-Caveat Lector-

I am opposed to the War on Drugs and do not really have strong
feelings about this particular individual as I do not yet know
enough about him. There is, however, a link to express your
disapproval if anybody is interested in doing so.

----- Original Message -----
From: "F.M.Sielaff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 7:51 PM
Subject: [FPE] [drugwarvictims] Oppose the John Walters drug czar

-------- Original Message --------

 Subject: [drugwarvictims] Oppose the John Walters drug czar
    Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 18:20:42 -0400
    From: "Kevin Doblosky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please take two minutes to contact the Senate in
opposition to the nomination of John Walters for
the office of Director of the US Office of
National Drug Control Policy (the "drug czar").
Walters is a fanatic who has enthusiastically
praised the Peruvian military's practice of
shooting down aircraft suspected of being used
by drug traffickers.  Last month, two American
missionaries were killed in such a shoot-down,
inevitable casualties of an extraordinarily
reckless and immoral practice that violates
international law.

Visit http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/walters/ to
send a free e-mail or fax to your two US
Senators asking them to vote NO on the Walters
nomination.  When you are done call them on the
phone to make greater impact.  Even if we don't
succeed in stopping the nomination, raising our
voices now will put pressure on the
administration to moderate their drug policies.

Shooting down airplanes isn't the only extreme
view John Walters holds on this issue.  In 1996,
Walters testified before Congress in opposition
to the Sentencing Commission's recommendation to
lower federal crack cocaine penalties to the
same level as powder cocaine.  Walters has
dismissed the problem of racial bias in drug
enforcement as an "urban myth," despite
overwhelming evidence that such bias is rampant;
for example, African Americans make up only 13%
of the nation's drug users, yet account for more
than 70% of drug incarcerations.  His
recommendation on cocaine penalties was made
despite a consensus among serious observers of
criminal justice that powder cocaine enforcement
is also carried out in a racially discriminatory

As Deputy Director of ONDCP during the previous
Bush administration, Walters favored
incarceration over drug treatment and education.
He has lobbied Congress for stiffer penalties
for nonviolent drug offenders, and opposed state
laws exempting medical marijuana users from
criminal penalties.

In 1996, Walters coauthored a paper entitled
"The Clinton Administration's Continuing Retreat
in the War on Drugs." In truth, however, the
Clinton Administration escalated the drug war,
imprisoning more people for drug offenses than
during the preceding Reagan and Bush
administrations combined. To characterize the
harsh Clinton drug war record as a "retreat" is
to elevate partisan politics over truthful
discussion and to show a deep disrespect to the
American people on an issue of the greatest

In short, the Walters drug record is one of
propaganda, extremism and disregard for issues
of racial equality. John Walters is unfit to
lead the nation on drug policy, and should be
rejected by the US Congress.

The Walters nomination has been criticized by
mainstream news outlets such as the New York
Times and the Economist, even by the
conservative flagship magazine National Review.
Visit http://www.stopthedrugwar.org/walters/ to
access this and other information and to send a
message to the Senate against this retrograde
nomination -- and please call or fax your two US
Senators and urge them to vote against the
confirmation of John Walters as Director of the
Office of National Drug Control Policy. Visit
http://www.senate.gov to find out how to reach
them, or call the Congressional Switchboard at
(202) 224-3121. Time is of the essence!

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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