-Caveat Lector-

First of all, Kris - Kris knows my name, my home address, and telephone
number for I ordered his book which I received and was charged to a
credit card.....I am in Ohio.

Amelia, lives in Alabama - and Kris knows I am not Amelia for I had
occasion to speak to him - called early in am not thinking about the
time element.

Third as for you Steve Windbag Wingate - when I want legal advice, I
will consult an attorney - My former attorney who died,  was the best -
headed up the FBI in Detroit for 25 years.

And when I want expert advice on UFO's I will consult Gordon Novel or
Nexus' Duncan, whom I believe to be an honorable man who masters the
Kings English and is very professional.

Steve and June will make a nice pair - both probably are taller sitting
down than standing up......

Now let these great experts do a little research on their own.


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