-Caveat Lector-

For an immigration time-out: http://www.projectusa.org/
New York
Iowans "unsophisticated" says Des Moines Register columnist
Issue 74: May 18, 2001


Last September, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack announced his support for a
plan that would exempt Iowa from federal immigration limits.

A combination of national ridicule and strong local opposition has since
caused Vilsack to backpedal on the issue, but an early champion of his
cheap labor scheme, the Des Moines Register, continues to press for high
levels of immigration.  This, in spite of the paper's own poll showing
that 58% of Iowans did not agree with the governor's proposal.

So enthusiastic is the Register for even more immigration, that it has
been led to make some surprising claims:

In a September 6, 2000 editorial, the paper declared that importing
"working age Iowans" from other countries would actually improve the
environment.  And a January 1, 2001 front page side bar warned Iowans
that a failure to import cheap foreign labor could cause an increase in
Iowa's unemployment rate since Iowa businesses, short of workers, would
need to relocate (you might have to read that one twice).

While such claims are easily dismissed as not being worth serious
attention, one question does remain:  Why does the Des Moines Register
go to such lengths to convince Iowans to support a plan to turn their
state into a "new Ellis Island?"

At least part of the answer can be found in a May 13 piece by Register
opinion columnist and editorial board member Shirley Ragsdale, for whom
the immigration issue is first and foremost a matter of the skin color
and ethnicity of the immigrants themselves.

Her column begins with a dismissal of criticism of current U.S.
immigration policy (which will cause U.S. population to double within
the lifetimes of today's children unless Congress acts) as
"xenophobic."  Then she asserts the non sequitur "people have merit
regardless of skin color, religion or ethnic origin."

But for Ms. Ragsdale, it seems, there is something more than general
color-blind human merit wrapped up in the skin color, religion or ethnic
origin of new immigrants; for her, the various skin colors, etc., of new
immigrants are in fact the very reason to support mass immigration: "new
Iowans," she argues, would help to make Iowa "more culturally
sophisticated and diverse."

The fact that her position is racist in itself is apparently lost on Ms.
Ragsdale, and she ends her column by complaining that "those who persist
in exploiting differences, overstating the superiority inherent in being
Iowa born and planting doubts in the minds of the unsophisticated are
making it far more difficult" to convince Iowans to embrace her views.

More reading:

Area diverse enough, most say

Ragsdale: Surely, Iowans don't buy it


Shirley Ragsdale, of course, is not the only small city newspaper editor
to demonstrate her sophistication by sneering at her rustic readership
(she makes it clear in the column that she herself has not lived all her
life in a small town).  But this isn't just harmless provincialism.  On
this matter of immigration, Ms Ragsdale and the Des Moines Register play
a dangerous game.

America's successful history of immigration and assimilation has been
marked by periodic immigration time-outs -- the most recent of which
lasted the forty years between 1925 to 1965.  In the face of today's
record-breaking wave of mass immigration, there is no reason to believe
public opinion will not soon demand another time-out in order to allow
for assimilation, linguistic unity, infrastructure development, and the
like.  In fact, we should expect a demand for a breather.

The question is: what tone will public demand take?  By insisting that
immigration is most of all an issue of skin color and cultural
"otherness," short-sighted -- but probably well-meaning -- journalists
and politicians are increasing the likelihood that the next public
demand for an immigration time-out will take a racial tone.

You can remind the Des Moines Register that support for and opposition
to mass immigration for racial or ethnic reasons are simply two sides of
the same coin.  Ask the paper to please be more responsible and fair in
its coverage of the very important issue of mass immigration.

Des Moines Register comment line: 1 800 247 5346 (x 8202)
In Iowa: 515 284 8202


Mary P. Stier
President and Publisher


Telemachus, soon shalt thou learn this, when thou thyself art got to the
place of battle where the best men try the issue, -- namely, not to
bring shame on thy father's house, on us who in times past have been
eminent for might and hardihood over all the world.

Homer's The Odyssey
Tenth Century, BC (?)


"Diversity" is not what makes America great. "FREEDOM" is what has made
us great.

Marje Quiros
Coral Gables, FL

(see Ms. Quiros' letter in Friday's Miami Herald:
http://www.miami.com/herald/content/opinion/letters/digdocs/055388.htm )

+== E-ZINE STAFF ==+

Editor: Brenda Walker
Head writer: Craig Nelsen
Contributing writer: Allison Solin


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http://www.projectusa.org/contribute.html or by sending a check to:
ProjectUSA, 38-11 Ditmars Blvd #544, Astoria, NY 11105-1803

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