GM FOODS - JUST SAY NO [should say] the Surgeon General
Its a fact that GM foods have not been properly tested.
Animal Disease research & experimentation in my understanding gradually moves up the scale
of complexity, from hamsters to; pigs or chimpanzees, the latter, being closer to human physiology.
We have heard that the world has been flooded with untested GM product and that by now everyone has been exposed to it, but we have not been flooded with empirical testing results on higher mammals.
'Big deal we hear - the world is full of unsafe things to eat - whats the difference etc'
well the GM food is either safe or unsafe and we really don't know which - but if the public can legitimately sue for carcinogenic PASSIVE SMOKING of cigarette toxins - it LOGICALLY follows that the public should also have the legal right to SUE for passive INGESTION of hazardous metabolites.
Cigarette smokers have a choice whether or not they want to heighten their risk of disease, and passive smoking is liable under law.
the right to choose what strength of toxic air we breathe is open to the passive smoker - people may insanely argue that the air is full of carfumes and factory fallout anyway - why not just breathe the cigarette smoke and shut up - but that is a careless and irresponsible argument - for we MUST be free to choose and if we cannot we MUST be free to sue. but people ARE INSANELY arguing that we should not care less about the levels of toxins in our foods - why should we not have the same right to self regulate toxic food as we have to self regulate toxic air.
Noise pollution for instance - well its noisy all day what does it matter a few more decibels - well there are regulations and measurements laid down for the regulation of audio noise - why not the same kind of legislation for the control of  GM levels in our diet - why are we not being allowed to regulate - our own wellbeing.
The same old nihilist/genocidal argument is that we are all polluted anyway - what does some more matter - BUT we know that it does - toxin levels are usually cumulative, our bodies are full of DDT and agent orange which still circulates the global ecosystem and food chains - there are literally thousands of additives resident in our body fats and fluid - all have degrees of synergistic or antagonistic reactivity,
fat people we know are more prone to cancer, and any mortuary worker today relates how well preserved and long lasting the corpses are.
Is it not our duty to discover as much information as possible about ALL the things that we eat or breathe or drink. ? for if we don't we all run the risk of dying younger than we would want.
Why should someone smugly tell us that our concerns about the realities of premature  death are unimportant - but that IS what is happening.
Demand Labelling, Higher mammal test results over a 5-10 year trial for GM FOODS and also make it your PRIORITY to demand Regulation and Legislation to leish the runaway Biotech Industries who are currently stampeding towards TOTAL GENETIC FRANCHISE of Global Biodiversity - Yes They can fix and bioengineer their way out of any biological catastrophe - but it is our poisoned asses that will have to pay dearly for it.
At the moment Governments do not have enough data to present an INFORMED health warning to their voters and taxpayers - its high time they lifted their noses from the Biotech trough and gave us ALL some answers.
andrew hennessey

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