[educators for peace - transformation studies group - edinburgh - scotland]

The world as we know it today can be a hostile and unpleasant place.
Social issues of uncaring ignorance at both top and bottom of the social
hierarchy contribute to the status quo we know as the Human Condition.

From the selfish profit-oriented deeds of multinational corporations to the
selfish instinct of a rush hour bus queue the current state of the planet is
often unfairly laid at the doorsteps of the average human being.
Having said that, the average human being on this planet is lucky to have a
mud hut and a loaf of bread - so where do we look for the new beginning ?
Governments, Corporations or ourselves ??
However it is more than a bit irresponsible to suggest that any individual
can change the world even if their hearts are in the right place as 4 or 5.5
billion people on this planet are pretty powerless and unifluential - their
time taken up by the mere process of survival.

So perhaps it is to the half billion or so rich and fairly articulate
western/eastern middle classes, with specialist jobs, skills, free incomes
and relatively secure lives we must take our pleas.
The  great global task therefore is to win their allegiance, for once we
have that, once the hearts and minds of the skilled and educated and
affluent and therefore propolitical, economic elite are on board - the great
struggle for spiritual autonomy of the masses on planet earth can really

But there are diversions for our [relatively] elite target group; popular
culture, the culture of feeling good, the filtration of bad things that
intrude on our comfort zone, fears projected by hysterical media, the
harnessing and dissipation of the reproductive instincts by cheap market values, and, the
blindness that can come to a spirit bombarded and shocked by a million
nihilistic messages of horror.

Simple basic education for this target group begins with the rehabilitation
of the spirit and can be engaged in with music, explanations, fraternity,
and by encouraging the formation of the most basic and archetypal of all
questions in the company of a nucleus of like minds, the question why ?

By then encouraging comparisons of; philosophies, religious, social and
scientific achievements we can start to notice differences - and so we begin to
analyse - and the skills of analysis will help our shocked psyches to heal
quicker and so make us more useful in the Great Work

and once we have a structure and mechanics, a strategy for coping with the
world in place - we can begin to take the time to recognise the powers
latent within ourselves and in that recognition, the immediate perception
that such possibilities also exist in the world and nature.

But for many of us, the personal journey may not be enough - and there we
may ask the questions of ourselves: are we actors or spectators ?
For if we are actors, then we must act and physically clean up the canal of
the waters of life, to pull the weeds and empty the trash, purify the
poisons -
and if we are spectators; then we must sit on our mountaintop and connect.

People who choose to spectate, for whatever reason or motivation are often
misled enough to tell us that we can think-create our reality - that if we
want or wish the world to be better then it magically will be. Which is a
passive and innocuous statement in itself, if we want to see the bad in the
polluted canal, we will see the bad in the polluted canal, if we want to see
the beautiful golden light reflecting on the waters and the swans- we will
see the swans.
Think-creating and positive thinking is good - but take a closer look at the
swans, they suffer from the misery of chemical pollution, the canal is full
of waste and I challenge anybody to take a glass of canal water and think
create it clean and drinkable.  We have to directly deal with reality
The idea is that if we ignore the bad things - they will not exist - This
alas, is the kind of hedonism that disables many useful people from playing
their part on the stage of the world.

This affluent western middle class target group have access to media,
skills, technology and disposable wealth, but if the world is to change,
billions of people must have access to the basic rights of incarnation;
food, shelter, medicine, education, love - rights currently denied them by
desolate regimes and cynical industrial exploitation.

The World worker must set some realistic targets - and the heightening of
awareness of ones peers must be adopted as one of those priorities. Yet in a
world of disposable wealth and planned obsolescence - perhaps not everyone
really wants to be king or queen of the hill, that perhaps there is a far
greater nobility buried or chained within, and whereas the wealthy are
harnessed to their debts of capital and mortgage, billions of poor are
harnessed to the drought and famine, the flood and disaster.
In all these mortal prisons - a soul awaits the call to life.

If there is a strange hope, it may be that the very window on capital and
luxury that has served to detract from the spiritual sensitivities of the
western rich will in its greed and willingness to consume bite off more than
it can digest, and in a fit of uncontrollable regurgitation, present the raw
truth to the masses. This electronic oracle, the Television has become
and though partly blamed for the dissatisafaction of communist russia, the
of the third world will begin to see a way of living they will one day come
to expect by
right - and say so - for they now have nothing lose.

The lame dead-end science of the 20th century that teaches relativity is not
unified [einstein], logic is not logical [goedel], bread may not be
nutritious [hume], and who gave us 30 or so ridiculous paradoxes that
prevented the evolution of interstellar travel, efficient energy, robotics
and a
cleaner world - has a lot to answer for.
Plenty theories that completely satisfy the rigour of testable empirical
science are passed over and ignored - and their promotion then becomes a
futile exercise - as in the days when the flat earth was the only acceptable
logic of respectable rational people.

There is much work to do - there are choices - but I do not think that it is
possible to educate what passes for the establishment - immutable often
irrational, it defends its self interest and its funding schemes and wages
as if life itself depended on it - and to many of the scientists who operate
the stale and dead ideologies - it does - for many people have their careers
and houses invested in operating the paradigm as they see it.

It is ok for Stephen Hawking to say in Switzerland that in 20 years time,
x,y,z will happen because in 20 years, Stephen and everybody he currently
knows will be on permanent holiday.

The world changes, cloning and DNA like the worst nightmares of Huxley
become the property of the patent office and the materialists race to define
the electrochemical soul or physical seat of consciouseness. A good thing if
operated by theosophists, a bad thing if driven by corporate greed - the
biotechnology industry threatens to overwhelm the earth with bizarre hybrids of new plants, animals
and people, none of which are properly tested in any sensible, empirical context - such
is the race for profits. Who knows, maybe the 19th century scottish philosopher Hume was a
prophet - maybe one day, the levels of genetic pollution circulating in the ecosystem
will cause us to again ask 'How can we know that the loaf of bread is nutritious' - for maybe
we all face a biological catastrophe to parallel the effects of any asteroid
impact. For unregulated competition by the biotechnology industry threatens
to make this planet a barren desert filled with junk lifeforms that serve no
real purpose as an ecosystem.

Asking the question why - we may never get to the meaning of life, but we
may suddenly realise just how shallow are the criteria with which we have
been given to define ourselves - and then suddenly we can choose whether to
accept or reject those conditions.

In a world where the astronomers of SETI in their search for ET
intelligence, appear to see right past and through fleets of visiting extra
terrestrial craft, where they can see the videos, extract the implants, and
still declare that no evolved lifeform exists because they have not yet
heard the top10 from galaxy FM - is frankly an insult to our intelligence
and integrity.

In a world where it is planned to control seed stocks by the use of genetic
clocks and self terminating seeds, where the control of water and foods and
medication, and the non-management of pestilence such as HIV/AIDS, BSE/CJD,
Cancer eg. Richard Nixon may have said a lot of things many of them untrue -
but an entire presidential programme pledged to dedicate a budget the size
of the Apollo Programme to find a cure for Cancer - it obviously never

In a world where the UK government avoids the introduction of an Industrial
Carbon Tax by finding a user friendly think tank to pronounce that there is
No such thing as Global Warming.

The 'thousand natural shocks that the world is hier to' are these kinds of
anti-human insanity - the very things which make us - inspire us to be,
selfish - - the siege mentality that ends in spiritual dis ease.
Yet whilst we faciliate our personal worldly shocks, we can begin to
recognise that other people are also asking around too - making enquiries,
choosing their best dietry intake, starting to actively discriminate against
the bad and assembling the good.

It is here that 'Theosophy' and the service of the provision of Truth can and
do make a difference -for those much maligned ideas of; Liberty, Equality
and Fraternity come to mean something more special, even elite, when we
realise how very little of those commodities the planet  actually
possesses - yet above all - above all the ideologies which chain us - we
know that the truth can set us free.

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