Primary Parameters Associated with EM-induced Consciousness Effects

From Electric UFOs: Fireballs, Electromagnetics and Abnormal States by Albert
Budden (London: Blandford, 1998)
1. Subjects report a history of psychic experiences, such as seeing
apparitions or formed figures, self-reported extrasensory perception (ESP),
or out-of-body experiences (OBEs).

2. Subjects live in electromagnetic (EM) hot spots (and have exposure
opportunity). For example, they may live near power lines, in the near-field
of radio-frequency (RF) transmitters, close to a radio ham or CB radio or the
like, or beside substations, transformers, or junction boxes. (This should,
of course, be verified by field surveys, using meters to measure the
magnetic, electric and RF/microwave fields separately.)

3. Subjects have been exposed to a major electrical event (MEE), often in
their formative years. (This is especially associated with alien-abduction
experiences.) MEEs include: proximity to a lightning strike, ball lightning
(BL), unclassified atmospheric phenomena (UAPs), corona discharges, major
electrocution, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), or defibrillation.

4. Subjects suffer from food allergies and/or chemical sensitivities, often
without being aware of this, that is, at subclinical levels (masked
allergies). These include allergies to milk and wheat products, E-rated
additives, aerosols, cleaning products, tobacco smoke, domestic gas, perfume,
after-shave, alcohol, and other volatile substances.

5. Subjects are hypersensitive to bright light (photophobia), such as
sunlight. They cannot tolerate fluorescent light, which produces headaches,
tiredness, and other symptoms. (Full-spectrum light is tolerated better.)
Strobing or flickering lights are also contra-indicated.

6. Subjects report sensitivity to electrical equipment, which often
malfunctions in their presence, especially electronically sophisticated
appliances, such as computers, checkout registers, photocopiers, tape
recorders, and quartz watches. Often watches do not work when worn. Also,
electrical equipment behaves oddly in their home. For example, the TV comes
on spontaneously, light bulbs last for very short periods of time, and other
appliances activate spontaneously.

7. Subjects report a metallic taste in their mouth due to an electrolyte
effect between saliva and the amalgam of tooth fillings induced by the
presence of an electrical field.

8. Subjects report an overwhelming feeling that someone or something is in
the room with them, and that they are being watched, although they cannot see
anyone (sense of presence).

9. Subjects have periods of time for which they cannot account. This is due
to automatic behavior, drop attacks or allergic/EH trance states
("blank-outs"). They also experience time distortions, in which time seems to
stand still or pass in a flash (desynchronization), and repeated periods of
intense deja vu, or conversely, jamais vu. Another very distinctive
neurological effect, in addition to a sense of timelessness, is a strange
eerie silence, during which all ambient sound is lost. This is due to the
stimulation of the reticular portions of the mid- and forebrain.

10. Subjects display profuse writing activity, often on subjects of
cosmological or philosophical significance (hypergraphia). Poetry and stream
of consciousness or other creative compilations are typical. Often writing
takes place at night during periods of intense meaningfulness. Lunar/night
sky fascination is typical.

11. Subjects experience tingling, "pins and needles," and/or numbness
(somesthesia and paresthesia). They also experience painful electrical
rippling sensations in the muscles just under the skin (fasciculation).

12. Subjects report generalized sensitivity to noise, vibration, and crowds
(hyperaesthesia). A homebound life-style is typical. Also, subjects may hear
Morse-code-like signaling, buzzing, whines, clicking, etc. (microwave

13. Subjects experience highly enhanced static build-up and painful electric
shocks on contact with metal bodies, such as car bodywork and door handles.

14. Subjects display Reiter's magnetic response (MR) when strong magnets on
the 1000-2000 Gs range are placed at various positions on the skull.

15. Subjects commonly have a history of childhood abuse.

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