-Caveat Lector-

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Postal Governors Approve Higher Rates

Tuesday, May 08, 2001

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WASHINGTON — Most postage rates are going up on July 1 — but not the basic 
34-cent price of mailing a letter. 

Four months after raising the cost of a first-class stamp to 34 cents, postal 
officials decided Tuesday to increase most other rates as the post office 
struggles with rising costs and shrinking income. 

Although stamp prices increased one cent in January, the full set of 
increases proposed by the post office was cut back by the independent Postal 
Rate Commission, a step that reduced postal income by an estimated $900 

In Tuesday's action the postal governing board overrode the commission, a 
step it can take only by unanimous vote. 

Postal Board Chairman Robert F. Rider said the governors acted reluctantly, 
but felt obligated "to assure the financial integrity of the nation's postal 

Richard F. Strasser, postal chief financial officer, said the agency faces 
losses of between $1.6 billion and $2.4 billion this year and the added 
income is essential. 

He noted that as recently as February the loss had been estimated at $3 
billion, but the agency has cut spending sharply by freezing hiring and some 
800 building projects and by increasing productivity. 

While the 34-cent rate for the first ounce of first-class mail will remain 
the same, the cost for each additional ounce will climb from 21 cents to 23 
cents. And the price of sending a post card will jump a penny to 21 cents. 

Strasser said the new rates will raise the cost of sending a piece of 
advertising mail by one-half to three-quarters of a cent and for the typical 
magazine it will add one-half cent to the postage. 

The increase drew prompt criticism from the Magazine Publishers Association. 

"Enough is enough. This 'raise the rates' mentality must be stopped," said 
Nina Link, MPA president. 

Under the law, rate requests have to be reviewed by the independent Rate 
Commission before taking effect, a process that takes nearly a year while the 
commission holds hearings. The commission can reduce the postal service's 
request, which it did last year. 

The postal governors can overrule the commission and impose the prices they 
originally asked for by an unanimous vote, which they did Tuesday. That 
happened once before, in 1981, when the rate went to 20 cents. 

Postal officials also have suggested cutting mail deliveries to five days a 
week instead of the current six, a proposal that drew a storm of criticism in 
Congress and elsewhere. 

While the post office no longer receives tax money for its operations, it 
remains a part of the government subject to supervision. 

For the past several years postal leaders have sought changes in the law to 
give them more flexibility in changing rates and services so they can better 
cope with rising costs and changes in competition. 

Postmaster General William Henderson commented Tuesday that the necessity to 
overrule the rate commission stresses the need for changes in the laws 
governing the post office to give the agency more flexibility in meeting 
financial challenges. 

Long negotiations and hearings produced a postal change bill that officials 
felt would solve many of their problems last year, but the measure never came 
up for a vote and died with the end of the last Congress. 

The post office had a $199 million loss last fiscal year, after five years in 
the black during which it was able to reduce, but not eliminate, accumulated 
losses from earlier years. Under the law, the agency is required to break 
even over time. 

Meanwhile, the postal governors are searching for a replacement for 
Henderson, who is leaving at the end of May. Speculation has focused on 
Deputy Postmaster General John Nolan, but others reportedly are also under 

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