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Latest in so called "non-lethal" technology designed to counter popular 
Pentagon Fielding Electromagnetic Crowd Dispersal Weapon 
By Frank Morales 

"The Marine Corps is on the verge of unveiling perhaps the biggest 
breakthrough in weapons technology since the atomic bomb: a nonlethal weapon 
that fires directed energy at human targets." 
"I have nothing to hide. This is a good news story. Our American public needs 
to understand that we have done our homework." - Col. George Fenton, 
Director, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, Department of Defense 

Marine Corps Times, March 5, 2001 (1) 

In a neatly calculated "unveiling" of weapons designed for social control, 
for use against civilians and the suppression of dissent, the Pentagon has 
gone "transparent" with the latest in electronic weapons technology which 
targets people. At a selective press briefing for congressional and military 
leaders this past March 1st, Pentagon officials stated they were "developing 
a new non-lethal weapon which uses electromagnetic energy to cause a burning 
sensation on the skin…" (Reuters, 3/1/01) The "biggest breakthrough in 
weapons technology since the atomic bomb" is none other than the so-called 
"Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System" or VMADS. According to the March 5th 
issue of the Marine Corps Times, (cited above) in an article entitled, "The 
People Zapper: This new secret weapon doesn't kill, but it sure does burn", 
the "VMADS system is the first non-lethal, directed energy weapon designed 
specifically for use against humans." The weapon "focuses energy into a beam 
of micromillimeter waves designed to stop an individual in his tracks." 
Powered by electricity, it would ultimately "be powered by the modified 
Humvee on which it would be mounted." 
According to the Marine Corps Times report, the projected energy "which falls 
near microwaves on the electromagnetic spectrum, causes the moisture in a 
person's skin to heat up rapidly, creating a burning sensation, similar to a 
hot light bulb pressed against one's flesh." The microwaves, "whose exact 
length, frequency and amplitude are classified, cause water molecules in the 
skin cells to vibrate." Presumably, "when used as directed - that is, briefly 
- the weapon causes no long-term problems". Meanwhile, "the amount of time 
the weapon must be trained on an individual to cause permanent damage or 
death is classified." Studies of long-term effects of "the VMADS system" have 
been completed, according to the report, but "the findings have not been 
released publicly." It should be noted that the Joint Chiefs of Staff major 
policy directive in the area of non-lethal weapons, DoD Directive 3000.3, 
which is currently under revision, calls for these weapons to have a built-in 
"rheostatic" (ie. "tunable") capability. 
The Marine report states that, "the need for a nonlethal means for stopping 
an aggressor is a direct response to today's world of unknown enemies…where 
small numbers of troops find themselves facing off against large crowds of 
civilians." And while "weapons that fire lasers, electricity and sound waves 
have been in development for years", "not since the advent of gun-powder and 
the splitting of the atom have armies seen such a leap in technology." The 
range of the electromagnetic weapon "remains classified" but project 
officials "expect it will exceed 750 meters" (2250') allowing the Marines to 
"engage a crowd from afar, directing two-second bursts of energy without risk 
of being overcome by the mob." The "mob", the target of the directed beam, 
cooking in 130 degree heat, "would immediately experience intense pain, 
causing confusion and driving the crowd to disperse." And while "the 
intention is not to burn the skin", "those hit by the beam begin to feel 
intense heat" during "potential applications" which include "urban 
operations." And finally, while "the Defense Department has spent nearly $40 
million over ten years to develop the technology...budget predictions from 
last year...show another $26 million could be needed for development over the 
next five years." The primary contractor for the current VMADS $16 million 
project is Raytheon Missile Systems. 
Deeper Unveiling 

Turns out that while the Marines expect to be microwaving people, it was the 
Air Force that developed the "technology" in the first place. On February 22, 
2001 the United States Air Force Research Laboratory, located at Kirtland Air 
Force Base, New Mexico, issued it's own news release announcing that "a 
breakthrough technology designed to project an energy beam that drives away 
adversaries without injuring them, is now undergoing advanced testing." (2) 
According to the Air Force, the projected energy "beam" travels "at the speed 
of light" and penetrates "1/64 of a inch into the skin", rapidly heating up 
the skin's surface, causing the "subject", within seconds, to "feel pain that 
stops when the transmitter is shut off or when the subject moves out of the 
beam." According to the news release, the weapon was developed by two Air 
Force Research Laboratory teams: one from it's Directed Energy Directorate at 
Kirtland, the other from it's Human Effectiveness Directorate, located at 
Brooks Air Force Base, Texas. The learned team leaders, Lt. Col.Chuck Beason 
and Dr. Kirk Hackett noted, in reference to the new EM weapon, that "the 
effect exploits a natural defense mechanism - pain - that has evolved to 
protect the human body from damage." 
The Air Force Research Laboratory - Directed Energy Directorate, in addition 
to developing "high powered electromagnetic weapons and countermeasures" also 
develops "moderate and high power laser devices". (3) In fact, recently 
(2/212/01), the public affairs office of the Airborne Laser System Program 
Office, located at Kirtland, AFB, announced that "Lockheed Martin Space 
Systems will open an $8 million, 16,000 square-foot optical test 
center…designed to analyze the beam guidance system for the U.S. Air Force's 
Airborne Laser, the world's first combat aircraft armed with a directed 
energy weapon." (4) Meanwhile, the Space Vehicles Directorate - Air Force 
Research Laboratory, "develops technologies to support evolving warfighter 
requirements to control and exploit space." (5) This past November, Kirtland 
AFB was the sight of the 3rd Annual Directed Energy Symposium entitled, 
Directed Energy for the 21st Century, presented by the Directed Energy 
Professional Association, in cooperation with the Office of the Secretary of 
Defense. (6) 
The VMADS system is currently being tested in field conditions by the Air 
Force at Kirtland, AFB. At the New Mexico site, "they are using a transmitter 
that sends a narrow beam of energy to a test subject hundreds of yards away." 
It is reassuring to note that "all testing is being conducted with strict 
observance of the procedures, laws and regulations governing animal and human 
experimentation". In addition, "the tests have been reviewed and approved by 
the Air Force Surgeon General's Office and are conducted by the Air Force 
Research Laboratory's Human Effectiveness Directorate." Finally, "although 
testing is expected to continue in this summer (2001), officials have begun 
examining the technology for use on a vehicle-mounted version. Future 
versions might also be used onboard planes and ships." (7) 
Col. George Fenton, director of the US Marine operated NLW program firmly 
believes in the safety of this "revolutionary force protection technology." 
He recently stated that "humans have been exposed more than 6,000 times in 
testing, all inside the laboratory (and that) no long term effects have been 
detected." Given that track record, Fenton believes that "the technology 
could move into the acquisition phase of making a prototype as soon as this 
summer (2001), when the project would be taken over by the Air Force's 
Electronic Systems Center at Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., near Boston." (8) 
Finally, on-cue the New York Times joined in on the "unveiling", heralding 
"what some military officials hope will become the rubber bullet of the 21st 
century: a weapon that uses electromagnetic waves to disperse crowds without 
killing, maiming or, military officials say, even injuring anyone slightly." 
(9) Not even slightly! After all, notes the Times, they are only "intended to 
influence motivational behavior." According to free lance writer/researcher 
David Guyatt, "less than lethal anti-personnel weapons, especially some 
classes of EM weapons that are viewed as having a capability to remotely 
modify behavior or attack higher functions, are seen in some influential 
quarters as being the ideal remedy for future domestic disturbances...", 
wherein, the forces of repression will target the opposition, "armed with 
innovative technological weapons that do not necessarily kill but which 
render disenfranchised segments of society physically inactive, emotionally 
stupefied and incapable of meaningful thought…" (10) 
Sound farfetched? Back in 1986, Marine Corps Captain Paul E. Tyler, author of 
an influential study entitled, "The Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity 
Conflict" (11) was already making the point that "the potential applications 
of artificial electromagnetic fields are wide ranging and can be used in many 
military or quasi - military situations" including "crowd control". At that 
time he pointed out that although scientists hadn't identified 
electromagnetism for what it really was until the eighteenth century, "the 
results of many studies that have been published in the last few years 
indicate that specific biological effects can be achieved by controlling the 
various parameters of the electromagnetic (EM) field." And further, "many of 
the clinical effects of electromagnetic radiation (have) been reported in the 
literature to induce or enhance the following effects 
(including)…electroanesthesia…behavior modification in animals, altered 
electroencephalograms in animals and humans, altered brain morphology in 
animals, altered firing of neuronal cells." 
According to Capt.Tyler, "a 1982 Air Force review of biotechnology had this 
to say: Currently available data allow the projection that specially 
generated radio frequency radiation (RFR) fields may pose powerful and 
revolutionary antipersonnel military threats. Electroshock therapy indicates 
the ability of induced electric current to completely interrupt mental 
functioning for short periods of time, to obtain cognition for longer periods 
and to restructure emotional response over prolonged intervals." Further, 
"experience with electroshock therapy, RFR experiments and the increasing 
understanding of the brain as an electrically mediated organ suggested the 
serious probability that impressed electromagnetic fields can be disruptive 
to purposeful behavior and may be capable of directing and or interrogating 
such behavior", while "the passage of approximately 100 milliamperes through 
the myocardium can lead to cardiac standstill and death, again pointing to a 
speed-of-light weapons effect." 

1. Marine Corps Times, "The People Zapper: This new secret weapon doesn't 
kill, but it sure does burn", C. Mark Brinkley, March 5, 2001, pg.10. 
2. United States Air Force, Air Force Research Laboratory, News Release, 
Office of Public Affairs, "New Technology Drives Away Adversaries", February 
22, 2001. www.de.afrl.af.mil/pa/releases/2001/01-09.html 
3. Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, Directorate 
descriptions, www.afrl.af.mil/techconn/directorate_descriptions.htm 
4. United States Air Force, Airborne Laser System Program Office, Office of 
Public Affairs, "Airborne Laser Optical Facility Opens", February 21, 2001. 
5. Air Force Research Laboratory, Directorate descriptions (above) 
6. Directed Energy for the 21st Century, 3rd Annual Directed Energy 
Symposium, Preliminary Program and Registration, Kirtland Air Force Base, 
White Sands Missile Range, 30 October - 3 November 2000. 
7. Air Force Research Laboratory, "New technology Drives Away Adversaries" 
2/22/01 (above) 
8. Marine Corps Times, 3/5/01 (above) 
9. New York Times, "Pentagon Unveils Plans for a New Crowd-Dispersal Weapon", 
James Dao, March 2, 2001. 
10. David G. Guyatt, "Some Aspects of Antipersonnel Electromagnetic Weapons", 
February 1996. www.adacomp.net/~mcherney/aspects.html 
11. Capt. Paul E. Tyler, MC, USN, "The Electromagnetic Spectrum in 
Low-Intensity Conflict", in, LtCol. David J. Dean, USAF, Editor, 
Low-Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology, Air University Press, Alabama, 
June 1986. www.adacomp.net/~mcherney/mn142a.htm
add your own comments  See also, (english) 
by nessie 9:54pm Fri May 18 '01 
www.sfbg.com/nessie/20.html scary (english) 
by Ryan 10:58pm Fri May 18 '01 
So this means that next time we take to the streets in a mass demonstration, 
gas masks may not be enough. Electromagnetic bodysuits anyone? this is for 
real (english) 
by oh shit 11:42pm Fri May 18 '01 

I decided to do a little research into this to see if it's made up, but sadly 
it's not. I found a few government web pages on it. Here is a useful one: 
http://www.brooks.af.mil/AFRL/HED/hedr/reports/home.html This has technical 
papers on the topic. I've started reading "Critique of the Literature on 
Bioeffects of Radiofrequency Radiation: 
A Comprehensive Review Pertinent to Air Force Operations" and already I've 
found out some interesting stuff. For instance: 

"In effect, the probabilistic nature of scientific evidence means that no 
amount of scientific 
data, however large, can be used to guarantee the absolute safety of any 
agent for any 
individual or group of individuals. Analysts disagree over whether the 
conventional scientific 
approach, in which an investigator finds or fails to find a statistically 
difference (a predefined very low probability of chance occurrence) in the 
results between 
experimental and control groups, is appropriate to considering potential 
hazards to humans. The 
scientist's statement that the differences between the groups are not 
statistically significant 
is not equivalent to the absolute statement that there is no difference 
between the groups. 

"Experimental evidence regarding RFR bioeffects is derived from studies of 
laboratory animals 
and, sometimes, of humans who have been exposed to RFR. The characteristics 
of the RFR, the 
interaction mechanisms, and the biological responses are known at least 
qualitatively in some 
cases. To obtain the most directly applicable evidence about possible effects 
of any specific 
RFR-emitting system on humans would require experiments in which humans were 
exposed to its 
specific frequency range and likely power density values, and quantitative 
evaluation of such 
exposure on the many biological endpoints that may be suspect. Such data, 
however, do not 
exist, and for pragmatic reasons cannot be obtained. Instead, recourse is 
usually had to use of 
laboratory animals as surrogates for humans, a practice widely used for asse
ssing possible 
effects of other agents. Thus, almost all of the information available on the 
effects of RFR on 
humans is indirect since it was derived primarily by projection of the 
findings with other 
species that have much different anatomies and functional characteristics 
than humans and that 
are usually studied with different RFR parameters and exposure durations." 

This definitely undermines the statement that these new technologies are safe 
for humans. That simply has not been proven. 

We need to fight this! Great! A cancer gun! (english) 
by Deja 12:30am Sat May 19 '01 
If this weapon is as described, it is quite radioactive. To call it 
non-lethal is quite technical, it just won't kill you right away, it won't 
kill you painlessly, just slowly. 

I hope that the first activist that they shoot it at turns into a superhero 
with eyes that can shoot back the same micromilliwaves at the police. 

I wonder whether a mirror wou

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