-Caveat Lector-


Baby Killer
by Jeff Elkins

When you think about United States government minions killing the
children of its citizens, it’s only natural to think of Janet Reno or Lon
Horiuchi. However, neither is the champion of this State-sponsored
sport. A correspondent of mine recently wrote to remind me of the
current reigning champion: Joan Claybrook, head of the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) during the Jimmy Carter
administration and current president of the left-wing advocacy group
Public Citizen.

The concept of the air bag was  first conceived in the mid-1960s.
Automotive researchers had been on a quest for a device to reduce
cranial and thoracic injuries during high speed auto accidents. Head and
chest trauma are the leading causes of deaths in these crashes and it
was believed that a properly designed air bag could dramatically reduce
these deadly injuries.

Researchers had a primary worry, a flaw of physics that technology
hadn’t found a way around. A air bag designed to inflate in one-twenty-
fifth of a second at speeds of 200 mph had the potential to cause the
very damage the scientists were seeking to avoid. Prophetically, early
research indicated the very real possibility of serious, even
fatal injury, particularly to the young or small-framed.

Ignoring this, Claybrook used a bureaucratic sledge hammer to force
airbags through the NHTSA approval process, despite the fact that
engineers at GM, Chrysler and other manufacturers had warned her
repeatedly that their research had showed the devices as currently
configured posed extremely serious health and safety risks.

GM had specifically warned: "a small child close to the instrument
panel from which the air cushion is deployed may be severely injured
or even killed." Claybrook treated the automakers’ warnings
with disdain and ordered air bag implementation anyway.
She then proceeded to go on a public cheerleading mission for these
deadly devices.

Quoting Claybrook: "They [air bags] fit all different sizes and types
of people, from little children up to…very large males. Air bags
 work beautifully and they work automatically and…that gives you
more freedom than being forced to wear a seat belt."

Ms. Claybrook has never admitted her complicity in the tragic deaths
of these unfortunate children and seniors . Amazingly enough, as
president of Public Citizen, Claybrook has castigated manufacturers

Quoting Claybrook: "To protect all their passengers – big, small, young
and old – manufacturers must test for the whole family, not just the
large male. It’s time testing by all auto companies caught up with
technology and the real world evidence of injury in crashes. We
need a 30 mph test standard because people are more likely to be
killed or seriously injured in higher-speed crashes, and this is
where air bags have saved the most lives."

The hypocrisy truly makes one cringe. It’s even worse to know that
there are veritable legions of Claybrooks and their greatest desire is
to worm their way into government positions so they can control
our lives. When unlucky enough to be out of government, they swarm
at various beltway non-profits, serving up statist propaganda under
the guise of public service and advocacy.

Founded by Ralph Nader in 1971, Public Citizen claims to be "the
consumer’s eyes and ears in Washington." They "fight for safer drugs
and medical devices, cleaner and safer energy sources, a cleaner
environment, fair trade, and a more open and democratic government."

It’s a sham. Public Citizen fights for an all-powerful State and total
control of its citizenry. The last thing this lobby wants is "a
more open and democratic government." An open and democratic
government is antithetical to everything that they stand for. In
reality, they desire to be slavemasters. It’s a fitting place for
Claybrook and others of her ilk.

A State murderess like Claybrook, wielding a pen, kills with much
greater efficiency than a dozen Lon Horiuchis with sniper rifles.
She will never have to touch a firearm or see the gruesome results
of her handicraft. Nonetheless, her hands drip with the blood of
our children.

That she now leads and speaks from a platform like Public Citizen Inc.
is not surprising. Madame President deserves a new title: Public

May 14, 2001
Jeff Elkins is a freelance consultant and writer living in North Central

Best wishes

The free man owns himself.  He can damage himself
with either eating or drinking; he can ruin himself
with gambling. If he does he is certainly a damn
fool, and he might possibly be a damned soul; but
if he may not, he is not a free man any more than
a dog. - G. K. Chesterton, Broadcast talk 6-11-35

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