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Date sent:              Sun, 06 May 2001 18:00:17 -0700 (PDT)
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:                Professor Says JFK Planned UFO Disclosure
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                        The K-FILES

      Official weekly e-zine of The Kevin Smith Show

Editor, Kevin W. Smith                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    By Subscription Only

©2001 by Steeleye Productions                    May 4, 2001

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                        IN THIS ISSUE





 ¤  * FEATURE ARTICLE *  Author Claims:

 ¤  BEHIND THE MIC (Adios, Kosovo!)
    Message from Kevin Smith


 ¤  CHUPACABRA UPDATE (Broadcast Follow-up)




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                          By Greg Chang

 San Francisco (Bloomberg) - Computer hackers in China may
 be  preparing to orchestrate attacks on U.S. Internet sites
 and computers next week, computer-security experts and the
 FBI said.

 Hackers in China have posted messages on Web sites
 instigating computer vandalism as tensions between the two
 countries mount, security experts said. The countries have
 sparred recently over the collision of a U.S. spy plane
 with a Chinese jet and over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan. Some
 U.S. hackers also have focused attacks on disabling Chinese
 Web sites.

 Traffic from China probing Web sites for weaknesses has
 intensified in recent days, security groups said. An
 Internet worm discovered last month dubbed ``Lion'' can be
 used to control compromised computers and will send user
 passwords to an e-mail address in China, the FBI said.

 "It's very much real," said Alan Paller, director of
 research for the System Administration, Networking and
 Security Institute, a research group in Bethesda, Maryland.
 "The winds are already here.  Odds are they will be even
 bigger next week."

 Next week could be significant for Chinese hackers because
 May 4 is the anniversary of a 1919 protest in China over
 government concessions to foreign powers, and May 7 is the
 two- year anniversary of the U.S. bombing of the Chinese
 embassy in Belgrade.  May 1 is May Day, an international
 workers holiday.

 Politically Motivated

 Politically motivated hacking is on the rise, Paller said,
 citing conflicts in the Middle East and between Taiwan and
 China that have spilled over into cyberspace.

 Security experts have a mixed record on forecasting
 potential  threats. Many were wrong in predicting a
 slew of computer viruses  tied to the turn of the

 This time, Paller said he's concerned because computer
 crime  related to China has been increasing with the
 political conflict.   A U.S. hacker group called PoizonBox
 has defaced some 300 Chinese  Internet sites, according to
 Web sites that track hacker activity,  and some Chinese
 vandals have retaliated.

 "Hackers already have unlawfully defaced a number of U.S.
 Web  sites, replacing existing content with pro-Chinese or
 anti-U.S. rhetoric," said a security advisory issued
 Thursday by the FBI's  National Infrastructure Protection

 The advisory encouraged network administrators to more
 closely monitor systems next week.

 "That's the only way we are commenting on this situation,"
 said FBI spokeswoman Debbie Weierman. "It's a legitimate

 Along with Web-site defacements, denial of service attacks
 are also  a potential weapon, said Paller. Such attacks,
 which disabled Web sites such as Yahoo! Inc. last year,
 swamp Web sites with repeated traffic.

 Hackers conduct such attacks by planting software such as
 the Lion worm discovered last month on insecure computers
 that allows them to be controlled remotely.

 "A lot of traffic we're getting from China is scanning
 traffic, systematically looking for vulnerabilities,"
 Paller said. "We  assume they are preparing for denial-of-
 service attacks."


 Click for more current 2001 Exopolitics News
 Related news story:

 Live Date: Wednesday May 9, 2001  9-11 AM ET
 Archive & Website:http://www.disclosureproject.org



 On Wednesday, May 9th 2001, over twenty military,
 intelligence, government,  corporate and scientific
 witnesses will come forward at the National Press
 Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or
 extraterrestrial  vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms,
 and resulting advanced energy and  propulsion technologies.
 The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with
 supporting government documentation and other evidence,
 will establish without any doubt the reality of these
 phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M.  Greer, director of
 the Disclosure Project which is hosting the event.

 The Disclosure Project, a non-profit research organization,
 is calling for  open Congressional hearings on the
 UFO/Extraterrestrial presence, and for legislation that
 will ban space-based weapons. Congressional hearings were
 last held in 1968 by the House Science and Astronautics
 Committee (90th Congress, 2nd Session, Committee Print No.
 7. "Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects.")

 The Project has identified several hundred witnesses
 throughout the world and spanning every branch of the armed
 services, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), DIA,
 CIA, NASA, Russia. UK, and other agencies and countries.
 Over 100 have been videotaped; 70 have been transcribed
 into edited testimony. Videotaped summary of the testimony
 and an in-depth briefing document with witness transcripts
 will be available at the press conference.

 Among the witnesses attending the event are: John Callahan,
 former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations
 Branch, FAA; Master Sergeant Dan Morris, former US Air
 Force and NRO operative with cosmic top secret  clearance;
 Dr. Carol Rosin, space missile defense consultant and
 former  spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun; Major George A.
 Filer III, former Air Force Intelligence; Graham Bethune,
 retired Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance;
 Michael Smith, former Air Traffic Controller, US Air
 Force; Sergeant Clifford Stone, United States Army; Lt.
 Col. Robert Salas, former SAC Launch Controller, US Air
 Force and FAA.

 Participants in this phase of the disclosure effort are
 asking for Congressional, White House and UN action to
 allow witnesses to testify under oath in open hearings. The
 group is requesting a Presidential Executive Order to
 protect witnesses afraid of violating security oaths and to
 declassify documents and secret projects for the benefit of
 all world citizens.

 "These testimonies establish once and for all that we are
 not alone. Technologies related to extraterrestrial
 phenomena are capable of providing solutions to the global
 energy crisis, and other environmental and security
 challenges," says Dr. Greer.

 The Disclosure team and selected witnesses will be meeting
 with members of Congress and conducting briefings to
 address these issues and call for legislation.

 Wednesday, May 9th
 8 - 9 AM Continental Breakfast
 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Overview by Dr. Greer; Witness
 Release of Statement for Congress; Questions Ballroom -The
 Press Club 529 14th Street NW - 13th Floor Washington, D.C

 Website: http://www.disclosureproject.org
 Contact:  Alfred Webre 604-733-8134 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dr. Steven Greer 540-456-8302


 * FEATURE ARTICLE *  Author Claims:


 "Citizens of this Earth, we are not alone."

 With those dramatic words, President John F. Kennedy
 intended to inform the American public and the world at
 large that the U.S. government had made contact with aliens
 from deep space.

 But before he could deliver the speech on November 22,
 1963, the beloved leader was cut down by an assassin's

 That is the astonishing claim of JFK researcher Professor
 Lawrence Merrick, author of an upcoming blockbuster book
 Killing the Messenger: The Death of JFK.

 "We now know the real reason why President Kennedy was
 assassinated," declared Prof. Merrick of Cambridge, Mass.

 "It appears that some individuals within our government
 were determined to maintain the secrecy surrounding
 captured UFOs -- and decided to silence the President
 before he could speak."

 Prof. Merrick says he began a search for the undelivered
 speech after learning the President's original handwritten
 notes had fallen into the hands of Texas Governor John
 Connally -- who was riding in JFK's death car that fateful
 day in Dallas.

 "I was surprised to find that Kennedy handed Connally the
 speech, which was on note cards, to look at, shortly before
 the motorcade set off at 12:55 p.m.," said Prof. Merrick.

 The governor was badly wounded in the gun attack.

 "Connally was terrified for his own life," said the

 "He paced the bloodstained index cards in a safety deposit
 box with orders to a trusted aide that the contents not be
 revealed until after his death."

 When Gov. Connally died in 1993, the aide removed the cards
 and held on to them.

 Last year, Prof. Merrick tracked down the aide, who passed
 the speech on with a guarantee of anonymity.

 Prof. Merrick was flabbergasted when he read the cards. He
 took them to five handwriting analysts, who agreed the
 speech was "95 percent certain" to be Kennedy's.

 Research reveals that just days before his trip to Dallas,
 JFK met with his predecessor President Dwight D.
 Eisenhower, notes Prof. Merrick.

 "I believe he was seeking advice on whether to go public
 with the facts about UFOs," Prof. Merrick said. "But other
 government insiders apparently felt the truth about UFOs
 would cause widespread panic. And they were willing to kill
 to keep the information secret.

 "I hope now President Clinton will give the speech that
 should have been delivered 36 years ago."

 Here is what the President would have said:

 My fellow Americans, people of the world, today we set
 forth on a journey into a new era. One age, the childhood
 of mankind, is ending and another age is about to begin.

 The journey of which I speak is full of unknowable
 challenges, but I believe that all our yesterdays, all the
 struggles of the past, have uniquely prepared our
 generation to prevail.

 Citizens of this Earth, we are not alone. God, in His
 infinite wisdom, has seen fit to populate His universe with
 other beings -- intelligent creatures such as ourselves.

 How can I state this with such authority?

 In the year 1947 our military forces recovered from the dry
 New Mexico desert the remains of an aircraft of unknown
 origin. Science soon determined that this vehicle came from
 the far reaches of outer space. Since that time our
 government has made contact with the creators of that

 Though this news may sound fantastic -- and indeed,
 terrifying -- I ask that you not greet it with undue fear
 or pessimism. I assure you, as your President, that these
 beings mean us no harm.

 Rather, they promise to help our nation overcome the common
 enemies of all mankind -- tyranny, poverty, disease, war.

 We have determined that they are not foes, but friends.
 Together with them we can create a better world. I cannot
 tell you that there will be no stumbling or missteps on the
 road ahead.

 But I believe that we have found the true destiny of the
 people of this great land: To lead the world into a
 glorious future.

 In the coming days, weeks and months, you will learn more
 about these visitors, why they are here and why our leaders
 have kept their presence a secret from you for so long.

 I ask you to look to the future not with timidity but with
 courage. Because we can achieve in our time the ancient
 vision of peace on Earth and prosperity for all humankind.

 God bless you.


 Why Not Forward this e-mail to a friend right now?

 BEHIND THE MIC (Adios, Kosovo!)
 Message from Kevin Smith

 I apologize that this issue is coming to you late, but I
 was busy escaping from Kosovo.  I have now crossed the
 Atlantic and I am in Louisiana for a few days of R&R.

 Last notes from Kosovo:

 It has been a long two years.  I have made many, many
 friends here, and a few enemies.  I have learned to live
 without many of the things we take for granted in the
 United States.  Convenience is not in the dictionary here.
 There is no such thing as running down to the 7-11 and
 picking up a bag of chips, some Coke, and a can of onion
 dip.  Just ain't in the cards here.

 This is the last edition of The K-FILES to originate from
 the Balkans.  All future editions will originate from the
 land of the free and the home of the brave.  Nothing will
 change except for the ease with which I will be able to
 upload and send each edition.  I have literally spent two
 days hitting the re-dial button on my telephone just to get
 online long enough to send The K-FILES.  Uploading new
 broadcasts has become incredibly difficult if not

 Content will remain the same, but the scheduling will be
 much more reliable.  I cannot say I will miss the
 antiquated, politically controlled technology here.

 So adios, Kosovo.  Next week, The K-FILES will come to you
 sizzling hot from America!

 Oh-hh, say can you see????

 --Kevin Smith


Tuesday April 24 3:52 PM ET


By JONATHAN FOWLER, Associated Press Writer

GENEVA (AP) - The protective ozone layer over the North Pole
appears to have stabilized after years of thinning, but the
gain may be temporary, U.N. weather experts said Tuesday.

Scientists from the United Nations (news - web sites)' World
Meteorological Organization (news - web sites) said the
recovery may be attributed to a warmer than usual winter and
the current peak in the 11-year cycle of the sun, and not to
global cuts in the use of harmful chemicals.

``At the peak of the solar cycle there's an intensity of
radiation that produces more ozone,'' said Michael Proffitt,
a senior scientific officer at the organization.

``Therefore you're going to find less sign of ozone

The sun is now moving back into an 11-year period of
declining radiation, meaning the production of ozone will be
at its lowest in 2006, said Proffitt. Also, a return to
colder winters would likely cause Arctic ozone levels to
fall faster, he said.

Ozone depletion has already produced an annual hole in the
layer in the stratosphere high above the South Pole.

Depletion of the ozone layer over the Arctic and Antarctica
is being monitored because ozone protects Earth from harmful
ultraviolet radiation. Too much UV radiation can cause skin
cancer and destroy tiny plants.

The hole in the layer above Antarctica is believed to have
caused a rise in skin cancer cases in Australia, Chile and

Arctic ozone depletion starts in November, when sunlight
triggers chemical reactions in cold air trapped over the
North Pole during the winter. It intensifies during January
and February before tailing off in April as temperatures

Circular winds, known as a vortex, trap air, giving
chemicals the chance to react with the ozone.

Scientists are establishing a link between global warming
and ozone depletion, Proffitt told The Associated Press.

``In essence, warmer temperatures in the atmosphere mean
cooler temperatures in the stratosphere, where the ozone
is,'' he said. ``And cold means ozone depletion.''

In 1989, a gradual, global ban was imposed on
chlorofluorocarbons, chemicals commonly used in aerosol
sprays, refrigerators and air conditioners.

Chloroflourocarbons contain chlorine, one of the major
destroyers of ozone.

But bromides, another destroyer often used in weed and pest
killers, are not being eliminated as quickly, particularly
in developing countries.

``Even with the cut in chemical use, it's going to be at
least 50 years before ozone levels recover,'' said Proffitt.

Measurements of ozone depletion vary from year to year,
making it difficult for scientists to determine the long-
term environmental impact of changes in the ozone layer.

``The atmosphere is a delicate balance of things,'' said
Proffitt. ``When we start disturbing it, we don't really
know what it will do.''


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 CHUPACABRA UPDATE (Broadcast Follow-up)

 In a recent broadcast we covered the most recent news
 coming from South America about the chupacabra.  For those
 who may not be familiar with the chupacabra, it is some
 unknown creature that attacks and kills goats, sheep, small
 dogs, and chickens.  It's name means, "Goat Sucker" because
 it kills by vampyric means.  It punctures the throat of its
 prey and sucks the blood (and thus, the life) out of the

 In the broadcast, Kevin referred to a photo of a creature
 found in Zenica, Bosnia that matches the descriptions
 witnesses have given of the chupacabra.  Zenica is in
 central Bosnia not far from Sarajevo, the capital.  The
 creature was found dead and no one has the faintest idea
 what it is or where it came from.  But, it matches the
 descriptions of the chupacabra.

 The photo can be viewed online at:

 WARNING: This photo is a bit grusome.  If you have a weak
 stomach, do not view it.

 If you view the photo, note the human-like arms and hands.
 Note the ears are close to the head like a human's ears.
 Note the shape of the head is not at all like a dog, nor
 are the teeth like a dog's teeth.  What is this thing?

 If it is a chupacabra, how did it get to Bosnia?  If it is
 not a chupacabra, what in the world is it?  Your opinions
 are welcome at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED].


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 The K-Files
 Editor, Kevin W. Smith

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