Foxes Advocate Hen Welfare David Case is the executive editor of

It's strange: suddenly, some of the most unlikely people are losing sleep
over what windmills might be doing to birds.

Environmental Protection Agency administrator Christy Todd Whitman's green
credentials wilted only weeks after taking office. She supports the proposed
deep cuts to her own agency's budget, and has backed President George W.
Bush's controversial decisions benefiting the coal industry. But in a speech
defending fossil fuel exploitation she fretted, "... windmills kill birds
because they're in the flyway."

The corporate-funded Washington Legal Foundation, a perennial critic of
so-called "environmental radicals," wrote in a recent advertisement in the
New York Times
, "... how many acres of land must be despoiled to erect enough
windmills -- and how many birds must be shredded flying through their giant
blades -- to keep California from becoming a third world country?"

The ranks of new bird protectionist also include Jerry Taylor and Steve
Slivinski of the Cato Institute -- a right-wing, anti-regulation organization
that receives part of its funding from oil companies and which is a virulent
foe of the environmental movement. Borrowing a convenient line from the
opposition, they've claimed that, "The Sierra Club goes so far as to tag wind
power facilities as 'the Cuisinarts of the air.'" The same comment was echoed
on NPR's "Talk of the Nation" recently by -- get this -- a spokesperson for
the Alaskan oil industry. "You see," says Cato's Taylor, reflecting on the
repetition of his message, "our reports get around."

So what's going on here? Has environmentalism suddenly become infectious
among the smokestack set?


For its part, the Sierra Club doesn't appreciate Cato and company carrying
its yoke. Especially because the quote is "not true!" as Ann Mesnikoff
bellows emphatically and with some exasperation. "Sierra Club strongly
supports wind power. It's clean. It's renewable energy. It is a growing part
of our energy supply."

The Cato Institute's Taylor says he found the Cuisinart quote in a 1995 book
about wind power. That is eons ago in terms of rapidly evolving wind power
technology, which backers contend is increasingly bird-friendly. (Imagine
searching books from 1995 for a useful tidbit about the Internet.) But the
fact that the quote is old hasn't stopped journalists from parroting it: a
Nexis search yields dozens of references -- a sign that Cato's reports do, in
fact, get around.

Mesnikoff admits that the line was uttered. "It's an old quote, a clever line
in a specific fight against a specific [wind] farm in California," says
Mesnikoff. It has been taken out of context, she says. "It wasn't the Sierra
Club's position on wind power. We support wind farms in the right places --
putting a wind farm in a bird flyway or a raptor hunting grounds is not the
right place for it."

"So what?" retorts Taylor. "Comments are always taken out of context. What do
they want us to do, reproduce an entire speech?"

Taylor maintains that wind farms are the biggest bird killers in the country.
"The most profitable ones are where the wind blows most frequently and the
most consistently, which is in the wilderness. That's where birds are," he
explains. The Audubon Society has called for a moratorium on windmills, he
says. The Audubon Society, however, denies this. "We support wind power as
long as the turbines are well-sited," says Perry Plumart, the group's
government relations director.

Taylor refers to a Cato study, which includes dubious logic like the

"There have been numerous mentions of the 'avian mortality' problem in the
wind-power literature (the Sierra Club labeled wind towers 'the Cuisinarts of
the air'). An article in the March 29-April 4, 1995, issue of SF Weekly was
particularly telling. ..."

The "study" goes on to quote extensively from the article. But, if it were
possible to track down the 1995 editors of the SF Weekly, would they agree
that their free San Francisco-based weekly newspaper -- which survives in no
small part on ads for escort services and local watering holes -- is part of
the "wind power literature?"

In fact, though Cato's study is widely quoted, it's hard to find anyone in
the bird conservation community who agrees with it.

One high-profile environmentalist admits that birds do occasionally crash
into the twirling blades. But, he says (anonymously and carefully, for fear
of unleashing another contagious quote), "Do you know how many birds die
every day?" They crash into skyscrapers and plate glass windows; they're
crushed by trucks; they're sucked into jet engines and gag on smog. Kids with
BB guns knock them off. Windmills are a concern, but they don't appear high
on anyone's list of avian threats.

The bird experts at the Audubon Society are more concerned about the 10,000
to 20,000 communications towers expected to go up in coming years. "In
general, the wind energy industry has substantially reduced bird deaths and
has been successful in addressing the problem," Plumart says.

The American Bird Conservancy says that habitat loss (e.g. suburban sprawl)
is the biggest threat. But if people want to save birds, the group says, they
should rein in the nation's 40 million domestic cats with outdoor privileges,
which slaughter hundreds of millions of birds each year. Keep the cats
inside, the group advises.

In fact, Cato's report calculates that if every gigawatt in the U.S. came
from wind, the turbines would kill 4.4 million birds a year. That's paltry by
comparison to Kitty's toll. Still, others dispute Cato's data.

According to the industry group American Wind Energy Association (AWEA),
public attention has focused on the Altamont Pass wind farm in California,
where unusually high numbers of raptors die, in part due to old technology
and unfavorable siting of the turbines. According to some estimates, as many
as three dozen golden eagles die there annually. Cato, incidentally, used
figures from this wind farm to help calculate its bird-mortality rates. AWEA,
which is working with the government to study the impact of windmills, says
that studies of other sites indicate that each turbine causes the death of
one or two birds per year.

"It would be great if all electricity sources were given the same scrutiny,"
says Christine Real de Azua, an AWEA spokeswoman. She points out that
traditional power sources impact birds as well. For example, mountain-top
removal coal mining decimates vast habitat, and toxic emissions from power
plants are threatening loons and other wildlife, not to mention the potential
impact from fossil-fuel induced climate change.

So why do windmills, and not suburban sprawl, skyscrapers, communications
towers, prowling cats, and trigger-happy kids pique the ire of these newfound
bird lovers? Why aren't they lobbying for mandatory cat muzzles? Audubon's
Plumart calls the rhetoric hyped up. "I think they're being disingenuous. I
don't think they're worried about birds at all."

As Jack Cole, a radio talk show host in Florida, points out, when
pro-polluter flacks "like the Washington Legal Foundation are worried that
windmills will despoil the landscape and kill birds, you know the technology
must be promising."

"Nuclear power generates nuclear waste. Coal fired power plants generate acid
rain, smog, global warming. Wind is clean and it can and is being used safely
for wildlife," says the Sierra Club's Mesnikoff.

Wind power, it turns out, is a threat to the big-energy companies who back
Cato: it's cheap (only dirty coal is cheaper); it's easy to roll out in a
hurry (it takes a year to do the environmental studies, and about six months
for installation); and no one owns the wind -- not ExxonMobil, not OPEC -- so
there's no one to haphazardly change the price. Of course, the wind doesn't
always blow consistently, and nobody is suggesting that wind can become our
sole source of power. It can and should be part of our power mix. Windmills
can generate a steadier power supply if the turbines are located offshore or
across vast geographic areas. Technicians are now hard at work devising
methods to store excess energy generated during periods of strong wind (for
example, by using the energy to create hydrogen for fuel cells).

Still, Jerry Taylor is not convinced. "If you want to get rid of fossil fuels
it's certainly possible -- but you're going to set us back 200 years
economically," he says. It's a good example of his usual straw-man scare
tactic: His statement is loaded with the assumption that most
environmentalists have proposed immediately ending fossil-fuel use (they
haven't), and he completely ignores the job-creation power of new energy
technologies (which credible economic research shows are creating lots of new
jobs worldwide even as the number of fossil-fuel jobs is shrinking).

So the foxes are advocating hen welfare. How charitable... and what a ruse.
The only thing windmills are shredding is the opposition of fossil-fuel
apologists like Taylor who, under the guise of concern, aim to keep their
patrons in the black and the public in the dark.

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