

President Bush directs FEMA to combat terrorism

By MARTIN CRUTSINGER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (May 8, 2001 6:58 p.m. EDT) - The federal agency that normally
deals with floods and tornadoes has been directed by President Bush to tackle
terrorism as well.

In a statement Tuesday, Bush ordered the Federal Emergency Management Agency
to establish an Office of National Preparedness to coordinate a "seamlessly
integrated, harmonious and comprehensive" response to biological, chemical or
nuclear weapons.

"Prudence dictates that the United States be fully prepared to deal
effectively with the consequences of such a weapon being used here on our
soil," the president said.

Joe Allbaugh, the FEMA director, told senators the new office will coordinate
efforts by several dozen federal agencies responsible for dealing with
terrorist acts.

The office will serve as organizer to make sure local and state agencies are
prepared for terrorism and to "bring clarity to the 46 agencies that have a
piece of the pie," he said.

"We are not in the intelligence business," Allbaugh added.

Vice President Dick Cheney will lead a new administration working group on
terrorist threats to, in his words, "figure out how we best respond to that
kind of disaster of major proportions that in effect would be manmade or

Cheney's group is expected to report to Congress by Oct. 1, Allbaugh said,
with the recommendations to be reviewed by the National Security Council.

Cheney said in a CNN interview: "The threat to the continental United States
and our infrastructure is changing and evolving and we need to look at this
whole area oftentimes referred to as homeland defense."

At a Senate hearing Tuesday, Allbaugh and other administration officials told
Congress that combating terrorism has grown more difficult because of new
technology and growing economic connections between nations.

"Terrorism is a part of the dark side of globalization," Secretary of State
Colin Powell said. "It is a part of doing business in the world, business we
as Americans are not going to stop doing."

Powell and Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill were the leadoff witnesses as the
Senate began three days of hearings into how well the federal government was
coordinating its efforts to battle terrorism.

Allbaugh was scheduled to testify later Tuesday.

Several senators expressed unhappiness that not enough is being done in the
face of growing threats.

"There must be better organization at the federal, state and local level,"
said Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan. "It is critical that we address issues of civil
liberties, agency jurisdiction, public education, industry privacy concerns
and community medical capabilities."

Concerns in Congress were raised last year when a training exercise to gauge
capabilities to respond to a terrorist detonation of a weapon of mass
destruction found that Cincinnati's hospitals, police and other services were
woefully unprepared for such an attack.

Powell told the joint hearing of members of the Senate Armed Services,
Appropriations and Intelligence committees that the State Department was
seeking increased money to boost security at U.S. embassies but that the
United States should never give in to terrorism.

"If we adopted this hunkered down attitude, behind our concrete and our
barbed wire, the terrorists would have achieved a kind of victory," Powell
said. "At the end of the day, what America is to the world is not only what
we say or do, it is who we are. And we are not helmeted giants huddling in
our bunkers awaiting the enemy."

O'Neill told the committee that his agency has significantly upgraded its
work in the wake of the bombings of the World Trade Center in New York City
in 1993 and the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

"As guardians of our borders, our leaders and our financial institutions,
Treasury plays a central part in preventing terrorist attacks on the United
States," O'Neill said. "We have seen major advancements in technology and
rapid globalization making our job of combating terrorism more difficult."

Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., chairman of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee
responsible for oversight in this area, said that 18 government officials
would testify over the next three days of hearings as the Senate seeks
answers on the issue of coordination.

Gregg said he had become concerned after reading "numerous reports that
detail the difficulty federal agencies face in determining what their
responsibilities in dealing with terrorism are."

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