-Caveat Lector-


              Limbaugh: America’s Truth Detector?
              Jeff Elkins
              Limbaugh: America’s truth detector; Talent on loan from God;
Destroying liberals with half his brain tied behind his back.
              enjoy listening to Rush. I’ve done so almost daily, since the early
              days of his radio broadcast in the late Eighties; I’ve purchased
              and read both his books, watched his television show in the wee
              hours when it was offered and think that at times he’s been a breath
              of fresh air. He has a tremendous sense of humor and provided much
              needed relief during the dark days of the Clinton presidency.
              AM radio industry owes Limbaugh far more than it will ever be able
              to repay. Mostly moribund before he sprang onto the scene, talk
              radio now offers a widely diverse array of viewpoints, liberal,
              conservative and libertarian. He almost single-handedly revitalized
              the AM band. Every talk show host, both local and syndicated should
              offer burnt sacrifices to the broadcast giant daily; truly, they 
wouldn’t have jobs had Rush not traversed the ground before them.

              remember though: Rush Limbaugh is a statist. Despite the humor,
              despite the bonhomie, despite the common sense he uses to
              deflate liberals, Rush is an unabashed advocate of the State.
              (May 15, 2001), Rush praised President Bush’s appearance at the
              annual memorial service honoring slain police officers, those killed
              in the line of duty. Tuesday’s service memorialized police officers
              who died while on duty in the year 2000, more than 150 officers,
              according to various police organizations. Not a bad thing for a
              president to do, left at that.
              Bush went much further than a mere ceremonial appearance. He used
              the bully pulpit to propose "Project Safe Neighborhoods,"
              an egregious expansion of State power. Unveiled Monday at a police
              ceremony in Philadelphia, the project involves hiring 113 new assistant
              U.S. attorneys and 600 state and local prosecutors to work with
              police agencies and community groups on gun cases.
              plan also calls for $44 million to upgrade law enforcement computer 
databases and improve criminal record-keeping so so-called convicts
              cannot legally buy guns; nearly $29 million to expand ballistics
              testing so so-called illegal guns and ammunition can be traced;
              and $19 million for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
              to conduct a so-called youth gun interdiction initiative. All-in-all,
              a massive increase in the power of the State, from a party supposedly
              dedicated to a smaller government.
              plan to further the scope of the American police state met with
              Mr. Limbaugh’s wholehearted approval. Without consideration for
              what he was advocating, Rush acted as a cheerleader for those who
              want to disarm you, imprison you and ultimately, should you disagree
              with them, kill you.
              last thing our law enforcement community needs is an influx of still
              more federal dollars and influence. As I’ve mentioned before, our
              police, formerly local peace officers, are now merely satraps of
              the standing federal army; junior partners perhaps, but soldiers
              new assistant U.S. attorneys and 600 state and local prosecutors
              will do nothing more than increase the tide of prosecutorial misconduct
              and malpractice. If anything, we need to reduce the ranks of these
              pit bull prosecutors and sharply curtail prosecutions; we need informed
              jurors as well, jurors who will vote their conscience, rather than
              meekly obeying the dicta from a lawyer in a black robe and imprisoning
              those accused of breaking unconstitutional laws.
              million to upgrade law enforcement computer databases and improve
              criminal record-keeping? We already have many overt and covert efforts
              on the part of myriad federal alphabet agencies to computerize and
              pigeonhole citizens into categories; who owns a gun; who speaks
              out against government; who contributes to an unpopular political
              cause; who "owes" the government money. We don’t need more government 
computers, we need to demand the destruction of
              those they already operate.
              million to expand ballistics testing so so-called illegal guns and
              ammunition can be traced? What is an illegal gun? What type of ammunition
              is illegal? Why is "enforcing the laws on the books" a
              good thing when those laws are patently unconstitutional and spit
              in the very eye of liberty?
              million for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to conduct
              a so-called youth gun interdiction initiative? Hasn’t this out of
              control rogue agency murdered enough citizens? How many more must
              suffer the jackboot in the night, before we wake up and demand that
              it be defunded, disbanded and the criminals who inhabit it be jailed
              for their crimes?
              Limbaugh needs to untie that unused half of his brain and become
              a real beacon of liberty. He needs to seriously examine the terrible
              condition of personal liberty in this country and try to imagine
              just where the policies of the statists, Republicans and Democrats
              both, are taking us. Wake up Rush. Your country needs you.
              17, 2001
              Elkins [send him mail]
              is a freelance consultant and writer  living in North Central Florida.

              His personal website is located at www.elkins.org.
              © 2001 LewRockwell.com


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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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