-Caveat Lector-


May 11, 2001

Business and Finance - Asia

Clinton Urges U.S. to See China As a Friend, Not an Adversary

 Staff Reporter

HONG KONG -- Former U.S. President Bill Clinton urged Americans to resist
viewing China as an adversary, saying engagement with the giant nation was
the path to stability and prosperity.

"The important thing, it seems to me, is not to assume that the relationship
is inherently adversarial, but instead to take what we know is the truth --
that the world would be a better place over the next 50 years if we were
partners, if we were working together," Mr. Clinton said in a speech to
hundreds of international business leaders in Hong Kong.
Clinton Assures Jiang the U.S. Wants Good Ties With China

U.S., Britain Seek Explanation for Hong Kong's Expulsions (May 9)

Falun Gong Protests Jiang's Visit to Hong Kong, Criticizes Beijing (May 8)

The former president is in the city as a paid speaker at a forum organized
by Fortune magazine. He held private talks with Chinese President Jiang
Zemin on Wednesday, during which he said he conveyed his belief that
President George W. Bush wanted a good working relationship with China.

Touching on the "difficulties and bumps in the road" between Washington and
Beijing, including last month's collision between an American spy plane and
Chinese fighter and "different perceptions of political and religious
freedom," he said greater economic interdependence between the two countries
would enhance freedoms in China.

"It is imperative to complete China's accession to the WTO at the earliest
possible date," he said. Under Mr. Clinton's presidency in 1999, the White
House struck a landmark agreement with Beijing that cleared the way for
Chinese membership in the World Trade Organization. A year and a half later,
the U.S. and other member states are still wrangling with China over the
final details of its accession, which would commit Beijing to painful
market-opening reforms.

To an audience that included many of the world's richest corporate leaders,
he said wealthy private citizens had a responsibility to "widen the circle
of opportunity and community" to people stuck "on the wrong side of

In what may have been a subtle criticism of Mr. Bush's proposed national
missile shield, he said: "The most likely threat to our security is not from
incoming missiles over the next 20, 30 years. It's from increasingly small,
more sophisticated and more difficult to detect weapons of mass destruction
using chemical, biological or, God forbid, small-scale nuclear devices. We
have to

                                Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                               *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

               The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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