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Date: 5/14/01 11:04:48 PM Central Daylight Time
From: Foxtrotjo

I sat, as did millions of other Americans, and watched as our Government
underwent a peaceful transition of power.
I was proud as Mr. Bush took his oath of office.
I was sad as I watched Mr. Clinton board Air Force One for the
final time.
It may surprise you that this made me sad.  But, watching this part
of the day's festivities, I saw 21 U.S. Marines, in full dress, with
rifles, fire a 21 gun salute to the outgoing president.
It was then that I realized how far America's military had deteriorated.

Every last one of them missed.

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My boss sent this to me at work and I thought you might get a kick out of it.

I sat, as did millions of other Americans, and watched as our Government
underwent a peaceful transition of power.
I was proud as Mr. Bush took his oath of office.
I was sad as I watched Mr. Clinton board Air Force One for the
final time.
It may surprise you that this made me sad.  But, watching this part
of the day's festivities, I saw 21 U.S. Marines, in full dress, with
rifles, fire a 21 gun salute to the outgoing president.
It was then that I realized how far America's military had deteriorated.

Every last one of them missed.

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