
Leak shows nuclear trafficking doubled

Kirsty Scott
Monday May 14, 2001
The Guardian

The worldwide smuggling of radioactive materials has reportedly doubled in
the last five years, according to a leaked United Nations study, and there
are now thought to be more than 100 terrorist organisations capable of
developing a rudimentary atomic bomb.

The report, drawn up by the UN's terrorism prevention branch and detailed in
the Sunday Herald newspaper, reveals that since 1993 there have been 550
recorded incidents of trafficking of nuclear materials across the globe. Most
of the incidents involved materials such as radioactive scrap metal but one
in 10 is said to have included weapons-grade plutonium or uranium.

The study quotes the head of the UN anti-terrorism unit, Alex Schmid, as
warning that much of the nuclear material in the former Soviet republics is
poorly protected and the risk of some being stolen is growing.

"Time might not be on our side," Mr Schmid is reported as saying. "The amount
of plutonium in the world is increasing. Vigorous efforts need to be made to
keep the nuclear genie in the bottle and out of the hands of terrorists."

Mr Schmid added: "Most of the weapons-usable nuclear materials in the
kilogram range are stored in nearly 400 buildings which are not all guarded
in the way they should be guarded. This quantity of dangerous but potentially
precious materials offers temptation for adventurers and desperados."

The 40-page report, commissioned by the international atomic eneregy agency,
claims that there are 130 terrorist organisations listed by the US department
of state as posing a potential nuclear, chemical or biological threat.

They include 55 ethnic groups, 50 religious groups, 20 left-wing groups and
five right-wing groups. The list includes Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaida in
Afghanistan and the Aum Shinrikyo cult in Japan.

A UN spokeswoman said yesterday that she could not confirm or deny the
existence of the report or its findings.

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