
Japan girds for cyberwar after Pyongyang
switches to Internet to signal agents

    Japan’s government is stepping up efforts to protect its computer-based
infrastructure against hackers and other cyber attackers. Tokyo is primarily
concerned about intrusions from other nations, North Korea in particular.

   The Japanese Defense agency plans to spend $3.2 million on research for
dealing with cyber attacks. Defense specialists also are being sent to the
United States for training in cyber defenses.

   The Japanese government’s major fear is a possible attack from North
Korean government-based hackers. According to Akihiko Nakajima, chief of the
Command Telecommunications Division, Pyongyang ceased coded communications to
its clandestine agents in Japan beginning in January of this year. He said
communications have been embedded secretly “in the Internet.”

   The Japanese government says that its command and control systems are
secure from outside intrusion. However, the threat to the systems comes from
insiders or others who have planted trap doors. Nakajima told the Sankei
Shimbun that “now a big problem is what we would do if a device were
installed by vendors who have access through material requisitions, etc.”

   Hackers have penetrated and caused damage to web sites at numerous
Japanese ministries, including those in charge of education, culture, sports,
science and technology.

   Chinese hackers last year penetrated the web pages of government
ministries and agencies, and data was rewritten to Chinese characters and in
some cases a Chinese flag appeared. In response, the Tokyo set up a Cabinet
office to promote countermeasures for information security and in December
authorized a “special action plan to counter cyberterrorism directed against
important infrastructure.”

   The plan is similar to the FBI’s national-level critical infrastructure
protection office which aims to protect telecommunications, finance,
transportation, electrical power, gas and government services from cyber

   Japanese companies also are involved in cybersecurity by stepping up
defenses through the use of firewalls and other Internet filtering devices.

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