that many scientific studies are loaded or are not
indepth enough to give useful results. It is therefore easy in some
cases to present data to support a variety of cases for soy, based on
which research you pick. Even looking at all the evidence and weeding
out the flawed research may not tell you the real picture if none of the
scientific research was long term enough, or not well controlled. Safety
studies involving laboratory animals (an absurd term) are misleading as
nutritional indicators to effects on humans. In any case, negative
results in animal research are frequently ignored in order to get goods
onto the market.
The Billion Dollar Soy Industry
Sales of soy foods increased 350 percent over the last decade to an
estimated $1.4 billion last year, according to the Soyfoods Association
of America.
Supermarket News; Vol.46, No.11; March 11, 1996; p.51.

Soy products are at the forefront of a multi billion dollar industrial
complex. According to the Wall Street Journal (October 27, 1995) Archer
Daniel Midlands, the world's major soy processor, spends very heavily on
advertising, especially for news programs on major networks. Apparantly
they spend $4.7 million for advertising on "Meet The Press" and $4.3
million on "Face The Nation" during the course of a year. ADM has
holdings in major newspapers, and the press present soy in a positive
light. ADM lobbies heavily in Washington and supports university
research programs.
Many vegetarians believe soy to be a wonder food that is ideal for
replacing meat. But VEGAN-STRAIGHT-EDGE asks:
since we are not carnivores- why do we need a high protein substitute
for meat?
soy is an agricultural product that has a history of only a few thousand
years- is it not self evident that we do not need to eat soy?
legumes, including soy are very poisonous raw- are they really food fit
for humans?
many dietary therapists are aware that some people are allergic to soy-
why is no warning put on soy products?
should we look upon soy goods as industrial chemical products or as true
does soy processing introduce many toxic chemicals?
where is there good quality scientific evidence that soy foods are so
You will find some answers and ideas on these issues in this web page
and you will also find substantial information about the way in which
soy products are flavoured. The focus of this page is health concerns.
Considerable environmental problems have been created by the mass
production of soy beans, resulting in rainforest clearing, dependancy on
cash crops in the developing nations and other concerns that go hand in
hand with modern intensive agriculture. These, and the concerns about
recombinant DNA technology and soy, have not been covered here.
Typical criticism of high soy vegetarian diets is based on concerns
about anemia that many doctors are aware of. The research that this
stems from is not particularly strong, but none the less may be a cause
for concern:
Does eating soy cause iron deficiency?
Dietary iron and serum ferritin levels were measured in a group of
Chinese vegetarian and nonvegetarian students. A major characteristic of
the vegetarian diet was the replacement of meat by soybean products.
Dietary iron was similar in both groups of men, but was significantly
higher in female vegetarians than in nonvegetarians. However, the median
plasma ferritin concentration was about 50% lower in the vegetarians of
both sexes than in the nonvegetarians. Although the men did not show
evidence of iron depletion, the prevalence of anemia and iron deficiency
were 30% and 50%, respectively, in the female vegetarians. These values
were more than twice as high as those for nonvegetarian women.
Shaw N-S, et al. A vegetarian diet rich in soybean products compromises
iron status in young students. J Nutr 1995;125:212-219.
Commenting on this research in Townsend Letters To Doctors LITERATURE
REVIEW & COMMENTARY, Alan R. Gaby, M.D., says that "a vegetarian diet
that is rich in soybean products may promote iron deficiency,
particularly in women" and that soy products are "known to inhibit the
absorption of nonheme iron to a significant extent". Although soy
products can meet the RDA amount of iron, the amount that is absorbed
may be insufficient. Additional vitamin C may improve uptake of iron. Dr
Gaby concludes "This study suggests that vegetarians who frequently
consume soy products should be screened for iron deficiency and given
iron supplements or dietary recommendations when necessary." Dr Gaby
also suggests the reintroduction of some meat to improve mineral
availability, why not simply remove soy products and replace them with
vegetables rich in iron? This study is often used to slam vegetarian
diets but does not tell us why 70% of the vegetarian women did not get
anemia and 50% did not show "iron deficiency" which seems in any case to
be based on an arbitrary level.
Paradoxically some authors present the iron binding nature of phytates
as beneficial in preventing oxidation of iron, thus protecting DNA from
free radicals. A sure method of gaining protection from such dangers is
to ingest vitamin C, E and the mineral selenium. A diet rich in vitamin
C and E obviates the need for the alleged benefits of phytates without
the demonstrated risks of mineral deficiency.
Soy has many potential antinutrient effects:
"Implications of antinutritional components in soybean foods", Liener
IE, Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 34: 1, 1994, 31-67
There are a number of components present in soybeans that exert a
negative impact on the nutritional quality of the protein. Among those
factors that are destroyed by heat treatment are the protease inhibitors
and lectins. Protease inhibitors exert their antinutritional effect by
causing pancreatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia, which ultimately results in
an inhibition of growth. The lectin, by virtue of its ability to bind to
glycoprotein receptors on the epithelial cells lining the intestinal
mucosa, inhibits growth by interfering with the absorption of nutrients.
Of lesser significance are the antinutritional effects produced by
relatively heat stable factors, such as goitrogens, tannins,
phytoestrogens, flatus-producing oligosaccharides, phytate, and
saponins. Other diverse but ill-defined factors appear to increase the
requirements for vitamins A, B12, D, and E. The processing of soybeans
under severe alkaline conditions leads to the formation of
lysinoalanine, which has been shown to damage the kidneys of rats. This
is not generally true, however, for edible soy protein that has been
produced under milder alkaline conditions. Also meriting consideration
is the allergenic response that may sometimes occur in humans, as well
as calves and piglets, on dietary exposure to soybeans.
On the basis of this I would certainly consider giving soy based foods a
wide margin. When you see the other information below, I think you may
be more concerned about the health claims of these products.
are soy products a good source of minerals?
Scientists are in general agreement(?) that grain and legume diets high
in phytates contribute to widespread mineral deficiencies in third world
countries. The soy bean contains more phytate than any other grain or
legume studied. In the west, phytate content is not thought to be such a
problem because of our inclusion of mineral rich meat and our habit of
Van-Rensburg et. al., "Nutritional status of African populations
predisposed to esophageal cancer", Nutr-Cancer, V.4, 1983, pp. 206-216
Moser, P.B. et. al., "Copper, iron, zinc and selenium dietary intake and
status of Nepalese lactating women and their breast-fed infants"
Am-J-Clin-Nutr, v.47, Apr 1988, pp. 729-734
Harland, B.F. et. al., "Nutrtional status and phytate: zinc and phytate
X calcium: zinc dietary molar ratios of lacto-ovo-vegetarian Trappist
monks: 10 years later" J-Am-Diet-Assoc., v. 88, Dec 1988, pp. 1562-1566
El Tiney, A.H., "Proximate Composition and Mineral and Phytate Contents
of Legumes Grown in Sudan", Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, v.
2, 1989, pp. 67-78.
Phytate reduction of zinc absorption has been demonstrated in many
studies that are sumarised in Leviton, Richard, "Tofu, Tempeh, Miso and
Other Soyfoods: The Food of the Future -- How to Enjoy Its Spectacular
Health Benefits", Keats Publishing, Inc., New Canaan, CT, 1982, p.12.
doesn't long slow cooking reduce phytate content?
Cooking does reduce phytate contents however, soy seems highly resistant
to these cooking techniques. Fermentation to produce products like
tempeh and miso does reduce phytate contents significantly. Tofu and
bean curd remain high in phytate as do TVP products.
Ologhobo, A.D., et. al., " Distribution of phosphorus and phytate in
some Nigerian varieties of legumes and some effects of processing",
J-Food-Sci, v. 49(1), Jan/Feb 1984, pp. 199-210
In Thorsons Complete Guide To Vitamins & Minerals by Leonard Mervyn, BSc
PhD CChem FRSC, Thorsons 1989, the contents of phytate in popular meat
substitutes are given. Leonard Mervyn advises us that when molar rations
of phytic acid to zinc are greater than 15, a decrease in zinc
bioavailability occurs. The molar ratios are as follows: meat extender
37, mince additive 39, TVP beef 31, TVP pork 43, TVP mince 36 and TVP
plain 43. For comparison: wholemeal flour 35, white flour 13, wholemeal
bread 33, bran based cereals 60 and cornflakes 21.
The limiting effect of phytates is not a concern in most western diets
since 75% of the zinc is provided by animal products.
are soy products a good source of protein?
Human protein requirements are grossly over estimated by nutritional
authorities. Traditional fermented soy products are sources of fairly
raw proteins, however modern processed soy products like TVP are
subjected to many processes that may damage the protein contents, such
as; heating, high pressures and high temperatures, extrusion, acid and
alkaline solutions and other chemical processes. In addition soy
products may contain trypsin inhibitors that prevent our digestive
enzymes from breaking down the protein properly. The same processing
that breaks down the trypsin inhibitors also damages the structure of
the proteins in the soy.
"Soybeans contain indigestible carbohydrates and inhibitors of digestive
enzymes (soybean trypsin inhibitor). Both problems contribute to
difficulty digesting beans, excessive gas, and, occasionally, abdominal
pain and diarrhea."
Stephen J. Gislason MD, Environmed Research Inc.
Vegetarians seem to have the meat eaters thirst for protein as well.
Actual protein losses in a healthy body are as low as 2 grams per day,
and losses of essential amino acids vary from between about 2 grams at
the most for Lysine to 0.25 grams for Tryptophan daily(1). This amount
can be easily supplied by a diet of fruits only! Diets including
concentrated proteins such as meat, fish, dairy, eggs, beans and nuts
exceed requirements. There is no need to eat soy protein, it simply
overloads the body with amino acids that have to be oxidised.
"Food supplies the building materials to permit continuous cellular
renewal and growth. Protein forms a major part of our structure. Most of
our body protein is recycled and we do well by ingesting very little
protein. About 3% of the total body protein is recycled every day
(approximately 200 grams). In a healthy adult, net protein loss in a day
may be as low as 2 grams. Dietary requirements for protein increase with
activity, growth, and protein losses, especially following injury or
during illness. The average American diet supplies 11-14% of total
calories as protein, or 25-100 gms/day. Protein digestion and absorption
are generally efficient."
Stephen J. Gislason MD, Environmed Research Inc.
The only likely causes of protein deficiency are starvation, or
ingestion of proteins that are very poorly digested. Protein in excess
of the daily requirement will be used as metabolic fuel by oxidation, in
which case waste products will be produced, unlike getting food energy
from carbohydrates which are totally consumed, producing only water.
Carbohydrates also spare non essential amino acid requirements.
Longer nitrogen balance studies have found reduced nitrogen losses (a
rough method for establishing protein losses) of about 2 to 3 grams per
day, which equates to about 16 grams of protein. Forget the RDA figures,
they are far too high and too rigid.
Eating excess protein is a bad idea, not only does undigested protein
serve as soil for putrificative bacteria in the bowels, but use of amino
acids for generating energy actually poisons the body:
"When amino acids are "burned" as a fuel, ammonia (NH3) is the waste
product. Ammonia must be carried to the liver, converted to urea and
excreted by the kidneys. One of the penalties of amino acid excess is
ammonia excess, a potential cause of body malfunction following a high
protein meal.
Stephen J. Gislason MD, Environmed Research Inc.
New, more accurate means of measuring amino acid utilisation are being
used to suggest that original nitrogen balance estimates for amino acid
requirements were too low(1). The researchers concluded:
"It is concluded that the nitrogen balance-based estimates of amino acid
requirement are too low."
However, this research measured amino acid oxidation, which has been
found to vary dependant on dietary protein intake, and another study(2)
has for the first time found that:
"Similarly, rates of whole body protein synthesis, degradation, and
leucine oxidation after long-term therapy with the VLPD regimen did not
differ from baseline values, and neutral BN was maintained by a marked
suppression of amino acid oxidation and postprandial inhibition of
protein degradation. This is the first evidence that the compensatory
changes in whole body protein turnover activated in response to dietary
protein restriction are sustained during long-term therapy."
(1)"Recent advances in methods of assessing dietary amino acid
requirements for adult humans.",
Zello GA; Wykes LJ; Ball RO; Pencharz PB, J Nutr, 125: 12, 1995 Dec,
(2)"Long-term adaptive responses to dietary protein restriction in
chronic renal failure.",
Tom K; Young VR; Chapman T; Masud T; Akpele L; Maroni BJ, Am J Physiol,
268: 4 Pt 1, 1995 Apr, E668-77
how is soy milk produced?
In order to remove as much of the trypsin inhibitor content as possible,
the beans are first soaked in an alkaline solution. The pureed solution
is then heated to 115 degrees C in a pressure cooker. This method
destroys most, but not all of the anti-nutrients, but has the effect of
denaturing the proteins making them difficult to digest and assimilate.
Wallace, G.M., "Studies on the Processing and Properties of Soymilk",
J-Sci-Fd-Agric, v. 22, Oct 1971, pp. 526-535
The phytate content remains in soy milk to block the uptake of essential
minerals. The alkaline solution that is used to soak the solution
produces a carcinogen, lysinealine, and reduces the cystein content.
Berk, Zeki, "Technology of production of edible flours and protein
products from soybeans", FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 97, Food
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1992, p. 85.
"Soybean milk, which naturally contains a high content of glutamate,
frequently has glutamate added in the form of hydrolyzed vegetable
Excitotoxins: the taste that kills by Russell Blaylock M.D., Health
Press 1995, pp. 220
what is Tofu?
Tofu is a mixture of soy bean curd and plaster of paris. It has a high
phytate content and may contain traces of other toxins used in its
manufacture. Tofu does contain the highest quantity of isoflavones and
phytoestrogens that are said to inhibit tumor formation and prevent
hormone-related diseases in women. The research that makes health claims
for soy products needs to tell us by what mechanisms it modifies our
biochemistry so that we can try to understand what harmful effects may
occur. Without long term well controlled studies of soy diets, the claim
that they are disease preventative overall is not demonstrated.
Soy has powerful drug like properties, however the dosage is not
regulated, and indeed, we do not know the effects of different doses on
different people. The ingestion of strong drug like chemicals in foods
like soy is therefore a game of biochemical Russian Roulette. The far
eastern populations that include Tofu in their diets usually eat it in a
fish broth. How can we extrapolate from these diets to western
vegetarian diets?
how is soy protein isolate made?
This is the fraction left from soy after the carbohydrate and fatty acid
components are removed from the soy bean. First they are ground and
subjected to high-temperature and solvent extraction processes to remove
the oils. The resulting defatted meal is then mixed with an alkaline
solution and sugars to seperate the fibres. It is then preciptated and
seperated using an acid wash. The resulting curds are neutralized in an
alkaline solution and spray dried at high temperatures to produce a high
protein powder. Some trypsin inhibitor will still remain after this
process. The now damaged fats will be used in margarine production. Soy
isolate is a waste product of the margarine industry. The contents of
trypsin inhibitor in soy isolates can vary as much as 5 fold.
Rackis, J.J. et. al., "The USDA trypsin inhibitor study. I. Background,
objectives and procedural details", Qual-Plant-Foods-Hum-Nutr, v. 35
1985, p. 232
what about soy baby milk formulas?
Cow milk baby formulas have been linked to colic and causing insulin
dependant diabetes mielitis. However soy is not without its own
soy formulas can cause zinc deficiency in infants: Lonnerdal, B. et.
al., " The effect of individual components of soy formula and cows' milk
formula on zinc bioavailability", Am-Jour-Clin-Nutr, v. 40 Nov 1984, pp.
Perhaps the zinc deficiency problem has been addressed since this
report, however the aluminium content of soy formulas is 10 times higher
than milk formulas 100 times higher than unprocessed milk.
Palmer, Gabrielle, The Politics of Breastfeeding, Pandora Press, London,
1993, p. 310.
soy allergies are almost as common as milk allergies: Ganse, R. "Doctors
still sleuthing cause of food allergies", Sch-Foodserv-J, v. 40(4), May
1986, pp. 38-39
Soy formulas lack cholesterol, lactose and galactose which are important
nutrients for a growing humans developing nervous system.
Soy formulas may contain many artificial ingredients such as carrageenan
(an excitotoxin), guar gum, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), potassium
citrate monohydrate, tricalcium phosphate, dibasic magnesium phosphate
trihydrate, BHA and BHT.
nitrosamines, which are potent carcinogens, are increased during the
high temperature drying process of soy proteins: Rackis, J.J. et. al.,
"The USDA trypsin inhibitor study. I. Background, objectives and
procedural details", Qual-Plant-Foods-Hum-Nutr, v. 35 1985, p. 225
Nitrosamines are one of the groups of chemicals in tobacco smoke that
are carcinogenic! A 2 year search of MEDLINE produced 141 references to
nitrosamines usually indicating cancer causation in lab animals.
BHA has been found to be toxic and produce oxidative damage to DNA:
"Induction of oxidative DNA damages and enhancement of cell
proliferation in human lymphocytes in vitro by butylated
hydroxyanisole." Schilderman PA; Rhijnsburger E; Zwingmann I; Kleinjans
JC  Carcinogenesis, 16: 3, 1995 Mar, 507-12
An article published in the New Zealand Medical Journal (May 24, 1995)
warns that the estrogen like compounds in soy formulas may adversly
effect hormonal development of infants.
what is textured vegetable protein (TVP)?
TVP is the result of taking soy protein isolate and applying a
high-temperature and high pressure extrusion process. Usually artificial
flavours such as MSG are added to mask the beany flavour of TVP. By the
time TVP products are cooked they have usually reached their third or
forth heating. The soy products used in the far east tend to be
traditional such as tempeh, meso and other fermented goods, not the
highly processed and refined industrial products popular in the west.
do soy products help to prevent cancer?
Isoflavone aglycones are anticarcinogenic substances found in
traditionally fermented soy products. In modern non fermented soy
products such as tofu and soy milk these substances are present as
beta-glycoside conjugates that do not have anti-carcinogenic effects.
Coward, L., et al., "Genistein, daidzein and their beta-glycoside
conjugates: Antitumor isoflavones in soybean food from American and
Asian diets", J-Agric-Food-Chem, v. 41(11), Nov 1993, pp. 1961-1967.
Industrial soy products contain raised levels of nitrosamines, which are
Furthermore the fatty acids that are alleged to be beneficial in soy
products, the essential omega-3 fatty acids are particularly subject to
rancidity during high temperature and pressure processing. The fats then
become trans-fats and form carcinogenic compounds. Trans fats, also
found in vegetable margarines, are very unhealthy.
trans fatty acids in margarines: a study in Wales showed a strong
association between TFA content in body fat and death from
cardiovascular disease, Br J Preven Soc Med, 1975; 29: 82-90
blood cholesterol quickly increased in people fed TFAs: J Lipid Res,
1992; 33: 399-410
Since 1971, 20 studies have have been published indicating a link
between polyunsaturated fats in margarine and cooking oils, and cancer.
The first appeared in The Lancet, 1971; I: 464
Hexane or other solvents are used to extract oil from soybeans. Traces
of this remain in commercial soy products. It is suspected that this
group of chemicals may be linked to parkinsonism:
"n-Hexane-induced parkinsonism: pathogenetic hypotheses" Pezzoli G;
Antonini A; Barbieri S; Canesi M; Perbellini L; Zecchinelli A; Mariani
CB; Bonetti A; Leenders KL  Mov Disord, 10: 3, 1995 May, 279-82
n-Hexane, similar hydrocarbons, and derivatives are common environmental
pollutants and by-products of lipid peroxidation, and they may have a
nigrotoxic effect like that of
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine. This report describes our
second case of parkinsonism in a subject exposed to n-hexane. Positron
emission tomography studies demonstrated regional striatal abnormalities
of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system and of glucose metabolism that
were different from those found in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.
Workers exposed to hexane may develop polyneuropathy: "Peripheral and
central conduction in n-hexane polyneuropathy", Oge AM; Yazici J;
Boyaciyan A; Eryildiz D; Ornek I; Konyalioglu R; Cengiz S; Oksak OZ;
Asar S; Baslo A , Muscle Nerve, 17: 12, 1994 Dec, 1416-30
Electrophysiological findings of 27 males with industrial n-hexane
polyneuropathy (HPNP) are presented. The results of needle
electromyography and nerve conduction studies were compatible with
primarily axonal polyneuropathy with secondary segmental demyelination.
Motor conduction velocities were the slowest in distal regions of the
nerves. In the proximal nerve segments, which were partly tested by
magnetic stimulation of the nerve roots, this slowing was much less
pronounced. The reduction in mean motor conduction velocities in the
forearm segments of ulnar nerves was more than 30% in comparison to the
control group means. This reduction was only 10% in the neck-axilla
segments. We think that this finding is a reflection of the distal
axonopathy process. Central motor conduction times calculated by
transcranial magnetic stimulation and spinal nerve root stimulation were
found to be prolonged in HPNP patients, indicating that descending motor
pathways are affected in human HPNP.
By buying modern soy products, you are encouraging the exposure of
industrial workers to a crippling solvent. The epidemiological research
on populations that use soy products is not consistant since results
produce confirmation of cancer protection, no effects upon it, or indeed
a reverse relationship (ie cancer risk). Research done by the National
Cancer Institute in China, reported soy foods as cancer preventative,
but the protocol used has been criticised for being manipulated to show
positive results. But this same research is used to present soy foods in
a favorable light anyway.
Extrapolating from laboratory experiments with antitumoral soy extracts
to suggest that eating whole soy foods is also antitumoral needs more
scientific backing. One could find antitumoral phytochemicals in tobacco
leaves, this does not make smoking a cancer reducing factor.
The dust from soy processing plants also triggers asthma attacks. This
is due to the allergenic sterol components, like stigmasterol found in
legumes. Stigmasterol is also extracted from soy beans and used as a
pharmacological source for a drug which is metabolised in the human body
into progesterone. Eating powerful chemicals like this in uncontrolled
doses will yield unpredictable results. Are we supposed to believe that
the human body benefits from the anticarcinogenic compounds in soy, but
does not suffer from these asthmatic irritants:
"Identification of soybean dust as an epidemic asthma agent in urban
areas by molecular marker and RAST analysis of aerosols", Aceves M;
Grimalt JO; Sunyer J; Anto JM; Reed CE J Allergy Clin Immunol, 88:1,
1991 Jul, 124-34
>From 1981 to 1987, 26 outbreaks of asthma have occurred in the city of
Barcelona, Spain, affecting a total of 687 subjects and causing 1155
emergency room admissions. Assays of urban aerosols collected with
high-volume samplers between October 1986 and May 1989 have indicated
that soybean dust originating from harbor activities (and not traffic or
industrial pollution) is the causal agent for these epidemics. Soybean
particulates in the filters have been characterized from the composition
of the alcohol fraction, namely, campesterol, stigmasterol,
beta-sitosterol, n-triacontan-1-ol, and n-dotriacontan-1-ol,
constituting a series of aerosol components correlated with the
epidemiologic data. This result has also been confirmed by
immunochemical assay of specific soybean allergens. The concentration of
these sterols in the air corresponds to a 24-hour average level of
soybean dust in the order of 25 micrograms/m3 on epidemic days. These
results suggest the advisability of monitoring soybean dust in air
particulates of populated areas surrounding soybean storage or
processing plants. The techniques presented here afford a simple way for
the recognition of soybean dust in aerosols containing high
concentrations of organic pollutants of traffic or industrial origin.
is there anything that may inhibit the uptake of isoflavones?
It seems that including wheat in your diet may inhibit the alleged
benefits of soybean isoflavones: "A diet high in wheat fiber decreases
the bioavailability of soybean isoflavones in a single meal fed to
women": Tew BY; Xu X; Wang HJ; Murphy PA; Hendrich S  J Nutr, 126: 4,
1996 Apr, 871-7
So a typical veggy burger is going to present problems, since the
isoflavones are damaged and in any case the bread will reduce isoflavone
uptake. Also the western practice of including bread with meals limits
isoflavones. Bread is a grain and so also contains mineral blocking
is there a problem with the traditional fermented products?
Fermentation means breakdown by bacteria. Do you relish the idea of
ingesting millions of dead bacteria and their metabolic waste products?
The bacteria present in these "foods" might also present a challenge to
our immune systems. Traditional does not equal beneficial or necessary!
The beneficial effects of soy are all claimed for traditional products,
not the modern ones.
Kombu, miso and soy sauce all contain MSG. (see below)
what about all the great books about soy?
Books like Soy Protein and Human Nutrition are funded by soy interests.
Ralston Purina a major manufacturer of soy protein isolate funded Soy
Protein and Human Nutrition and you will find that they produce very
questionable scientific research to back the claims about soy protein
being good quality protein. Always try to find out who is financing any
book or scientific research, or what interests a particular nutritionist
has. What constitues true Human Nutrition has been established by
millions of years of natural evolution, and cannot be found in
laboratories or books by nutritionists.
The Excitotoxin Industry
>From this serendipitous discovery [aspartame] was born a business that
would reap 736 million dollars in sales for the NutraSweet® Company in
1988 alone.
The NutraSweet® company spent over 60 million dollars on advertising
alone during the first three years.
... the excitotoxin "taste enhancing" business had become a
multitrillion dollar enterprise.
Excitotoxins: the taste that kills by Russell Blaylock M.D., Health
Press 1995, pp. 217
The most popular method for flavouring vegetarian foods is to use MSG.
Fears about this products safety due to it causing Chinese Restaurant
Syndrome, headaches and migraines, have not resulted in its banning. The
book Excitotoxins: the taste that kills by Russell Blaylock M.D., Health
Press 1995, explains in great detail the risks posed by MSG and also
aspartame (NutraSweet®) which are potent excitotoxins. Blaylock
presents extensive research evidence from animal studies and
observations of human diseases that demonstrate the brain damage caused
by these potent neurotoxins.
Russell L. Blaylock, is a member of the Congress of Neurological
Surgeons, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Southern
Neurosurgical Society, The American Nutritionist Association, the
American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, and the Society
of Neurosurgical Anesthesia and Critical Care. He is the clinical
assistant professor at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. He
is a well published and highly experienced in his field.
Follow the embedded links below for more detailed explanations of the
issues. This FAQ is designed to give you a brief introduction to the
health issues and the (un)scientific smokescreen that is used to protect
MSG manufacturers.
what is an excitotoxin?
a substance added to foods and beverages that literally stimulates
neurons to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. Can be found
in such ingredients as MSG, aspartame (NutraSweet®), cysteine,
hydrolyzed protein, and aspartic acid.
what is the official view on MSG?
The FDA says that MSG is GRAS (Generally Recognised As Safe). But common
table salt is GRAS even though it is a causitive factor in many western
illnesses. So Generally Recognised As Safe does not mean safe!
Good science does not mean having the most people supporting the idea,
or the most studies supporting the idea, it is dependant both on the
quality of research and the quality (ie. experience) of the alleged
"experts". Bear in mind that "experts" are not independantly selected,
and that all the experts, for and against, should be brought together to
discuss their views and differences in opinion. In science, differences
in findings and interpretation need carefull analysis to uncover errors
in research or logic.
The FDA and similar bodies are corrupt and represent the interests of
the food and drugs industry. They are not independant. If you want
independant opinion, look elsewhere! I suggest you start with Adrienne
Samuels MSG web page.
Adrienne Samuels exposes the fallacious nature of scientific research
done to demonstrate the safety of MSG. Fixes include using known
excitotoxins as the placebo, using doses large enough to enduce
vomitting, and simple omission or invention of data. The books Betrayers
of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science, Broad, W., Wade,
N., New York:Touchstone Books, 1982 and Trashing The Planet, Ray, D.L.
and Guzzio, L., Wash., DC:Regnery Gateway, 1990, will explain exactly
how scientific research is rigged to deceive the public.
It is naive to believe authorites, especially the "scientific" ones
responsible for public safety. These regulatory bodies use public money
to comfort the public with false propaganda and an endless stream of
positive scientisms. Authority is smart enough not to undermine itself!

While MSG, and excitotoxins in general, may not produce visible symtoms
of toxicity in many people on a daily basis, the concerns are mainly
about chronic toxicity.

what is MSG?

monosodium glutamate- The active ingredient is the glutamate and it
gives dull foods that savory "zing" that makes you want to eat more. It
is a habituating food additive that has a stimulant effect. Amphetamines
are an example of an excitotoxin class of drugs.

Additives that always include MSG are: MSG, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
(HVP), Hydrolyzed Protein, Hydrolyzed Plant Protein, Plant Protein
Extract, Sodium Caseinate, Calcium Caseinate, Yeast Extract, Textured
Protein, Autolyzed Yeast and Hydrolyzed Oat Flour.
Other additives that frequently contain MSG are: Malt extract, Malt
Flavoring, Bouillon, Broth, Stock, Flavoring, Natural Flavoring, Natural
Beef or Chicken Flavoring, Seasoning and Spices.

Additives that may contain MSG or excitotoxins are: Carrageenan,
Enzymes, Soy Protein Concentrate, Soy Protein Isolate, and Whey Protein
The above partial list was compiled by Jack and Adrienne Samuels from
their extensive research into the field of excitotoxin food additives.
Other sources are In Bad Taste: The MSG Syndrome by George R. Scwartz,
M.D., Health Press 1988, and the NOMSG Consumer Group, PO Box 367, Santa
Fe, NM, 87504.

L-cysteine is an excitotoxin, like MSG, that is added to processed foods
frequently, but requires no labeling according to the FDA rules.
Cysteine can be found in hydrolysed vegetable protein and some bread
Glutamate is an excitory amino acid used by the brain as a
neurotransmitter. When it is allowed to accumulate in concentrations
higher than needed for this purpose it can become a powerful poison to
special neurons in the nervous system.
At these concentrations it is considered an excitotoxin.
Glutamine is the form found in foods and is converted by the glia cells
of the brain into glutamate. When glutamate levels get too high for the
brains safety, some glutamate is converted to glutamine and stored in
the glia cells.

how do I know if I am eating habit forming foods?

Most of the habit forming foods are well known as are their drug
constituents. As peoples tolerances vary, it is best to test how
addictive a food is by going cold turkey for a couple of weeks.

 But you have to cold turkey a class of foods, not just individual
foods. There is no point in quitting one food containing MSG when you
are still eating another with MSG (or other excitotoxins) in it. If you
can freely quit a food for a couple of weeks without feeling cravings
during the cold turkey, then you are in control of your feeding habit
and not the chemicals in the food.

This is basically an elimination diet. Try one food class at a time,
eliminate any foods that generate cravings if you want the health

It is usually food derivatives (processed foods) that are habit forming,
not primary (unprocessed) foods.

who is at risk from MSG ingestion?

This is hard to say, anybody can be at potential risk, but if you suffer
from various neurological illnesses you are likely to be at increased
risk to acute toxicity. Even if you are not at risk of acute toxicity,
there is a risk of chronic toxicity.

Chronic toxicity may occur when MSG, or other excitotoxins are ingested
on a regular basis. Tolerance to excitotoxins may vary considerably from
person to person, and in one person from minute to minute. Hypoglycemia
in the brain is a major cause for concern since the brain requires lots
of energy to use its protective mechanisms. Various parts of the brain,
including some very important regions, are not protected by the blood
brain barrier, so may be at risk all the time in everybody. Vigorous
exercise in the untrained, mineral deficiencies and growing brains are
all increased risk factors for excitotoxin danger.

Children often become hypoglycemic during illness, because they stop
eating and adults who go on low calorie diets may also be at risk. Old
people are more at risk due to weaker blood brain barriers.

Chronic toxicity means poisoning over a long time (maybe decades) and so
is impossible to test realistically in a laboratory, or even in
epidemiology. When the risk of serious danger from a food additive is
raised by experts in the field, the onus should be on the manufacturer
to demonstrate that the product is safe.

Vegetarians are particularly at risk due to the huge range of health
foods(?) that contain MSG, even though it is not indicated on the goods.
The most popular goods, such as soy products, yeast products, and meat
free alternatives will often contain hidden MSG. In fact you will be
hard pressed to find many products in health food shops, or indeed many
prepared foods, that do not contain hidden MSG.

what happens when neurons are exposed to excitotoxins?

Usually the brain will attempt to regulate the level of excitotoxins to
a safe level, however, under certain conditions this may not happen.

"When a neuron is exposed to a massive dose of MSG, the cell immediately
begins to swell and dies within one hour. At two hours the macrophages
begin to clear the remains of the dead neuron away. When a lower dose of
MSG is used, nothing appears to happen immediately. But after the second
hour the neuron suddenly undergoes rapid death. This delayed death of
neurons is characteristic of MSG, aspartame and other excitotoxins.
There is some evidence that subtoxic doses of excitotoxins can alter the
cells physiology."

Excitotoxins: the taste that kills by Russell Blaylock M.D. pp.41
do the studies on laboratory animals extrapolate to humans?

No. However Russell Blaylock says:
"It is also important to remember that following MSG ingestion, humans
concentrate glutamate twenty times higher in their blood than do monkeys
and five times higher than mice. Humans may be five times more
vulnerable to MSG toxicity than mice, the most sensitive animal known to
this type of brain injury.

Not only do humans concentrate glutamate to a much greater degree, but
it remains at an elevated level in the blood for much longer periods of
time, exposing the unprotected portions of the brain to very toxic

Excitotoxins: the taste that kills by Russell Blaylock M.D. pp.216
what about double blind placebo controlled studies?

These can be easily rigged with a bad placebo, by careful selection of
ideal subjects, by controlling the time or place of the analysis and by
selecting populations that are too small. They may also be too short
term, as is often the case in metabolic trials.

Researchers may also withhold information, or choose not to share
laboratory samples. Lets forget this "gold standard" nonsense that the
drug industry beholden media puts out. Scientific experiments are easy
to rig, most kids start learning it right at school.
what about the IFIC review on MSG?

"Trade associations that represent glutamate industry interests include
the International Food Information Council (IFIC) and the International
Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). IFIC actively fought the presentation of
a "60 Minutes" program on safety/hazards of MSG in 1991, and presently
offers packets of materials that pretend to demonstrate that MSG is

The IFIC packet includes a list of speakers who will attest to the
safety of MSG. The American Academy of Allergy and Immunology is one of
the organizations that has developed materials jointly with IFIC or
IFIC's foundation. Their brochure entitled "Understanding Food Allergy"
includes such false information as "Whenever MSG is added to food, it is
listed on the label as monosodium glutamate." The FDA has also developed
a brochure jointly with IFIC.

In 1994, IFIC commissioned a review of the book Excitotoxins: The Taste
that Kills written by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. Blaylock warned that MSG
probably contributes to brain tumor and neurodegenerative disease such
as ALS, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. The review was
done for IFIC by Jonathan Pincus, M.D., who, it would appear, did not
read Blaylock's book. Dr. Pincus' research has, in part, been supported
by ILSI. ILSI has also provided grant money to The Food Allergy Network.
Dr. Steve Taylor, mentioned earlier as being a paid spokesman for the
glutamate industry, is a member of The Food Allergy Network Medical
Advisory Board. The Food Allergy Network is a nonprofit organization
that claims as members both the FDA and the U.S. Department of

MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE (MSG), Adrienne Samuels, Ph.D.,* September, 1995

The IFIC review "IFIC Review on Monosodium Glutamate: Examining the
Myths"(sic!) is available at the Good Health Web site. Read it for a
laught. The one table of figures it has does not indicate units. It
tries to comfort the reader by using the word safe often, even though
safety is impossible to demonstrate and considerable dangers have been
identified in animal research.

Many of the scientific claims made are based on research that contains
obvious flaws (but only if you are aware of scientific protocol or

It uses phrases like "The weight of scientific evidence.." and "a
majority of scientific challenges" when the weight of evidence has been
provided by the glutamate industry itself. And it repeats the lie
"double-blind placebo-controlled studies provide dependable findings
that are free of bias introduced by either the patient or the
researcher." Pure rubbish! Whoever controls the research and records the
figures controls the results.
what diseases do excitotoxins like MSG cause?

Nobody seems to be claiming that excitotoxins cause any diseases, such
research has not been done and would be unethical on humans- however it
is still considered ethical to market such goods to people! Russell
Blaylock suggest that various neurodegenerative diseases may be promoted
or agrovated by excitotoxins such as Alzheimer's disease, Lou Gehrig's
disease (ALS), Huntingdon's Chorea.

Seizures, headaches, brain injury, stokes, AIDS Dementia and brain
tumors may also be problems related to excitotoxins as may autism,
attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, violent episodes, schizophrenia
and paranoia.

how do I reduce the risk of excitotoxins?

The risk of neurological damage can be reduced by including good sources
of magnesium in the diet, and rich sources anti oxidants such as vitamin
C and E plus selenium and ensuring that blood glucose levels are
maintained by sufficient calorific intake especially during exercise.

Avoid foods that upset blood sugar levels like stimulant beverages and
high sugar foods like candies and ice creams. Ensure high intakes of the
B vitamins, but not from yeast products!

Keep an active mind! The brain is like a muscle, exercise it and it
retains its ability.

Heavy metals like lead, tin, aluminium and mercury interfere with the
blood brain barrier. These metals are particularly present in urban air
pollution, some foods, amalgam (ie. mercury) fillings and water

It makes sense to avoid excitotoxins, this is the only guarantee of
safety. Why risk brain damage?

how do I avoid MSG and other excitotoxins?

Simply eat fresh fruit and vegetables in preference to manufactured
products. This helps to conserve energy and take money out of the
industrial chemical cartel as well. The food industry is a prime funder
of animal research. Starve the industry and your starve the research.
Nobody needs to eat processed foods! Nobody needs to pay to be part of
the food
industry experiments on the human mind.

Do you trust capitalists?
is somebody trying to make vegetarians unhealthy and stupid?

Go for a run and try and figure this one out for yourself.
Max Straight-Edge

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