-Caveat Lector-

Gideon was the hit and run coward and this is why God is alleged to have
chosen him - for he would do without question, exactly as told...now he
was a mercenary at heart and when offered the crown, he said excuse me -
I want the golden earrings of the Ismaelites and now the Israelies want
the Ismaelites oil which God gave ismael with the promise to make him a
great nation.

Now Timothy McVeigh is about to be put to death - he was not the type to
give orders, he took them - the obedient dog at the feet of his master.

 Subject: Gideon - the Hit and Run Expert

Two interesting items here - first the Zionist Orde Wingate - and his
story for he idolized hit and run tactics used by Gideon in the bible
and kept his bible always open in battle to the story of Gideon.

Well on April 19, Timothy McVeigh a modern day hit and run expert, maybe
not for he got caught, but this is the day McVeigh no doubt had his
bible open and on April 19 according to my bible calendar code, my
Gideon Bible Calendar Daily Bible Reading Calendar Code, which is a
Master plan for murder and Communist Time Table - on April 19, you are
to read the story of Gideon so you see McVeigh left more than just a
calling card in the hotel when he marked a Gideon bible, but anyone of
the chosen few who have such a calendar as mine - would know who did

So ADL warned FBI and ADL warned BATF to stay home that day - this same
ADL also took bribe money from Marc Rich to bribe Clinton - what was it
$250,000.00 and got caught?

This is same ADL who put Militias, Christians and Moslems on FBI Hate
List and this is the same FBI who had a KGB agent working for them
receiving his blood money in diamonds in part (Israel does not mine
diamonds but has billions and billions of dollars in diamonds - stolen
from the Sudan maybe.

Now this story is about English-Scotch soldier a Zionist, and his name
was Wingate (wonder if this is where Steve Wingate took his phoney
name).......he idiolized Gideon in the Bible and from this he learned to
hit and run - like McVeigh, hit and run.....Gideon was also a thresher
meaning vicious punishment and revenge.....as well as I will Wirte your

With whom had McVeigh gotten into bed; did the Federal Marshalls hire
him and was he on feds payroll all the time hired to spy on militias?
did he get caught in a trap and could he not get out.

So read this maudlin story on Wingate - but I would prefer the story of
Lawrence of Arabia.....not quite so self serving an maudlin.   Wingate
is said to be father of the State of Zionist Israel - no doubt he was
Rhodes Round Table?

Two items here - one on message

McVeigh left in his Gideon Bible at Motel as a calling card.....with
certain passages marked.....
But first story on Terrorists - Gideon and Hit and Run - and blame the

May 9, 2001

>From heartland to homeland

named Wingate]

Orde Wingate trained most of the Israeli generals who triumphed

By Ron Grossman
Tribune Staff Writer
April 30, 1998

KIBBUTZ HANITA, Israel --   This is a nation of old soldiers, its sons
and daughters having fought five wars in its brief history. So as
Israelis mark their nation's 50th birthday Thursday, many are
remembering fallen comrades who gave their lives so others could reach
this milestone.

Some will recall celebrated heroes like Moshe Dayan, the one-eyed
general whose tanks raced through the deserts in the Sinai campaign of

But Etamar Ben Barak, a founder of this cooperative community in
Israel's far north, is convinced that this day of celebration might
never have come about except for the military genius of an Englishman --
one who died four years before Israel was born and couldn't have been
less Jewish.

"One day in the 1930s, he appeared at the kibbutz's gate, a British army
officer, and I panicked, thinking he was looking for guns our
underground unit had hidden here," Ben Barak, 81, said of the
Englishman, Orde C. Wingate. "But other kibbutzniks said: 'He's
different from the other British.

He's our friend.'"

Throughout Israel, streets and institutions are named in Wingate's
honor. Historical markers list him among the Jewish homeland's founding
fathers, his Scottish name looking as strangely out of place as if there
had been, say, a Levi Eshkol among America's Washingtons and Jeffersons.

Nowadays Wingate is probably little more than a name to most Israelis.
He spent scarcely three years in the land that was then part of the
British Empire and known as Palestine. Yet he developed tactics that
remain the combat philosophy of Israel's armed forces today. He also
tutored many who became its famed commanders, including Dayan and Yigal
Allon, whose elite strike force, the Palmach, utilized Wingate's
trademark aggressively mobile tactics to win the 1948 War of

To the dwindling handful of those who once marched in his ranks, Wingate
remains a kind of military superman who, by their report, could even see
in the dark.
"I was point man on one night patrol and stumbling around, when Wingate
pushed me aside to take the lead," Ben Barak said. "Somehow, he found
the way straight to our objective. He had a special sense for a
Wingate also had a special feeling for the Bible, keeping his own
well-worn copy always at hand. When stumped by a strategical problem, he
would turn to the Book of Judges. There he would find inspiration in the
account of Gideon, the great general of ancient Israel and, like
Wingate, a master of hit-and-run guerrilla tactics.

[Like McVeigh - hit and run guerrilla expert??? - Saba note]

"Every hill in this land, every step he took,  Wingate connected with
the Bible," Ben Barak said.

That attachment to the Scriptures inspired Wingate with a feeling for
Palestine's Jewish inhabitants that set him apart from other British
military officers.

To most of his barracks mates, the Jews were just another troublesome
colonized people, agitating for independence when they should have
accepted that it was Great Britain's destiny to rule over large sections
of the globe.

In fact, Wingate came from a distinguished Scottish family that
subscribed to just that philosophy of class responsibility. He was born
in India where his father was a colonel in the British army, and upon
his parents' return to England, Wingate attended an elite private
school. Yet he felt alienated from schoolmates because his parents were
strict Protestant fundamentalists.

By the time he enrolled in the Royal Military Academy in 1921, Wingate
had embraced his standing as an outsider and a loner. Once, as
punishment for some infraction, he was ordered to face a gantlet of his
fellow cadets, who, by custom, would pummel a naked offender with their
swagger sticks, then toss him into a pond. Normally, the victim would
run as fast as he could.

Wingate, eyes blazing with defiance, walked slowly down the line, daring
the others to hit him. Then he calmly jumped into the water.

Upon graduating, he served first in the Sudan, then was posted to
Palestine in 1936. There, Capt. Wingate found a place and a people among
whom he at last felt at home. Yet the country's Zionist pioneers,
refugees from pogroms and ghettos, couldn't have arrived there by a more
different path.

"When I was at school I was looked down on and made to feel that I was a
failure and not wanted in the world," Wingate wrote to a cousin who was
British high commissioner in Egypt. "When I came to Palestine I found a
whole people who had been treated like that through scores of
generations, and yet at the end of it they were undefeated and building
their country anew. I felt I belonged to such people."

By the time Wingate arrived there, Britain had backed off from the
Balfour Declaration of 1917, by which it had promised the Jews a
homeland in Palestine.

With Hitler coming to power, the possibility of a Second World War was
on the horizon, and the British wanted the good will of the Arab
nations, rich in the oil upon which modern armies depend. So the British
authorities in Palestine were content to look the other way as Arab
terrorists increasingly attacked Jewish settlements.

The Zionists' defensive strategy was to dot Palestine with kibbutzim,
fortified settlements something like the stockades of Daniel Boone and
other pioneers of the American frontier. Wingate, though, had no
patience for passive tactics like huddling behind the walls of a kibbutz
or army base, waiting for the almost nightly attacks of the Arabs.

Convincing his superiors of the need to stabilize Palestine's
frontiers--many of the Arab attackers were infiltrators from nearby
Syria and Lebanon--Wingate proposed the establishment of mixed fighting
units of British officers and Jewish settlers.

He also was adamant about taking the battle right to the enemy, by
attacking, under cover of darkness, Arab villages that served as
terrorist bases.

To sell his new strategy, he made a tour of the kibbutzim seeking
volunteers for his new formations, the Special Night Squads. [Terrorists
perhaps????Saba Note]

"The Arabs think the night belongs to them," Wingate would say. "The
British Army huddles in its camps at night. We, the Jews, will teach the
Arabs to fear night more than they fear day."

Those who signed up recall Wingate as a no-nonsense commander. He wore
the expression of a zealot, looking perpetually like a John Brown about
to attack Harper's Ferry.

"He was very pale, and his eyes were set far in," recalled Dan Ram, 80,
who also lives at Kibbutz Hanita and served under Wingate. "And that
made an impression like he had escaped from an insane asylum."

Leading his men on night patrol, Wingate subjected them to
uncompromising discipline. On one such mission, Ram recalled, one of his
fellow kibbutzniks took ill.

Another officer went to Wingate, stationed as usual at the head of the
column, and asked permission for the sick soldier to drop out of the

Wingate replied that he expected the young man to march alongside his
fellows. Twice more, as the soldier's condition deteriorated, the same
request was made and denied. Finally, Wingate was informed that the
Jewish soldier had collapsed and was lying beside the road.
"Wingate doubled back and picked up the young man," Ram said. "The rest
of the way to the battle and back, Wingate carried him in his arms, like
a mother tending to her baby."

The success of the Special Night Squads--which provided the training for
the cadre of officers, Dyan and Allon among them, that was to win
Israel's War of Independence a decade later--
provoked the jealousy of other British officers, and the pro-Arab among
them convinced their superiors it was dangerous to leave Wingate in

In 1939, he was ordered back to England, the news of which brought him
to the verge of a nervous breakdown. He contemplated suicide.
Reluctantly, his superiors granted his request that he be allowed to
meet with his troops one last time.

Ram, who was there, recalls that the assembly hall of the nearby kibbutz
where Wingate's farewell was held was filled to standing-room-only
capacity hours before his scheduled appearance. Upon entering the room,
Wingate got a standing ovation.
Many were in tears.

To that audience, Wingate predicted three things: That there would be a
war with Nazi Germany; that afterwards the Arabs would declare war on
the Jews of Palestine; and that they, the men of the Special Night
Squads, would win that war with the Arabs.

"By then, it was no great secret that war with Hitler and war with the
Arabs were coming," Ram said. "But it sure gave us a lift to hear our
commander say that he had confidence in us to beat the Arabs."

Finally, Wingate raised his hand and pledged himself to return someday
to an independent Jewish homeland. As an oath, he recited, in his broken
Hebrew, a verse from Psalms: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my
right arm forget her cunning . . ."

In fact, Wingate never saw Israel again. When World War II broke out
shortly thereafter, he was sent to Ethiopia, which he helped free from
Mussolini's army.

Then he was transferred to Burma, where he led a guerrilla force,
Wingate's Chindits, that operated behind the Japanese lines and saved
India from invasion.

During that campaign, he was killed in a plane crash in 1944.

Because his remains were mixed in with those of the airplane's American
crew, Wingate was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. To no avail,
both the Israelis and the Ethiopians asked U.S. authorities for the
honor of reinterring Wingate in their countries.

In his memory, Israel established a settlement for orphans named Yemin
Orde, which was surrounded by Arab forces during the 1948 War of

During that battle, his widow Lorna returned to Israel. Over the
objections of the Jewish generals, she insisted on being flown over
Yemin Orde in a small airplane. Leaning out the window, she dropped a
package containing a well-worn book and a letter:

"To the defenders of Yemin Orde. Since the spirit of Wingate is with
you, even if he cannot command you in person, I am sending you the Bible
that he carried with him on his war travels and from which he drew the
inspiration of his victories. Let this be a mark of the pact between you
and him, in victory or defeat, from now to eternity."

A few days later, the Jews broke the siege of Yemin Orde. When they
emerged from their bunkers, each of the settlement's defenders carried a
small child in his arms--just as Wingate himself had once born that ill
soldier on a long ago patrol of the Special Night Squads.


Freethought Today September 1995
In The News

The Gideon Bible Connection

Foundation member Catherine Fahringer spotted a wire story in the San
Antonio Express News following the Oklahoma City bombing, reporting that
FBI agents seized a Gideon Bible from the motel room where suspect
Timothy McVeigh had stayed for a week in February.

The motel owner had discovered that a passage about "the wrath of God"
had been outlined in black ink. Investigators suspect the passage may
reveal McVeigh's religious motivation for blowing up the federal
building in retaliation for the government's handling of the
Waco-Branch Davidian conflict in 1993.

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